Maria Zlatkova 61f0e515ff [Docs] Restructuring
Minor edits

Change-Id: I7fa078272b0469301308b2dfbce48a29df5e8d92
Closes-Bug: #1603950
2016-11-15 16:53:34 +02:00

8.5 KiB

Application unit tests

Murano applications are written in MuranoPL <murano-pl>. To make the development of applications easier and enable application testing, a special framework was created. So it is possible to add unit tests to an application package and check if the application is in actual state. Also, application deployment can be simulated with unit tests, so you do not need to run the murano engine.

A separate service that is called murano-test-runner is used to run MuranoPL unit tests.

All application test cases should be:

  • Specified in the MuranoPL class, inherited from io.murano.test.testFixture

    This class supports loading object model with the corresponding load(json) function. Also it contains a minimal set of assertions such as assertEqual and etc.

    Note, that test class has the following reserved methods are:

    • initialize is executed once, like in any other murano application
    • setUp is executed before each test case
    • tearDown is executed after each test case
  • Named with test prefix

usage: murano-test-runner [-h] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE]
                          [--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL]
                          [--os-username OS_USERNAME]
                          [--os-password OS_PASSWORD]
                          [--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME]
                          [-l [</path1, /path2> [</path1, /path2> ...]]] [-v]
                          [<testMethod1, className.testMethod2> [<testMethod1, className.testMethod2> ...]]

positional arguments:
                        Full name of application package that is going to be
  <testMethod1, className.testMethod2>
                        List of method names to be tested

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Path to the murano config
  --os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL
                        Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL]
  --os-username OS_USERNAME
                        Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME]
  --os-password OS_PASSWORD
                        Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD]
  --os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME
                        Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_NAME]
  -l [</path1 /path2> [</path1 /path2> ...]], --load_packages_from [</path1 /path2> [</path1 /path2> ...]]
                        Directory to search packages from. Will be used instead of
                        directories, provided in the same option in murano configuration file.
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
  --version             show program's version number and exit

The fully qualified name of a package is required to specify the test location. It can be an application package that contains one or several classes with all the test cases, or a separate package. You can specify a class name to execute all the tests located in it, or specify a particular test case name.

Authorization parameters can be provided in the murano configuration file, or with higher priority -os- parameters.

Consider the following example of test execution for the Tomcat application. Tests are located in the same package with application, but in a separate class called io.murano.test.TomcatTest. It contains testDeploy1 and testDeploy2 test cases. The application package is located in the /package/location/directory (murano-apps repository e.g). As the result of the following command, both test cases from the specified package and class will be executed.

murano-test-runner io.murano.apps.apache.Tomcat io.murano.test.TomcatTest -l /package/location/directory /io.murano/location -v

The following command runs a single testDeploy1 test case from the application package.

murano-test-runner io.murano.apps.apache.Tomcat io.murano.test.TomcatTest.testDeploy1

The main purpose of MuranoPL unit test framework is to enable mocking. Special yaql functions are registered for that:

def inject(target, target_method, mock_object, mock_name)

inject to set up mock for class or object, where mock definition is a name of the test class method

def inject(target, target_method, yaql_expr)

inject to set up mock for a class or object, where mock definition is a YAQL expression

Parameters description:


MuranoPL class name (namespaces can be used or full class name in quotes) or MuranoPL object


Method name to mock in target


Object, where mock definition is contained


Name of method, where mock definition is contained


YAQL expression, parameters are allowed

So the user is allowed to specify mock functions in the following ways:

  • Specify a particular method name
  • Provide a YAQL expression

Consider how the following functions may be used in the MuranoPL class with unit tests:

  =: io.murano.test
  sys: io.murano.system

Extends: TestFixture

Name: TomcatTest

            # Object model can be loaded from JSON file, or provided
            # directly in MuranoPL code as a YAML insertion.
            - $.appJson: new(sys:Resources).json('tomcat-for-mock.json')
            - $.heatOutput: new(sys:Resources).json('output.json')
            - $.log: logger('test')
            - $.agentCallCount: 0

    # Mock method to replace the original one
        - template:
            Contract: $
        - resources:
            Contract: $
        - timeout:
            Contract: $
            Default: null
        - $'Mocking murano agent')
        - $.assertEqual('Deploy Tomcat', $template.Name)
        - $.agentCallCount: $.agentCallCount + 1

    # Mock method, that returns predefined heat stack output
        - $'Mocking heat stack')
        - Return: $.heatOutput

        # Loading object model
        - $.env: $this.load($.appJson)

        # Set up mock for the push method of *io.murano.system.HeatStack* class
        - inject(sys:HeatStack, push, $.heatOutput)

        # Set up mock with YAQL function
        - inject($.env.stack, output, $.heatOutput)

        # Set up mock for the concrete object with mock method name
        - inject('io.murano.system.Agent', call, $this, agentMock)

        # Mocks will be called instead of original function during the deployment
        - $.env.deploy()

        # Check, that mock worked correctly
        - $.assertEqual(1, $.agentCallCount)

        - inject(sys:HeatStack, push,  $this, getStackOut)
        - inject(sys:HeatStack, output, $this, getStackOut)

        # Mock is defined with YAQL function and it will print the original variable (agent template)
        - inject(sys:Agent, call, withOriginal(t => $template) -> $'{0}', $t))

        - $.env: $this.load($.appJson)
        - $.env.deploy()

        - $isDeployed: $.env.applications[0].getAttr(deployed, false, 'com.example.apache.Tomcat')
        - $.assertEqual(true, $isDeployed)

Provided methods are test cases for the Tomcat application. Object model and heat stack output are predefined and located in the package Resources directory. By changing some object model or heat stack parameters, different cases may be tested without a real deployment. Note, that some asserts are used in those example. The first one is checked, that agent call function was called only once as needed. And assert from the second test case checks for a variable value at the end of the application deployment.

Test cases examples can be found in TomcatTest.yaml class of the Apache Tomcat application located at murano-apps repository. You can run test cases with the commands provided above.