Peter Razumovsky 4d42d61439 Fix docs about using SupportStatus during remove
Fix docs about using SupportStatus for object after
deprecation period. Also, fix several typos and
format mistakes.

Change-Id: I4d26f9977859ff845d7ff561cdd64180f5b848c4
Closes-bug: #1484868
2015-08-14 12:51:18 +03:00

254 lines
10 KiB

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under the License.
.. _supportstatus:
Heat Support Status usage Guide
Heat allows to use for each resource, property, attribute special option named
*support_status*, which describes current state of object: current status,
since what time this status is actual, any additional information about
object's state. This guide describes a detailed state life cycle of resources,
properties and attributes.
Support Status option and its parameters
Support status of object may be specified by using class ``SupportStatus``,
which has follow options:
Current status of object. Allowed values:
- SUPPORTED. Default value of status parameter. All objects with this
status are available and can be used.
- DEPRECATED. Object with this status is available, but using it in
code or templates is undesirable. As usual, can be reference in message
to new object, which can be used instead of deprecated resource.
- HIDDEN. Object with this status is unavailable and can't be used
anywhere else. Old stacks with such object continue running.
All new stacks cannot be created with such object. HIDDEN status
notifies, that object is unavailable for using in templates, because can
be deleted later. Object with HIDDEN status is not displaying in
resource-type-show and in documentation. See below more details about
removing and deprecating process.
- UNSUPPORTED. Resources with UNSUPPORTED status are not supported by Heat
team, i.e. user can use it, but it may be broken.
Release name, since which current status is active. Parameter is optional,
but should be defined or changed any time SupportStatus is specified or
status changed. It used for better understanding from which release object
in current status.
.. note::
Since Liberty release mark looks like 5.0.0 instead of 2015.2.
Any additional information about object's state, e.g.
``'Use property new_property instead.'``.
Option, which allows to display object's previous status, if any. This is
helpful for displaying full life cycle of object. Type of *previous_status*
is SupportStatus.
Life cycle of resource, property, attribute
This section describes life cycle of such objects as resource, property
and attribute. All these objects have same life cycle::
where UNSUPPORTED is optional.
Creating process of object
During creating object there is a reason to add support status. So new
object should contains *support_status* parameter equals to ``SupportStatus``
class with defined version of object and, maybe, some message. This parameter
allows user to understand, from which this object OpenStack release this object
is available and can be used.
Deprecating process of object
When some object becomes obsolete, user should know about that, so there is
need to add information about deprecation in *support_status* of object.
Status of ``SupportStatus`` must equals to DEPRECATED. If there is no *version*
parameter, need to add one with current release otherwise move current status
to *previous_status* and add to *version* current release as value. If some new
object replaces old object, it will be good decision to add some information
about new object to *support_status* message of old object, e.g. 'Use property
new_property instead.'.
Removing process of object
After at least one full release cycle deprecated object should be hidden and
*support_status* status should equals to HIDDEN. HIDDEN status means hiding
object from documentation and from result of :code:`resource-type-list` CLI
command, if object is resource. Also, :code:`resource-type-show` command with
such resource will raise `NotSupported` exception.
Using Support Status during code writing
When adding new objects or adding objects instead of some old (e.g. property
subnet instead of subnet_id in OS::Neutron::RouterInterface), there is some
information about time of adding objects (since which release it will be
available or unavailable). This section described ``SupportStatus`` during
creating/deprecating/removing resources and properties and attributes. Note,
that ``SupportStatus`` locates in, so you need to import *support*.
For specifying status, use *support* constant names, e.g. support.SUPPORTED.
All constant names described in section above.
Using Support Status during creation
Option *support_status* may be used for whole resource:
.. code-block:: python
class ResourceWithType(resource.Resource):
message=_('Optional message')
To define *support_status* for property or attribute, follow next steps:
.. code-block:: python
PROPERTY: properties.Schema(
message=_('Optional message')
Same support_status definition for attribute schema.
Note, that in this situation status parameter of ``SupportStatus`` uses default
value, equals to SUPPORTED.
Using Support Status during deprecation and hiding
When time of deprecation or hiding resource/property/attribute comes, follow
next steps:
1. If there is some support_status in object, add `previous_status` parameter
with current ``SupportStatus`` value and change all other parameters for
current `status`, `version` and, maybe, `message`.
2. If there is no support_status option, add new one with parameters status
equals to current status, `version` equals to current release note and,
optionally, some message.
Using Support Status during resource deprecating looks like:
.. code-block:: python
class ResourceWithType(resource.Resource):
message=_('Optional message'),
Using Support Status during attribute (or property) deprecating looks like:
.. code-block:: python
ATTRIBUTE: attributes.Schema(
message=_('Optional message like: Use attribute new_attr'),
message=_('Feature available since 2014.2'))
Same *support_status* defining for property schema.
Note, that during hiding object status should be equal support.HIDDEN
instead of support.DEPRECATED. Besides that, SupportStatus with DEPRECATED
status should be moved to *previous_status*, e.g.:
.. code-block:: python
message=_('Some message'),
During hiding properties, if some hidden property has alternative, use
translation mechanism for translating properties from old to new one. See
below, how to use this mechanism.
Translating mechanism for hidden properties
Sometimes properties become deprecated and replaced by another. There is
translation mechanism for that. Mechanism used for such cases:
1. If there are two properties in properties_schema, which have STRING,
2. If there are two properties: one in LIST or MAP property sub-schema and
another on the top schema.
3. If there are two properties in LIST property.
4. If there was non-LIST property and LIST property, which was designed to
replace non-LIST property.
Mechanism has rules and executes them. To define rule, ``TranslationRule``
class called and specifies *source_path* - list with path in properties_schema
for property which will be affected; *value* - value, which will be added to
property, specified by previous parameter; *value_name* - name of old property,
used for case 4; *value_path* - list with path in properties_schema for
property which will be used for getting value. ``TranslationRule`` supports
next rules:
- *ADD*. This rule allows to add some value to LIST-type properties. Only
LIST-type values can be added to such properties. Using for other
cases is prohibited and will be returned with error.
- *REPLACE*. This rule allows to replace some property value to another. Used
for all types of properties. Note, that if property has list type, then
value will be replaced for all elements of list, where it needed. If
element in such property must be replaced by value of another element of
this property, *value_name* must be defined.
- *DELETE*. This rule allows to delete some property. If property has list
type, then deleting affects value in all list elements.
Each resource, which has some hidden properties, which can be replaced by new,
must overload `translation_rules` method, which should return a list of
``TranslationRules``, for example:
.. code-block:: python
def translation_rules(self):
return [properties.TranslationRule(,
source_path=[self.NETWORKS, self.NETWORK_ID],