
561 lines
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.. _changelog:
`Published 2017-05-01 <>`__
* new: switched to calendar-based release/version numbering
* new: WAMP event retention example and docs
* new: WAMP subscribe/register options on WAMP decorators
* fix: require all TLS dependencies on extra_require_encryption setuptools
* new: support for X-Forwarded-For HTTP header
* fix: ABC interface definitions where missing "self"
`Published 2017-04-14 <>`__
* new: payload codec API
* fix: make WAMP-cryptobox use new payload codec API
* fix: automatic binary conversation for JSON
* new: improvements to experimental component API
`Published 2017-03-28 <>`__
* fix: errback all user handlers for all WAMP requests still outstanding when session/transport is closed/lost
* fix: allow WebSocketServerProtocol.onConnect to return a Future/Deferred
* new: allow configuration of RawSocket serializer
* new: test all examples on both WebSocket and RawSocket
* fix: revert to default arg for Deny reason
* new: WAMP-RawSocket and WebSocket default settings for asyncio
* new: experimental component based API and new WAMP Session class
`Published 2017-03-26 <>`__
* fix: big docs cleanup and polish
* fix: docs for publisher black-/whitelisting based on authid/authrole
* fix: serialization for publisher black-/whitelisting based on authid/authrole
* new: allow to stop auto-reconnecting for Twisted ApplicationRunner
* fix: allow empty realms (router decides) for asyncio ApplicationRunner
`Published 2017-02-25 <>`__
* new: WAMP-cryptosign elliptic curve based authentication support for asyncio
* new: CI testing on Twisted 17.1
* new: controller/shared attributes on ComponentConfig
`Published 2016-12-29 <>`__
* new: demo MQTT and WAMP clients interoperating via
* new: WAMP message attributes for message resumption
* new: improvements to experimental WAMP components API
* fix: Python 3.4.4+ when using asyncio
`Published 2016-11-30 <>`__
* new: WAMP PubSub event retention
* new: WAMP PubSub last will / testament
* new: WAMP PubSub acknowledged delivery
* fix: WAMP Session lifecycle - properly handle asynchronous `ApplicationSession.onConnect` for asyncio
`Published 2016-11-07 <>`__
* fix: inconsistency between `PublishOptions` and `Publish` message
* new: improve logging with dropped connections (eg due to timeouts)
* fix: various smaller asyncio fixes
* new: rewrite all examples for new Python 3.5 async/await syntax
* fix: copyrights transferred from Tavendo GmbH to Technologies GmbH
`Published 2016-08-14 <>`__
* new: new `autobahn.wamp.component` API in experimental stage
* new: Ed25519 OpenSSH and OpenBSD signify key support
* fix: allow Py2 and async user code in `onConnect` callback of asyncio
`Published 2016-07-19 <>`__
* new: WAMP AP option: register with maximum concurrency
* new: automatic reconnect for WAMP clients ApplicationRunner on Twisted
* new: RawSocket support in WAMP clients using ApplicationRunner on Twisted
* new: Set WebSocket production settings on WAMP clients using ApplicationRunner on Twisted
* fix: `#715 <>`_ Py2/Py3 issue with WebSocket traffic logging
* new: allow WAMP factories to take classes OR instances of ApplicationSession
* fix: make WebSocketResource working on Twisted 16.3
* fix: remove some minified AutobahnJS from examples (makes distro packagers happy)
* new: WAMP-RawSocket transport for asyncio
* fix: `#691 <>`_ (**security**) If the `allowedOrigins` websocket option was set, the resulting matching was insufficient and would allow more origins than intended
`Published 2016-05-26 <>`__
* fix: unpinned Twisted version again
* fix: remove X-Powered-By header
* fix: removed decrecated args to ApplicationRunner
`Published 2016-05-01 <>`__
* new: use of batched/chunked timers to massively reduce CPU load with WebSocket auto-ping/pong
* new: support new UBJSON WAMP serialization format
* new: publish universal wheels
* fix: replaced `msgpack-python` with `u-msgpack-python`
* fix: some glitches with `eligible / exlude` when used with `authid / authrole`
* fix: some logging glitches
* fix: pin Twisted at 16.1.1 (for now)
`Published 2016-04-09 <>`__
* moved helper funs for WebSocket URL handling to ``autobahn.websocket.util``
* fix: marshal WAMP options only when needed
* fix: various smallish examples fixes
`Published 2016-03-15 <>`__
* fix: better traceback logging (`#613 <>`_)
* fix: unicode handling in debug messages (`#606 <>`_)
* fix: return Deferred from ``run()`` (`#603 <>`_).
