Ildiko Vancsa 2ba045ec3c Remove duplicated config doc
Remove the list of config options from configuration.rst and add
reference to the OS Manuals Configuration Reference, which is the proper
place for this information. With this change the duplication of docco
is also removed.

Latest Config Reference update patch:

Closes-Bug: #1380605
Change-Id: I6293d2e92bdb3dcf8fbadf5d33d63cf38342c528
2014-11-06 15:48:49 +01:00

16 KiB

Configuration Options

For the list and description of configuration options that can be set for Ceilometer in order to set up the services please see the Telemetry section in the OpenStack Manuals Configuration Reference.


This storage implementation uses Thrift HBase interface. The default Thrift's connection settings should be changed to support using ConnectionPool in HBase. To ensure proper configuration, please add the following lines to the hbase-site.xml configuration file:


For pure development purposes, you can use HBase from Apache or some other vendors like Cloudera or Hortonworks. To verify your installation, you can use the list command in HBase shell, to list the tables in your HBase server, as follows:

$ ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase shell

hbase> list


This driver has been tested against HBase 0.94.2/CDH 4.2.0, HBase 0.94.4/HDP 1.2, HBase 0.94.18/Apache, HBase 0.94.5/Apache, HBase 0.96.2/Apache and HBase 0.98.0/Apache. Versions earlier than 0.92.1 are not supported due to feature incompatibility.

To find out more about supported storage backends please take a look on the install/manual/ guide.


If you are changing the configuration on the fly to use HBase, as a storage backend, you will need to restart the Ceilometer services that use the database to allow the changes to take affect, i.e. the collector and API services.

Sample Configuration file

The sample configuration file for Ceilometer, named etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf.sample, was removed from version control after the Icehouse release. For more details, please read the file etc/ceilometer/README-ceilometer.conf.txt. You can generate this sample configuration file by running tox -e genconfig.


tox version 1.7.0 and 1.7.1 have a backward compatibility issue with OpenStack projects. If you meet the "tox.ConfigError: ConfigError: substitution key 'posargs' not found" problem, run sudo pip install -U "tox>=1.6.1,!=1.7.0,!=1.7.1" to get a proper version, then try tox -e genconfig again.


Pipelines describe a coupling between sources of samples and the corresponding sinks for transformation and publication of these data.

A source is a producer of samples, in effect a set of pollsters and/or notification handlers emitting samples for a set of matching meters. See contributing/plugins and plugins-and-containers for details on how to write and plug in your plugins.

Each source configuration encapsulates meter name matching, polling interval determination, optional resource enumeration or discovery, and mapping to one or more sinks for publication.

A sink on the other hand is a consumer of samples, providing logic for the transformation and publication of samples emitted from related sources. Each sink configuration is concerned only with the transformation rules and publication conduits for samples.

In effect, a sink describes a chain of handlers. The chain starts with zero or more transformers and ends with one or more publishers. The first transformer in the chain is passed samples from the corresponding source, takes some action such as deriving rate of change, performing unit conversion, or aggregating, before passing the modified sample to next step.

The chains end with one or more publishers. This component makes it possible to persist the data into storage through the message bus or to send it to one or more external consumers. One chain can contain multiple publishers, see the multi-publisher section.

Pipeline configuration

Pipeline configuration by default, is stored in a separate configuration file, called pipeline.yaml, next to the ceilometer.conf file. The pipeline configuration file can be set in the pipeline_cfg_file parameter in ceilometer.conf. Multiple chains can be defined in one configuration file.

The chain definition looks like the following:

  - name: 'source name'
    interval: 'how often should the samples be injected into the pipeline'
      - 'meter filter'
      - 'list of resource URLs'
      - 'list of discoverers'
      - 'sink name'
  - name: 'sink name'
    transformers: 'definition of transformers'
      - 'list of publishers'

The name parameter of a source is unrelated to anything else; nothing references a source by name, and a source's name does not have to match anything.

The interval parameter in the sources section should be defined in seconds. It determines the cadence of sample injection into the pipeline, where samples are produced under the direct control of an agent, i.e. via a polling cycle as opposed to incoming notifications.

There are several ways to define the list of meters for a pipeline source. The list of valid meters can be found in the measurements section. There is a possibility to define all the meters, or just included or excluded meters, with which a source should operate:

  • To include all meters, use the '*' wildcard symbol.
  • To define the list of meters, use either of the following:
    • To define the list of included meters, use the 'meter_name' syntax
    • To define the list of excluded meters, use the '!meter_name' syntax
    • For meters, which identify a complex Sample field, use the wildcard symbol to select all, e.g. for "instance:m1.tiny", use "instance:*"

The above definition methods can be used in the following combinations:

  • Only the wildcard symbol
  • The list of included meters
  • The list of excluded meters
  • Wildcard symbol with the list of excluded meters


At least one of the above variations should be included in the meters section. Included and excluded meters cannot co-exist in the same pipeline. Wildcard and included meters cannot co-exist in the same pipeline definition section.

A given polling plugin is invoked according to each source section whose meters parameter matches the plugin's meter name. That is, the matching source sections are combined by union, not intersection, of the prescribed time series.

The optional resources section of a pipeline source allows a list of static resource URLs to be configured. An amalgamated list of all statically configured resources for a set of pipeline sources with a common interval is passed to individual pollsters matching those pipelines.

The optional discovery section of a pipeline source contains the list of discoverers. These discoverers can be used to dynamically discover the resources to be polled by the pollsters defined in this pipeline. The name of the discoverers should be the same as the related names of plugins in setup.cfg.

