Kirill Zaitsev 1a753bf200 Make commands in install manual copy-paste-able
Before commands in manual.rst and related files started with $ sign.
While this shows, that commands should be executed in shell it also
makes them hard to copy-paste.

This change removes $ and splits commands, that include ';' into
multiple lines. After this change user would be able to copy-paste whole
blocks of code into shell and execute them right away.

Removes `#` that meant that root privileges are required for the
command and adds sudo, where relevant (yum/apt, etc.).
Fixes occasional indentation inconsistencies.

Change-Id: Ib649ae2a3a110bdf09b0bf9c5fbf54a5ce40ccc6
2015-08-25 19:53:16 +00:00

13 KiB

Murano command-line client

The murano client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the Application catalog API and its extensions.

This chapter documents murano version 0.6.1.

For help on a specific murano command, enter:

murano help COMMAND

murano usage
usage: murano \[--version] \[-d] \[-v] \[-k] \[--os-cacert <ca-certificate>]
\[--cert-file CERT_FILE] \[--key-file KEY_FILE]
\[--ca-file CA_FILE] \[--api-timeout API_TIMEOUT]
\[--os-username OS_USERNAME] \[--os-password OS_PASSWORD]
\[--os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID] \[--os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME]
\[--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL] \[--os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME]
\[--os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN] \[--os-no-client-auth]
\[--murano-url MURANO_URL] \[--glance-url GLANCE_URL]
\[--murano-api-version MURANO_API_VERSION]
\[--os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE]
\[--os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] \[--include-password]
\[--murano-repo-url MURANO_REPO_URL]
<subcommand> ...


  • bundle-import Import a bundle.
  • category-create Create a category.
  • category-delete Delete a category.
  • category-list List all available categories.
  • *category-show
  • deployment-list List deployments for an environment.
  • env-template-add-app Add application to the environment template.
  • env-template-create Create an environment template.
  • env-template-del-app Delete application to the environment template.
  • env-template-delete Delete an environment template.
  • env-template-list List the environments templates.
  • env-template-show Display environment template details.
  • env-template-update Update an environment template.
  • environment-create Create an environment.
  • environment-delete Delete an environment.
  • environment-list List the environments.
  • environment-rename Rename an environment.
  • environment-show Display environment details.
  • package-create Create an application package.
  • package-delete Delete a package.
  • package-download Download a package to a filename or stdout.
  • package-import Import a package.
  • package-list List available packages.
  • package-show Display details for a package.
  • service-show
  • bash-completion Prints all of the commands and options to stdout.
  • help Display help about this program or one of its subcommands.

Murano optional arguments


show program's version number and exit

-d, --debug


-v, --verbose

Print more verbose output

-k, --insecure

Explicitly allow muranoclient to perform "insecure" SSL (https) requests. The server's certificate willnot be verified against any certificate authorities. This option should be used with caution.

--os-cacert <ca-certificate>

Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. Defaults to env[OS_CACERT]

--cert-file CERT_FILE

Path of certificate file to use in SSL connection. This file can optionally be prepended with the private key.

--key-file KEY_FILE

Path of client key to use in SSL connection. This option is not necessary if your key is prepended to your cert file.

--ca-file CA_FILE

Path of CA SSL certificate(s) used to verify the remote server certificate. Without this option glance looks for the default system CA certificates.

**--api-timeout API_TIMEOUT

Number of seconds to wait for an API response, defaults to system socket timeout

--os-username OS_USERNAME

Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME]

--os-password OS_PASSWORD

Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD]

--os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID

Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_ID]

--os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME

Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME]

--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL

Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL]

--os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME

Defaults to env[OS_REGION_NAME]

--os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN

Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_TOKEN]


Do not contact keystone for a token. Defaults to env[OS_NO_CLIENT_AUTH].

--murano-url MURANO_URL

Defaults to env[MURANO_URL]**

--glance-url GLANCE_URL

Defaults to env[GLANCE_URL]

--murano-api-version MURANO_API_VERSION

Defaults to env[MURANO_API_VERSION] or 1

--os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE

Defaults to env[OS_SERVICE_TYPE]

--os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE

Defaults to env[OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE]


Send os-username and os-password to murano.

--murano-repo-url MURANO_REPO_URL

Defaults to env[MURANO_REPO_URL] or http://storage.apps.openstack.org_

Application catalog API v1 commands

murano bundle-import

usage: murano bundle-import \[--is-public] \[--exists-action {a,s,u}]
<FILE> \[<FILE> ...]

Import a bundle. FILE can be either a path to a zip file, URL or name from repo. if FILE is a local file does not attempt to parse requirements and treat Names of packages in a bundle as file names, relative to location of bundle file.

Positional arguments


Bundle URL, bundle name, or path to the bundle file

Optional arguments


Make packages available to users from other tenants

--exists-action {a,s,u}

Default action when a package already exists

murano category-create

usage: murano category-create <CATEGORY_NAME>

Create a category.