* fix: more debug logging improvements
* fix: more `Pattern` tests, fix edge case (`#592 <>`_).
* fix: better logging from ``asyncio`` ApplicationRunner
* new: ``disclose`` becomes a strict router-side feature (`#586 <>`_).
* new: subscriber black/whitelisting using authid/authrole
* new: asyncio websocket testee
* new: refine Observable API (`#593 <>`_).
`Published 2016-01-30 <>`__
* new: support CBOR serialization in WAMP
* new: support WAMP payload transparency
* new: beta version of WAMP-cryptosign authentication method
* new: alpha version of WAMP-cryptobox end-to-end encryption
* new: support user provided authextra data in WAMP authentication
* new: support WAMP channel binding
* new: WAMP authentication util functions for TOTP
* fix: support skewed time leniency for TOTP
* fix: use the new logging system in WAMP implementation
* fix: some remaining Python 3 issues
* fix: allow WAMP prefix matching register/subscribe with dot at end of URI
`Published 2015-12-09 <>`__
`Published 2015-09-15 <>`__
* fixes regression #500 introduced with commit 9f68749
`Published 2015-09-13 <>`__
* maintenance release with some issues fixed
`Published 2015-09-06 <>`__
* fixes a regression in 0.10.6
`Published 2015-09-05 <>`__
* maintenance release with nearly two dozen fixes
* improved Python 3, error logging, WAMP connection mgmt, ..
`Published 2015-08-06 <>`__
* maintenance release with lots of smaller bug fixes
`Published 2015-05-08 <>`__
* maintenance release with some smaller bug fixes
`Published 2015-04-14 <>`__
* new: using txaio package
* new: revised WAMP-over-RawSocket specification implemented
* fix: ignore unknown attributes in WAMP Options/Details
`Published 2015-03-19 <>`__
* fix: Twisted 11 lacks IPv6 address class
* new: various improvements handling errors from user code
* new: add parameter to limit max connections on WebSocket servers
* new: use new-style classes everywhere
* new: moved package content to repo root
* new: implement router revocation signaling for registrations/subscriptions
* new: a whole bunch of more unit tests / coverage
* new: provide reason/message when transport is lost
* fix: send WAMP errors upon serialization errors
`Published 2015-03-01 <>`__
* support for pattern-based subscriptions and registrations
* support for shared registrations
* fix: HEARTBEAT removed
`Published 2015-02-19 <>`__
* Change license from Apache 2.0 to MIT
* fix file line endings
* add setuptools test target
* fix Python 2.6
`Published 2015-02-13 <>`__
* PEP8 code conformance
* PyFlakes code quality
* fix: warning for xrange on Python 3
* fix: parsing of IPv6 host headers
* add WAMP/Twisted service
* fix: handle connect error in ApplicationRunner (on Twisted)
`Published 2015-01-11 <>`__
* do not try to fire onClose on a session that never existed in the first place (fixes #316)
* various doc fixes
* fix URI decorator component handling (PR #309)
* fix "standalone" argument to ApplicationRunner
`Published 2014-12-15 <>`__
* refactor router code to
* fix: catch error when Nagle cannot be set on stream transport (UDS)
* fix: spelling in doc strings / docs
* fix: WAMP JSON serialization of Unicode for ujson
* fix: Twisted plugins issue
`Published 2014-11-15 <>`__
* maintenance release with some smaller bug fixes
* use ujson for WAMP when available
* reduce WAMP ID space to [0, 2**31-1]
* deactivate Twisted plugin cache recaching in ``
`Published 2014-11-10 <>`__
* feature: WebSocket origin checking
* feature: allow to disclose caller transport level info
* fix: Python 2.6 compatibility
* fix: handling of WebSocket close frame in a corner-case
`Published 2014-10-17 <>`__
* fix: permessage-deflate "client_max_window_bits" parameter handling
* fix: cancel opening handshake timeouts also for WebSocket clients
* feature: add more control parameters to Flash policy file factory
* feature: update AutobahnJS in examples
* feature: allow to set WebSocket HTTP headers via dict
* fix: ayncio imports for Python 3.4.2
* feature: added reconnecting WebSocket client example
`Published 2014-09-22 <>`__
* maintenance release with some smaller bug fixes
`Published 2014-09-02 <>`__
* all WAMP v1 code removed
* migrated various WAMP examples to WAMP v2
* improved unicode/bytes handling
* lots of code quality polishment
* more unit test coverage
`Published 2014-08-23 <>`__
* docs polishing
* small fixes (unicode handling and such)
`Published 2014-08-14 <>`__
* add automatic WebSocket ping/pong (#24)
* WAMP-CRA client side (beta!)
