This commit prevents situation, when after machine reboot manage.py syncdb is needed to recreate a database. The db location changed to murano /opt/stack/murano-dashboard in murano devstack script. Documentation also was updated. Change-Id: I9603c13d5ce170d516acea208c33f92570f04c96 Closes-Bug: #1464215
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Installing and Running Manually
Prepare Environment
Install Prerequisites
First you need to install a number of packages with your OS package manager. The list of packages depends on the OS you use.
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev \
libmysqlclient-dev libpq-dev \
libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev \
Fedora support wasn't thoroughly tested. We do not guarantee that Murano will work on Fedora.
$ sudo yum install gcc python-setuptools python-devel python-pip
$ sudo yum install gcc python-setuptools python-devel
$ sudo easy_install pip
Install tox
$ sudo pip install tox
Install And Configure Database
Murano can use various database types on backend. For development purposes SQLite is enough in most cases. For production installations you should use MySQL or PostgreSQL databases.
Although Murano could use PostgreSQL database on backend, it wasn't thoroughly tested and should be used with caution.
To use MySQL database you should install it and create an empty database first:
$ apt-get install python-mysqldb mysql-server
$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE murano;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON murano.* TO 'murano'@'localhost' \
mysql> exit;
Install the API service and Engine
Create a folder which will hold all Murano components.
$ mkdir ~/murano
Clone the Murano git repository to the management server.
$ cd ~/murano $ git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack/murano
Set up Murano config file
Murano has common config file for API and Engine services.
First, generate sample configuration file, using tox
$ tox -e genconfig
And make a copy of it for further modifications
with your favorite editor. Below is an example which contains basic settings your are likely need to configure.Note
The example below uses SQLite database. Edit [database] section if you want to use other database type.
[DEFAULT] debug = true verbose = true rabbit_host = %RABBITMQ_SERVER_IP% rabbit_userid = %RABBITMQ_USER% rabbit_password = %RABBITMQ_PASSWORD% rabbit_virtual_host = %RABBITMQ_SERVER_VIRTUAL_HOST% notification_driver = messagingv2 ... [database] backend = sqlalchemy connection = sqlite:///murano.sqlite ... [keystone] auth_url = 'http://%OPENSTACK_HOST_IP%:5000/v2.0' ... [keystone_authtoken] auth_uri = 'http://%OPENSTACK_HOST_IP%:5000/v2.0' auth_host = '%OPENSTACK_HOST_IP%' auth_port = 5000 auth_protocol = http admin_tenant_name = %OPENSTACK_ADMIN_TENANT% admin_user = %OPENSTACK_ADMIN_USER% admin_password = %OPENSTACK_ADMIN_PASSWORD% ... [murano] url = http://%YOUR_HOST_IP%:8082 [rabbitmq] host = %RABBITMQ_SERVER_IP% login = %RABBITMQ_USER% password = %RABBITMQ_PASSWORD% virtual_host = %RABBITMQ_SERVER_VIRTUAL_HOST%
Create a virtual environment and install Murano prerequisites. We will use tox for that. Virtual environment will be created under .tox directory.
$ cd ~/murano/murano $ tox
Create database tables for Murano.
$ cd ~/murano/murano $ tox -e venv -- murano-db-manage \ --config-file ./etc/murano/murano.conf upgrade
Open a new console and launch Murano API. A separate terminal is required because the console will be locked by a running process.
$ cd ~/murano/murano $ tox -e venv -- murano-api --config-file ./etc/murano/murano.conf
Import Core Murano Library.
$ cd ~/murano/murano $ pushd ./meta/io.murano; zip -r ../../io.murano.zip *; popd; $ tox -e venv -- murano --murano-url http://localhost:8082 \ package-import --is-public io.murano.zip
- Open a new console and launch Murano Engine. A separate terminal is
required because the console will be locked by a running process.
$ cd ~/murano/murano $ tox -e venv -- murano-engine --config-file ./etc/murano/murano.conf
Install Murano Dashboard
Murano API & Engine services provide the core of Murano. However, your need a control plane to use it. This section describes how to install and run Murano Dashboard.
Clone the repository with Murano Dashboard.
$ cd ~/murano $ git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack/murano-dashboard
Clone horizon repository
$ git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack/horizon
Create venv and install muranodashboard as editable module.
$ cd horizon $ tox -e venv -- pip install -e ../murano-dashboard
Copy muranodashboard plugin file.
This step enables murano panel in horizon dashboard.
$ cp ../murano-dashboard/muranodashboard/local/_50_murano.py openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/
Prepare local settings.
To get more information, check out official horizon documentation.
$ cp openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py.example openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py
Customize local settings according to OpenStack installation.
...= '*' ALLOWED_HOSTS # Provide OpenStack Lab credentials = '%OPENSTACK_HOST_IP%' OPENSTACK_HOST ... # Set secret key to prevent it's generation = 'random_string' SECRET_KEY ... = DEBUG DEBUG_PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS
Also, it's better to change default session backend from browser cookies to database to avoid issues with forms during creating applications:
...= { DATABASES 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': 'murano-dashboard.sqlite', } } = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.db' SESSION_ENGINE
If you do not plan to get murano service from keystone application catalog, provide where murano-api service is running:
...= 'http://localhost:8082' MURANO_API_URL
Perform database synchronization.
Optional step. Needed in case you set up database as a session backend.
$ tox -e venv -- python manage.py syncdb
You can reply 'no' since for development purpose separate user is not needed.
Run Django server at or provide different IP and PORT parameters.
$ tox -e venv -- python manage.py runserver <IP:PORT>
Development server will be restarted automatically on every code change.
Open dashboard using url http://localhost:8000
Import Murano Applications
Applications are needed to be imported to fill the catalog. It can be done via dashboard, but also possible via CLI:
Clone Murano Apps repository.
$ cd ~/murano $ git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack/murano-apps
Import every package you need from this repository, using the command below.
$ cd ~/murano/murano $ pushd ../murano-apps/Docker/Applications/%APP-NAME%/package; \ zip -r ~/murano/murano/app.zip *; popd; $ tox -e venv -- murano --murano-url http://localhost:8082 package-import app.zip