Now the docs have some defects, this patch improve it. Change-Id: I9cdac4e49903fc2003aaff1c780f32d6e806220c
14 KiB
Windows image
Murano requires a Windows image in QCOW2 format to be built and uploaded into glance.
The easiest way to build a Windows image for murano is to build it on the host where your OpenStack is installed.
Prepare image builder host
Install KVM
This guide was tested on Ubuntu Server 12.04 x64.
KVM is a default hypervisor in OpenStack, so our build scripts are targeted to this hypervisor only. It may change in the future, though.
Install KVM and some additional packages that are required by our scripts
# apt-get install qemu-kvm virtinst virt-manager
Check that your hardware supports hardware virtualization.
# INFO: /dev/kvm exists
# KVM acceleration can be used
If your output differs, check that hardware virtualization is enabled in your BIOS settings. You also could try import KVM kernel module
sudo modprobe kvm-intel
sudo modprobe kvm-amd
It might be helpful to add an appropriate module name into /etc/modules file to auto-load it during system boot. Sometimes it is required on Ubuntu systems.
Configure shared resource
The murano image builder uses a shared folder located on the host system as an installation source for components. Makefile from the image builder will copy the required files to their locations, but you have to manually configure samba share. To do this, use the steps below.
Install samba
# apt-get install samba
Create folder that will be shared
# mkdir -p /opt/samba/share # chown -R nobody:nogroup /opt/samba/share
Configure samba server (/etc/samba/smb.conf)
... [global] ... security = share ... [image-builder-share] comment = Image Builder Share browsable = yes path = /opt/image-builder/share guest ok = yes guest user = nobody read only = no create mask = 0755 ...
Restart samba services
# service smbd restart # service nmbd restart
Download prerequisites
Windows server installation ISO
Windows Version | Version String | Save to |
Windows Server 2008 R2 | 6.1.7601 | /opt/image-builder/share/libvirt/images/ws-2008-eval.iso |
Windows Server 2012 | 6.3.9200 | /opt/image-builder/share/libvirt/images/ws-2012-eval.iso |
Windows Server 2008 R2 must include Service Pack 1 updates. This is required to install PowerShell V3 which is required by the murano Agent.
Required Components
Component | Save to |
VirtIO drivers for Windows | /opt/image-builder/share/libvirt/images/virtio-win-0.1-74.iso |
CloudBase-Init for Windows | /opt/image-builder/share/files/CloudbaseInitSetup_Beta.msi |
.NET 4.0 | /opt/image-builder/share/files/dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe |
PowerShell v3 | /opt/image-builder/share/files/Windows6.1-KB2506143-x64.msu |
Murano Agent | /opt/image-builder/share/files/MuranoAgent.zip |
Git client | /opt/image-builder/share/files/Git- |
PowerShell V3 is a mandatory prerequisite. It is required by the murano Agent. To check your PowerShell version use PowerShell command Get-Host.
When downloading VirtIO drivers choose only stable versions. Unstable versions might lead to errors during guest unattended installation. You can check the latest version available here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Windows_Virtio_Drivers#Direct_download
Optional Components
These components are not mandatory for the murano agent to function properly. However, they may help you work with the image after deployment.
Component | Save to |
Far Manager | /opt/image-builder/share/files/Far30b3367.x64.20130717.msi |
Sysinternals Suite | /opt/image-builder/share/files/SysinternalsSuite.zip |
unzip.exe | /opt/image-builder/share/files/unzip.exe |
.NET 4.5 | /opt/image-builder/share/files/dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe |
Additional tools
Tools from this section are not necessary to build an image. However, they may be helpful if you want to create an image with a different configuration.
Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK)
Windows ADK is required if you want to build your own answer files for auto unattended Windows installation.
Download it from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30652
Floppy image with unattended file
Floppy image with answer file for unattended installation is needed to automate Windows installation process.
Create empty floppy image in your home folder
mkdir ~/flp/files mkdir ~/flp/mnt
dd bs=512 count=2880 if=/dev/zero of=~/flp/floppy.img mkfs.msdos ~/flp/floppy.img
Mount the image
mkdir ~/flp/mnt sudo mount -o loop ~/floppy.img ~/flp/mnt
Download autounattend.xml.template file from https://github.com/openstack/murano-deployment/tree/master/contrib/windows/image-builder/lib/windowssetup/unattend/
This folder contains unattended files for several Windows versions, choose one that matches your Windows version.