`Published 2014-08-05 <>`__
* fix Application class (#240)
* support WSS for Application class
* remove implicit dependency on bzip2 (#244)
`Published 2014-07-23 <>`__
* WAMP application payload validation hooks
* added Tox based testing for multiple platforms
* code quality fixes
`Published <>`__
* hooks and infrastructure for WAMP2 authorization
* new examples: Twisted Klein, Crochet, wxPython
* improved WAMP long-poll transport
* improved stats tracker
`Published <>`__
* WAMP-over-Long-poll (preliminary)
* WAMP Authentication methods CR, Ticket, TOTP (preliminary)
* WAMP App object (preliminary)
* various fixes
`Published <>`__
* maintenance release
`Published <>`__
* initial support for WAMP on asyncio
* new WAMP examples
* WAMP ApplicationRunner
`Published <>`__
* maintenance release
`Published <>`__
* started reworking docs
* allow factories to operate without WS URL
* fix behavior on second protocol violation
`Published <>`__
* support WAMP endpoint/handler decorators
* new examples for endpoint/handler decorators
* fix excludeMe pubsub option
`Published <>`__
* initial support for WAMP v2 authentication
* various fixes/improvements to WAMP v2 implementation
* new example: WebSocket authentication with Mozilla Persona
* polish up documentation
`Published <>`__
* fix bug with closing router app sessions
`Published <>`__
* compatibility with latest WAMP v2 spec ("RC-2, 2014/02/22")
* various smaller fixes
`Published <>`__
* WAMP v2 basic router (broker + dealer) implementation
* WAMP v2 example set
* WAMP v2: decouple transports, sessions and routers
* support explicit (binary) subprotocol name for wrapping WebSocket factory
* fix dependency on MsgPack
`Published <>`__
* new: complete WAMP v2 protocol implementation and API layer
* new: basic WAMP v2 router implementation
* existing WAMP v1 implementation renamed
`Published <>`__
* fix WebSocket server HTML status page
* fix close reason string handling
* new "slowsquare" example
* Python 2.6 fixes
`Published <>`__
* support asyncio on Python 2 (via "Trollius" backport)
`Published <>`__
* really fix setup/packaging
`Published <>`__
* setup fixes
* fixes for Python2.6
`Published <>`__
* asyncio support
* Python 3 support
* support WebSocket (and WAMP) over Twisted stream endpoints
* support Twisted stream endpoints over WebSocket
* twistd stream endpoint forwarding plugin
* various new examples
* fix Flash policy factory
`Published <>`__
* Twisted reactor is no longer imported on module level (but lazy)
* optimize pure Python UTF8 validator (10-20% speedup on PyPy)
* opening handshake traffic stats (per-open stats)
* add multi-core echo example
* fixes with examples of streaming mode
* fix zero payload in streaming mode
`Published <>`__
* support latest `permessage-deflate` draft
* allow controlling memory level for `zlib` / `permessage-deflate`
* updated reference, moved docs to "Read the Docs"
* fixes #157 (a WAMP-CRA timing attack very, very unlikely to be exploitable, but anyway)
`Published <>`__
* symmetric RPCs
* WebSocket compression: client and server, `permessage-deflate`, `permessage-bzip2` and `permessage-snappy`
* `onConnect` is allowed to return Deferreds now
* custom publication and subscription handler are allowed to return Deferreds now
* support for explicit proxies
* default protocol version now is RFC6455
* option to use salted passwords for authentication with WAMP-CRA
* automatically use `ultrajson` acceleration package for JSON processing when available
* automatically use `wsaccel` acceleration package for WebSocket masking and UTF8 validation when available
* allow setting and getting of custom HTTP headers in WebSocket opening handshake
* various new code examples
* various documentation fixes and improvements
`Published <>`__
* base version when we started to maintain a changelog