James Slagle cea8502527 Remove requirement of specifying hardware stats
With introspection in place, there is no longer a hard requirement of
knowing the hardware statistics (cpu, memory, disk, arch) of nodes when
initially registering them with Ironic.

The requirement was never on the Ironic side, it was only enforced here
in os-cloud-config. Previously, to get around the requirement, one could
just specify an empty string value for these statistics in the nodes
json file.

This change makes it such that these keys do not even have to exist in
the json anymore.

Add a unit test as well that verifies this change.

Change-Id: Idcc5a9a4ac043c88fe0102626eefb327476819fd
2015-10-12 15:59:50 -04:00

8.0 KiB


To use os-cloud-config in a project:

import os_cloud_config

Initializing Keystone for a host

The init-keystone command line utility initializes Keystone for use with normal authentication by creating the admin and service tenants, the admin role, the admin user, configure certificates and finally registers the initial identity endpoint.


init-keystone will wait for a user-specified amount of time for a Keystone service to be running on the specified host. The default is a 10 minute wait time with 10 seconds between poll attempts.

For example:

init-keystone -o -t unset -e -p unset -u root

That acts on the host, sets the admin token and the admin password to the string unset, the admin e-mail address to, and uses the root user to connect to the host via ssh to configure certificates.

Registering nodes with a baremetal service

The register-nodes command line utility supports registering nodes with either Ironic or Nova-baremetal. Ironic will be used if the Ironic service is registered with Keystone.


register-nodes will ask Ironic to power off every machine as they are registered.


register-nodes will wait up to 10 minutes for the baremetal service to register a node.

The nodes argument to register-nodes is a JSON file describing the nodes to be registered in a list of objects. If the node is determined to be currently registered, the details from the JSON file will be used to update the node registration.


Nova-baremetal does not support updating registered nodes, any previously registered nodes will be skipped.

For example:

register-nodes -s seed -n /tmp/one-node

Where /tmp/one-node contains:

    "memory": "2048",
    "disk": "30",
    "arch": "i386",
    "pm_user": "steven",
    "pm_addr": "",
    "pm_password": "password",
    "pm_type": "pxe_ssh",
    "mac": [
    "cpu": "1"

.. note::

The memory, disk, arch, and cpu fields are optional and can be omitted.

Generating keys and certificates for use with Keystone PKI

The generate-keystone-pki command line utility generates keys and certificates which Keystone uses for signing authentication tokens.

  • Keys and certificates can be generated into separate files:

    generate-keystone-pki /tmp/certificates

    That creates four files with signing and CA keys and certificates in /tmp/certificates directory.

  • Key and certificates can be generated into heat environment file:

    generate-keystone-pki -j overcloud-env.json

    That adds following values into overcloud-env.json file:

      "parameters": {
        "KeystoneSigningKey": "some_key",
        "KeystoneSigningCertificate": "some_cert",
        "KeystoneCACertificate": "some_cert"

    CA key is not added because this file is not needed by Keystone PKI.

  • Key and certificates can be generated into os-apply-config metadata file:

    generate-keystone-pki -s -j local.json

    This adds following values into local.json file:

      "keystone": {
        "signing_certificate": "some_cert",
        "signing_key": "some_key",
        "ca_certificate": "some_cert"

    CA key is not added because this file is not needed by Keystone PKI.

Setting up networking

The setup-neutron command line utility allows setting up of a physical control plane network suitable for deployment clouds, or an external network with an internal floating network suitable for workload clouds.

The network JSON argument allows specifying the network(s) to be created:

setup-neutron -n /tmp/ctlplane

Where /tmp/ctlplane contains:

  "physical": {
    "gateway": "",
    "metadata_server": "",
    "cidr": "",
    "allocation_end": "",
    "allocation_start": "",
    "name": "ctlplane"

This will create a Neutron flat net with a name of ctlplane, and a subnet with a CIDR of, a metadata server and gateway of, and will allocate DHCP leases in the range of to, as well as adding a route for

setup-neutron also supports datacentre networks that require 802.1Q VLAN tags:

setup-neutron -n /tmp/ctlplane-dc

Where /tmp/ctlplane-dc contains:

  "physical": {
    "gateway": "",
    "metadata_server": "",
    "cidr": "",
    "allocation_end": "",
    "allocation_start": "",
    "name": "public",
    "physical_network": "ctlplane",
    "segmentation_id": 25

This creates a Neutron 'net' called public using VLAN tag 25, that uses an existing 'net' called ctlplane as a physical transport.


The key physical_network is required when creating a network that specifies a segmentation_id, and it must reference an existing net.

setup-neutron can also create two networks suitable for workload clouds:

setup-neutron -n /tmp/float

Where /tmp/float contains:

  "float": {
      "cidr": "",
      "name": "default-net",
  "external": {
      "name": "ext-net",
      "cidr": "",
      "allocation_start": "",
      "allocation_end": "",
      "gateway": ""

This creates two Neutron nets, the first with a name of default-net and set as shared, and second with a name ext-net with the router:external property set to true. The default-net subnet has a CIDR of and a default nameserver of, and the ext-net subnet has a CIDR of, a gateway of and allocates DHCP from until setup-neutron will also create a router for the float network, setting the external network as the gateway.

Creating flavors

The setup-flavors command line utility creates flavors in Nova -- either using the nodes that have been registered to provide a distinct set of hardware that is provisioned, or by specifing the set of flavors that should be created.


setup-flavors will delete the existing default flavors, such as m1.small and m1.xlarge. For this use case, the cloud that is having flavors created is a cloud only using baremetal hardware, so only needs to describe the hardware available.

Utilising the /tmp/one-node file specified in the register-nodes example above, create a flavor:

setup-flavors -n /tmp/one-node

Which results in a flavor called baremetal_2048_30_None_1.

If the ROOT_DISK environment variable is set in the environment, that will be used as the disk size, leaving the remainder set as ephemeral storage, giving a flavor name of baremetal_2048_10_20_1.

Conversely, you can specify a JSON file describing the flavors to create:

setup-flavors -f /tmp/one-flavor

Where /tmp/one-flavor contains:

    "name": "controller",
    "memory": "2048",
    "disk": "30",
    "arch": "i386",
    "cpu": "1"

The JSON file can also contain an extra_specs parameter, which is a JSON object describing the key-value pairs to add into the flavor metadata:

    "name": "controller",
    "memory": "2048",
    "disk": "30",
    "arch": "i386",
    "cpu": "1",
    "extra_specs": {
      "key": "value"