Copy that file to mounted floppy image
cp ~/autounattend.xml.template ~/flp/mnt/autounattend.xml
Replace string %_IMAGE_BUILDER_IP_% in that file with
Unmount the image
sudo umount ~/flp/mnt
Build Windows image with murano
Build Windows image using image builder script
Clone murano-deployment repository
git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack/murano-deployment.git
Change directory to image-builder folder
cd murano-deployment/contrib/windows/image-builder
Create folder structure for image builder
sudo make build-root
Download build prerequisites, and copy them to correct folders
Test that all required files are in place
sudo make test-build-files
Get list of available images
Run image build process (e.g. to build Windows Server 2012)
sudo make ws-2012-std
Wait until process finishes
The image file ws-2012-std.qcow2 should be stored inside /opt/image-builder/share/images folder.
Build windows image manually
Please note that the preferred way to build images is to use Image
Builder scripts, see build_image_using_image_builder_scripts
Get post-install scripts
There are a few scripts which perform all the required post-installation tasks.
They all are located in http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/murano-deployment/tree/contrib/windows/image-builder/lib/windowssetup/scripts/
There are subfolders for each supported Windows version. Choose one that matches Windows version you are building.
This folder contains several scripts
Script Name | Description |
wpi.ps1 | Handles component installation and system configuration tasks |
Start-Sysprep.ps1 | Prepares system to be syspreped (cleans log files, stops some services and so on), and starts sysprep |
Start-AtFirstBoot.ps1 | Performs basic after-installation tasks |
Download these scripts and save them into /opt/image-builder/share/scripts
Create a VM
Now you need a virtual machine instance. There are two possible ways to create it - using CLI or GUI tools. We describe both in this section.
Using CLI Tools
- Preallocate disk image
qemu-img create -f raw /var/lib/libvirt/images/ws-2012.img 40G
- Start the VM
# virt-install --connect qemu:///system --hvm --name WinServ \ > --ram 2048 --vcpus 2 --cdrom /opt/samba/share/9200.16384.WIN8_RTM\ >.120725-1247_X64FRE_SERVER_EVAL_EN-US-HRM_SSS_X64FREE_EN-US_DV5.ISO \ > --disk path=/opt/samba/share/virtio-win-0.1-52.iso,device=cdrom \ > --disk path=/opt/samba/share/floppy.img,device=floppy \ > --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/ws-2012.qcow2\ >,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none \ > --network network=default,model=virtio \ > --memballoon model=virtio --vnc --os-type=windows \ > --os-variant=win2k8 --noautoconsole \ > --accelerate --noapic --keymap=en-us --video=cirrus --force
Using virt-manager UI
- Launch virt-manager from shell as root
- Set a name for VM and select Local install media
- Add one cdrom and attach Windows Server ISO image to it
- Select OS type Windows
- Set CPU and RAM amount
- Deselect option Enable storage for this virtual machine
- Add second cdrom for ISO image with virtio drivers
- Add a floppy drive and attach our floppy image to it
- Add (or create new) HDD image with Disk bus VirtIO and storage format RAW
- Set network device model VirtIO
- Start installation process and open guest vm screen through Console button
Install OS
Launch your virtual machine, connect to its virtual console and complete OS installation. At the end of this step you should have Windows Server system that you are able to log into.
Install prerequisites and murano
Create folders where murano components will be installed
Path Description C:\Murano Root directory for Murano C:\Murano\Agent Murano Agent installation directory C:\Murano\Modules PowerShell modules required by Murano C:\Murano\Scripts PowerShell scripts and other files required by murano Open Explorer and navigate to \ is an IP address of KVM hypervisor assigned by default.
Copy the murano agent files into C:MuranoAgent
Copy CoreFunctions directory (entire directory!) into C:MuranoModules
Install .NET 4.0
Register the murano agent
> cd C:\Murano\Agent > .\WindowsMuranoAgent.exe /install
Change PowerShell execution policy to less restricted
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Register CoreFunctions modules
Import-Module C:\Murano\Modules\CoreFunctions\CoreFunctions.psm1 -ArgumentList register
Install CloudInit
Run Sysprep
:\Murano\Scripts\Start-Sysprep.ps1 -BatchExecution C
Wait until sysprep phase finishes and system powers off.
Convert the image from RAW to QCOW2 format
The image must be converted from RAW format to QCOW2 before being imported into glance.
# qemu-img convert -O qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/ws-2012.raw \
> /var/lib/libvirt/images/ws-2012-ref.qcow2