If resources or discovery section is not set, the default value would be an empty list. If both resources and discovery are set, the final resources passed to the pollsters will be the combination of the dynamic resources returned by the discoverers and the static resources defined in the resources section. If there are some duplications between the resources returned by the discoverers and those defined in the resources section, the duplication will be removed before passing those resources to the pollsters.

There are three ways a pollster can get a list of resources to poll, as the following in descending order of precedence:

  1. From the per-pipeline configured discovery and/or static resources.
  2. From the per-pollster default discovery.
  3. From the per-agent default discovery.

The transformers section of a pipeline sink provides the possibility to add a list of transformer definitions. The names of the transformers should be the same as the names of the related extensions in setup.cfg. For a more detailed description, please see the transformers section.

The publishers section contains the list of publishers, where the samples data should be sent after the possible transformations. The names of the publishers should be the same as the related names of the plugins in setup.cfg.

The default configuration can be found in pipeline.yaml.


The definition of publishers looks like:

    - udp://
    - rpc://?per_meter_topic=1
    - notifier://?policy=drop&max_queue_length=512

The udp publisher is configurable like this: udp://<host>:<port>/

The rpc publisher is configurable like this: rpc://?option1=value1&option2=value2

Same thing for the notifier publisher: notifier://?option1=value1&option2=value2

For rpc and notifier the options are:

  • per_meter_topic=1 to publish the samples on additional <metering_topic>.<sample_name> topic queue besides the <metering_topic> queue
  • policy=(default|drop|queue) to configure the behavior when the publisher fails to send the samples, where the predefined values mean the following:
    • default, wait and block until the samples have been sent
    • drop, drop the samples which are failed to be sent
    • queue, create an in-memory queue and retry to send the samples on the queue on the next samples publishing (the queue length can be configured with max_queue_length=1024, 1024 is the default)

The definition of transformers can contain the following fields:

    - name: 'name of the transformer'

The parameters section can contain transformer specific fields, like source and target fields with different subfields in case of the rate_of_change, which depends on the implementation of the transformer.

Rate of change transformer

In the case of the transformer that creates the cpu_util meter, the definition looks like the following:

    - name: "rate_of_change"
              name: "cpu_util"
              unit: "%"
              type: "gauge"
              scale: "100.0 / (10**9 * (resource_metadata.cpu_number or 1))"

The rate_of_change transformer generates the cpu_util meter from the sample values of the cpu counter, which represents cumulative CPU time in nanoseconds. The transformer definition above defines a scale factor (for nanoseconds, multiple CPUs, etc.), which is applied before the transformation derives a sequence of gauge samples with unit '%', from the original values of the cpu meter.

The definition for the disk I/O rate, which is also generated by the rate_of_change transformer:

    - name: "rate_of_change"
                  name: "disk\\.(read|write)\\.(bytes|requests)"
                  unit: "(B|request)"
                  name: "disk.\\1.\\2.rate"
                  unit: "\\1/s"
              type: "gauge"

Unit conversion transformer

Transformer to apply a unit conversion. It takes the volume of the meter and multiplies it with the given 'scale' expression. Also supports map_from and map_to like the rate_of_change_transformer.

Sample configuration:

- name: "unit_conversion"
          name: "disk.kilobytes"
          unit: "KB"
          scale: "1.0 / 1024.0"

With the map_from and map_to:

    - name: "unit_conversion"
                  name: "disk\\.(read|write)\\.bytes"
                  name: "disk.\\1.kilobytes"
              scale: "1.0 / 1024.0"
              unit: "KB"

Aggregator transformer

A transformer that sums up the incoming samples until enough samples have come in or a timeout has been reached.

Timeout can be specified with the retention_time parameter. If we want to flush the aggregation after a set number of samples have been aggregated, we can specify the size parameter.

The volume of the created sample is the sum of the volumes of samples that came into the transformer. Samples can be aggregated by the attributes project_id, user_id and resource_metadata. To aggregate by the chosen attributes, specify them in the configuration and set which value of the attribute to take for the new sample (first to take the first sample's attribute, last to take the last sample's attribute, and drop to discard the attribute).

To aggregate 60s worth of samples by resource_metadata and keep the resource_metadata of the latest received sample:

- name: "aggregator"
      retention_time: 60
      resource_metadata: last

To aggregate each 15 samples by user_id and resource_metadata and keep the user_id of the first received sample and drop the resource_metadata:

- name: "aggregator"
      size: 15
      user_id: first
      resource_metadata: drop

Accumulator transformer

This transformer simply caches the samples until enough samples have arrived and then flushes them all down the pipeline at once. :

- name: "accumulator"
      size: 15

Multi meter arithmetic transformer

This transformer enables us to perform arithmetic calculations over one or more meters and/or their metadata, for example:

memory_util = 100 * memory.usage / memory .

A new sample is created with the properties described in the 'target' section of the transformer's configuration. The sample's volume is the result of the provided expression. The calculation is performed on samples from the same resource.


The calculation is limited to meters with the same interval.

Example configuration:

- name: "arithmetic"
      name: "memory_util"
      unit: "%"
      type: "gauge"
      expr: "100 * $(memory.usage) / $(memory)"

To demonstrate the use of metadata, here is the implementation of a silly metric that shows average CPU time per core:

- name: "arithmetic"
      name: "avg_cpu_per_core"
      unit: "ns"
      type: "cumulative"
      expr: "$(cpu) / ($(cpu).resource_metadata.cpu_number or 1)"

Expression evaluation gracefully handles NaNs and exceptions. In such a case it does not create a new sample but only logs a warning.