Positional arguments


Category name

murano category-delete

usage: murano category-delete <ID> \[<ID> ...]

Delete a category.

Positional arguments


ID of a category(s) to delete

murano category-list

usage: murano category-list

List all available categories.

murano category-show

usage: murano category-show <ID>

Positional arguments


ID of a category(s) to show

murano deployment-list

usage: murano deployment-list <ID>

List deployments for an environment.

Positional arguments


Environment ID for which to list deployments

murano env-template-add-app

usage: murano env-template-add-app <ENV_TEMPLATE_NAME> <FILE>

Add application to the environment template.

Positional arguments


Environment template name


Path to the template.

murano env-template-create

usage: murano env-template-create <ENV_TEMPLATE_NAME>

Create an environment template.

Positional arguments


Environment template name

murano env-template-del-app .. code-block::console

usage: murano env-template-del-app <ENV_TEMPLATE_ID> <ENV_TEMPLATE_APP_ID>

Delete application to the environment template.

Positional arguments


Environment template ID


Application ID

murano env-template-delete

usage: murano env-template-delete <ID> \[<ID> ...]

Delete an environment template.

Positional arguments


ID of environment(s) template to delete

murano env-template-list

usage: murano env-template-list

List the environments templates.

murano env-template-show

usage: murano env-template-show <ID>

Display environment template details.

Positional arguments


Environment template ID

murano env-template-update

usage: murano env-template-update <ID> <ENV_TEMPLATE_NAME>

Update an environment template.

Positional arguments


Environment template ID


Environment template name

murano environment-create

usage: murano environment-create <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>

Create an environment.

Positional arguments


Environment name

murano environment-delete

usage: murano environment-delete <NAME or ID> \[<NAME or ID> ...]

Delete an environment.

Positional arguments

<NAME or ID>

ID or name of environment(s) to delete

Optional arguments


If set will abandon environment without deleting any of its resources

murano environment-list

usage: murano environment-list

List the environments.

murano environment-rename

usage: murano environment-rename <NAME or ID> <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>

Rename an environment.

Positional arguments

<NAME or ID>

Environment ID or name


A name to which the environment will be renamed

murano environment-show

usage: murano environment-show <NAME or ID>

Display environment details.

Positional arguments

<NAME or ID>

Environment ID or name

murano package-create

usage: murano package-create \[-t <HEAT_TEMPLATE>] \[-c <CLASSES_DIRECTORY>]
\[-f <full-name>] \[-a <AUTHOR>]
\[--tags \[<TAG1 TAG2> \[<TAG1 TAG2> ...]]]
\[-u <UI_DEFINITION>] \[--type TYPE] \[-l <LOGO>]

Create an application package.

Optional arguments


Path to the Heat template to import as an Application Definition


Path to the directory containing application classes


Path to the directory containing application resources


Display name of the Application in Catalog

-f <full-name>, --full-name <full-name>

Fully-qualified name of the Application in Catalog

-a <AUTHOR>, --author <AUTHOR>

Name of the publisher

--tags [<TAG1 TAG2> [<TAG1 TAG2> ...]]

A list of keywords connected to the application

-d <DESCRIPTION>, --description <DESCRIPTION>

Detailed description for the Application in Catalog


The name of the output file archive to save locally


Dynamic UI form definition

--type TYPE

Package type. Possible values: Application or Library

-l <LOGO>, --logo <LOGO>

Path to the package logo

murano package-delete ===================

usage: murano package-delete <ID> \[<ID> ...]

Delete a package.

Positional arguments


Package ID to delete

murano package-download

usage: murano package-download <ID> \[file]

Download a package to a filename or stdout.

Positional arguments


Package ID to download


Filename for download (defaults to stdout)

murano package-import

usage: murano package-import \[-c \[<CAT1 CAT2 CAT3> \[<CAT1 CAT2 CAT3> ...]]]
\[--is-public] \[--version VERSION]
\[--exists-action {a,s,u}]
<FILE> \[<FILE> ...]

Import a package. FILE can be either a path to a zip file, URL or a FQPN. categories can be separated by a comma.

Positional arguments


URL of the murano zip package, FQPN, or path to zip package

Optional arguments

-c [<CAT1 CAT2 CAT3> [<CAT1 CAT2 CAT3> ...]], --categories [<CAT1 CAT2 CAT3> [<CAT1 CAT2 CAT3> ...]]

Category list to attach


Make the package available for user from other tenants

--version VERSION

Version of the package to use from repository (ignored when importing with multiple packages)

--exists-action {a,s,u}

Default action when package already exists

murano package-list

usage: murano package-list \[--include-disabled]

List available packages.

Optional arguments


murano package-show

usage: murano package-show <ID>

Display details for a package.

Positional arguments


Package ID to show

murano service-show

usage: murano service-show \[-p <PATH>] <ID>

Positional arguments


Environment ID to show applications from

Optional arguments

-p <PATH>, --path <PATH>

Level of detalization to show. Leave empty to browse all services in the environment