This feature will allow having private and public environment templates, as well as, to obtain all public templates from all tenants. In addition, a clone functionality is added to copy a template from a tenant to another. Change-Id: I702d9d707cb14195278b1cc2084fe9609660a3fe Targets-blueprint: abstract-env-template
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481 lines
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under the License.
Environment template API
Manage environment template definitions in Murano. It is possible to create, update, delete and deploy into OpenStack by translating
it into an environment. In addition, applications can be added or delete to the environment template.
**Environment Template Properties**
| Attribute | Type | Description |
| id | string | Unique ID |
| name | string | User-friendly name |
| created | datetime | Creation date and time in ISO format |
| updated | datetime | Modification date and time in ISO format |
| tenant_id | string | OpenStack tenant ID |
| version | int | Current version |
| networking | string | Network settings |
| description | string | The environment template specification |
**Common response codes**
| Code | Description |
| 200 | Operation completed successfully |
| 401 | User is not authorized to perform the operation |
Methods for Environment Template API
List Environments Templates
| Method | URI | Description |
| GET | /templates | Get a list of existing |
| | | environment templates |
* `is_public` - boolean, indicates whether public environment templates are listed or not.
*True* public environments templates from all tenants are listed.
*False* private environments templates from current tenant are listed
*empty* all tenant templates plus public templates from all tenants are listed
This call returns a list of environment templates. Only the basic properties are
"templates": [
"updated": "2014-05-14T13:02:54",
"networking": {},
"name": "test1",
"created": "2014-05-14T13:02:46",
"tenant_id": "726ed856965f43cc8e565bc991fa76c3",
"version": 0,
"is_public": false,
"id": "2fa5ab704749444bbeafe7991b412c33"
"updated": "2014-05-14T13:02:55",
"networking": {},
"name": "test2",
"created": "2014-05-14T13:02:51",
"tenant_id": "123452452345346345634563456345346",
"version": 0,
"is_public": true,
"id": "744e44812da84e858946f5d817de4f72"
Create environment template
| Attribute | Type | Description |
| name | string | Environment template name; only alphanumeric characters |
| | and '-' | |
| Method | URI | Description |
| POST | /templates | Create a new environment template |
{"name": "env_temp_name"}
"id": "ce373a477f211e187a55404a662f968",
"name": "env_temp_name",
"created": "2013-11-30T03:23:42Z",
"updated": "2013-11-30T03:23:44Z",
"tenant_id": "0849006f7ce94961b3aab4e46d6f229a",
| Code | Description |
| 200 | Operation completed successfully |
| 401 | User is not authorized to perform the operation |
| 409 | The environment template already exists |
Get environment templates details
Return information about environment template itself and about applications, including to this
environment template.
| Method | URI | Description |
| GET | /templates/{env-temp-id} | Obtains the environment template information |
* `env-temp-id` - environment template ID, required
"updated": "2015-01-26T09:12:51",
"name": "template_name",
"created": "2015-01-26T09:12:51",
"tenant_id": "00000000000000000000000000000001",
"version": 0,
"id": "aa9033ca7ce245fca10e38e1c8c4bbf7",
| Code | Description |
| 200 | OK. Environment Template created successfully |
| 401 | User is not authorized to access this session |
| 404 | The environment template does not exist |
Delete environment template
| Method | URI | Description |
| DELETE | /templates/<env-temp-id> | Delete the template id |
* `env-temp_id` - environment template ID, required
| Code | Description |
| 200 | OK. Environment Template created successfully |
| 401 | User is not authorized to access this session |
| 404 | The environment template does not exist |
Adding application to environment template
| Method | URI | Description |
| POST | /templates/{env-temp-id}/services | Create a new application |
* `env-temp-id` - The environment-template id, required
* payload - the service description
"instance": {
"assignFloatingIp": "true",
"keyname": "mykeyname",
"image": "cloud-fedora-v3",
"flavor": "m1.medium",
"?": {
"type": "io.murano.resources.LinuxMuranoInstance",
"id": "ef984a74-29a4-45c0-b1dc-2ab9f075732e"
"name": "orion",
"port": "8080",
"?": {
"type": "io.murano.apps.apache.Tomcat",
"id": "54cea43d-5970-4c73-b9ac-fea656f3c722"
"assignFloatingIp": "true",
"keyname": "mykeyname",
"image": "cloud-fedora-v3",
"flavor": "m1.medium",
"type": "io.murano.resources.LinuxMuranoInstance",
"id": "ef984a74-29a4-45c0-b1dc-2ab9f075732e"
"name": "orion",
"type": "io.murano.apps.apache.Tomcat",
"id": "54cea43d-5970-4c73-b9ac-fea656f3c722"
"port": "8080"
| Code | Description |
| 200 | OK. Environment Template created successfully |
| 401 | User is not authorized to access this session |
| 404 | The environment template does not exist |
Get applications information from an environment template
| Method | URI | Description |
| GET | /templates/{env-temp-id}/services | It obtains the service description|
* `env-temp-id` - The environment template ID, required
"assignFloatingIp": "true",
"keyname": "mykeyname",
"image": "cloud-fedora-v3",
"flavor": "m1.medium",
"type": "io.murano.resources.LinuxMuranoInstance",
"id": "ef984a74-29a4-45c0-b1dc-2ab9f075732e"
"name": "tomcat",
"type": "io.murano.apps.apache.Tomcat",
"id": "54cea43d-5970-4c73-b9ac-fea656f3c722"
"port": "8080"
"instance": "ef984a74-29a4-45c0-b1dc-2ab9f075732e",
"password": "XXX",
"name": "mysql",
"type": "io.murano.apps.database.MySQL",
"id": "54cea43d-5970-4c73-b9ac-fea656f3c722"
| Code | Description |
| 200 | OK. Environment Template created successfully |
| 401 | User is not authorized to access this session |
| 404 | The environment template does not exist |
Create an environment from an environment template
| Method | URI | Description |
| POST | /templates/{env-temp-id}/create-environment| Create an environment |
* `env-temp-id` - The environment template ID, required
* 'environment name': The environment name to be created.
"name": "environment_name"
"environment_id": "aa90fadfafca10e38e1c8c4bbf7",
"name": "environment_name",
"created": "2015-01-26T09:12:51",
"tenant_id": "00000000000000000000000000000001",
"version": 0,
"session_id": "adf4dadfaa9033ca7ce245fca10e38e1c8c4bbf7",
| Code | Description |
| 200 | OK. Environment template created successfully |
| 401 | User is not authorized to access this session |
| 404 | The environment template does not exist |
| 409 | The environment already exists |
**POST /templates/{env-temp-id}/clone**
| Method | URI | Description |
| POST | /templates/{env-temp-id}/clone | It clones a public template from one tenant |
| | | to another |
* `env-temp-id` - environment template ID, required
*Example Payload*
'name': 'cloned_env_template_name'
"updated": "2015-01-26T09:12:51",
"name": "cloned_env_template_name",
"created": "2015-01-26T09:12:51",
"tenant_id": "00000000000000000000000000000001",
"version": 0,
"is_public": False,
"id": "aa9033ca7ce245fca10e38e1c8c4bbf7",
| Code | Description |
| 200 | OK. Environment Template cloned successfully |
| 401 | User is not authorized to access this session |
| 403 | User has no access to these resources |
| 404 | The environment template does not exist |
| 409 | Conflict. The environment template name already exists |