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Greening The World

One of the challenges of writing a library like Eventlet is that the built-in networking libraries don't natively support the sort of cooperative yielding that we need. What we must do instead is patch standard library modules in certain key places so that they do cooperatively yield. We've in the past considered doing this automatically upon importing Eventlet, but have decided against that course of action because it is un-Pythonic to change the behavior of module A simply by importing module B.

Therefore, the application using Eventlet must explicitly green the world for itself, using one or both of the convenient methods provided.

Import Green

The first way of greening an application is to import networking-related libraries from the package. It contains libraries that have the same interfaces as common standard ones, but they are modified to behave well with green threads. Using this method is a good engineering practice, because the true dependencies are apparent in every file:

from import socket
from import threading
from import asyncore

This works best if every library can be imported green in this manner. If lacks a module (for example, non-python-standard modules), then ~eventlet.patcher.import_patched function can come to the rescue. It is a replacement for the builtin import statement that greens any module on import.

eventlet.patcher.import_patched(module_name, additional_modules,*kw_additional_modules)

Imports a module in a greened manner, so that the module's use of networking libraries like socket will use Eventlet's green versions instead. The only required argument is the name of the module to be imported:

import eventlet
httplib2 = eventlet.import_patched('httplib2')

Under the hood, it works by temporarily swapping out the "normal" versions of the libraries in sys.modules for an equivalent. When the import of the to-be-patched module completes, the state of sys.modules is restored. Therefore, if the patched module contains the statement 'import socket', import_patched will have it reference One weakness of this approach is that it doesn't work for late binding (i.e. imports that happen during runtime). Late binding of imports is fortunately rarely done (it's slow and against PEP-8), so in most cases import_patched will work just fine.

One other aspect of import_patched is the ability to specify exactly which modules are patched. Doing so may provide a slight performance benefit since only the needed modules are imported, whereas import_patched with no arguments imports a bunch of modules in case they're needed. The additional_modules and kw_additional_modules arguments are both sequences of name/module pairs. Either or both can be used:

from import socket
from import SocketServer        
BaseHTTPServer = eventlet.import_patched('BaseHTTPServer',
                        ('socket', socket),
                        ('SocketServer', SocketServer))
BaseHTTPServer = eventlet.import_patched('BaseHTTPServer',
                        socket=socket, SocketServer=SocketServer)

Monkeypatching the Standard Library

The other way of greening an application is simply to monkeypatch the standard library. This has the disadvantage of appearing quite magical, but the advantage of avoiding the late-binding problem.

eventlet.patcher.monkey_patch(os=None, select=None, socket=None, thread=None, time=None, psycopg=None)

This function monkeypatches the key system modules by replacing their key elements with green equivalents. If no arguments are specified, everything is patched:

import eventlet

The keyword arguments afford some control over which modules are patched, in case that's important. Most patch the single module of the same name (e.g. time=True means that the time module is patched [time.sleep is patched by eventlet.sleep]). The exceptions to this rule are socket, which also patches the ssl module if present; and thread, which patches thread, threading, and Queue.

Here's an example of using monkey_patch to patch only a few modules:

import eventlet
eventlet.monkey_patch(socket=True, select=True)

It is important to call ~eventlet.patcher.monkey_patch as early in the lifetime of the application as possible. Try to do it as one of the first lines in the main module. The reason for this is that sometimes there is a class that inherits from a class that needs to be greened -- e.g. a class that inherits from socket.socket -- and inheritance is done at import time, so therefore the monkeypatching should happen before the derived class is defined. It's safe to call monkey_patch multiple times.

The psycopg monkeypatching relies on Daniele Varrazzo's green psycopg2 branch; see the announcement for more information.


Returns whether or not the specified module is currently monkeypatched. module can either be the module itself or the module's name.

Based entirely off the name of the module, so if you import a module some other way than with the import keyword (including ~eventlet.patcher.import_patched), is_monkey_patched might not be correct about that particular module.