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|ab| is an open source project, and hosted on GitHub. The `GitHub repository <>`_ includes the documentation.
We're looking for all kinds of contributions - from simple fixes of typos in the code or documentation to implementation of new features and additions of tutorials.
If you want to contribute to the code or the documentation:
Fork us on GitHub
We use the Fork & Pull Model.
This means that you fork the repo, make changes to your fork, and then make a pull request here on the main repo.
This `article on GitHub <>`_ gives more detailed information on how the process works.
Running the Tests
In order to run the unit-tests, we use `Tox <>`_ to build the various test-environments. To run them all, simply run ``tox`` from the top-level directory of the clone.
For test-coverage, see the Makefile target ``test_coverage``, which deletes the coverage data and then runs the test suite with various tox test-environments before outputting HTML annotated coverage to ``./htmlcov/index.html`` and a coverage report to the terminal.
There are two environment variables the tests use: ``USE_TWISTED=1`` or ``USE_ASYNCIO=1`` control whether to run unit-tests that are specific to one framework or the other.
See ``tox.ini`` for details on how to run in the different environments