Proton 0.10 completely changes the interface to the proton.SASL class. This patch adds new connection properties that will compensate for the changes to the SASL configuration interface. However, since pyngus never wrapped proton's SASL class, applications will have to be updated to use the new connection API to take advantage of this abstraction. Bumping version to 2.0.0
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A callback-based messaging framework built around the QPID Proton engine.
This framework is meant to ease the integration of AMQP 1.0 messaging into applications that use a callback-based logic flow. It provides a very basic, connection-oriented messaging model that should meet the needs of most applications.
The framework has been designed with the following goals in mind:
provide a callback-based messaging API
simplify the user model exported by the Proton engine - you should not have to be an expert in AMQP to use this framework!
give the application control of the I/O implementation where possible
limit the functionality provided by Proton to a subset that should be adequate for 79% of all messaging use-cases [1]
All actions are designed to be non-blocking, leveraging callbacks where asynchronous behavior is modeled.
There is no threading architecture assumed or locking performed by this framework. Locking is assumed to be handled outside of this framework by the application - all processing provided by this framework is assumed to be single-threaded [2].
[1] Unlike the Proton Engine, this framework does not intend to support all functionality and features defined by the AMQP 1.0 protocol. It is only intended to provide basic message passing functionality.
[2] Not entirely true - it may be possible to multithread as long as connections are not shared across threads. TBD
What this framework doesn't do
Message management - All messages are assumed to be Proton Messages. Creating and parsing Messages is left to the application.
Routing - This framework basically ignores the "to" or "reply-to" contained in the message. It leaves these fields under the control and interpretation of the application. This means that the application determines the proper Link over which to send an outgoing message. In addition, it assumes the application can dispatch messages arriving on a link to the proper handler [3].
Connection management - It is expected that your application will manage the creation and configuration of sockets. Whether those sockets are created by initiating a connection or accepting an inbound connection is irrelevant to this framework. It is also assumed that, if desired, your application will be responsible for monitoring the sockets for I/O activity (e.g. call poll()). The framework will support both blocking and non-blocking sockets, however it may block when doing I/O over a blocking socket. Note well: reconnect and failover must also be handled by the application [3].
Flow control - It is assumed the application will control the number of messages that can be accepted by a receiving link (capacity). Sent messages will be queued locally until credit is made available for the message(s) to be transmitted. The framework's API allows the application to monitor the amount of credit available on an outgoing link [3].
[3] All these features are provided by the QPID Messenger API. The Messenger API may be a better match for your application if any of these features are required. See the Messenger section of the Apache QPID website for more detail.
Theory of Operations
This framework defines the following set of objects:
Container - an implementation of the container concept defined by AMQP 1.0. This object is a factory for Connections.
Connection - an implementation of the connection concept defined by AMQP 1.0. You can think of this as a data pipe between two Containers. This object is a factory for links.
Links - A uni-directional pipe for messages traveling between resources (nodes) within a container. A link exists within a Connection, and uses the Connection as its data path to the remote. There are two sub-classes of Links: SenderLinks and ReceiverLinks. SenderLinks produce messages from a particular node. ReceiverLinks consume messages on behalf of a local node.
An application creates one or more Containers, which represents a domain for a set of message-oriented nodes. Nodes are those components within an application that are the source or sink of a message flow. Example nodes would include message queues, message topics, a database, an event logger, etc. A node is identified by its name, which must uniquely identify the node within its container.
To pass messages between nodes, the application must first set up a Connection between the two Containers that hold the nodes. To do this, the application creates a network connection to the system that holds the remote Container. How this network connection is created is determined by the application's design and purpose. For example, the application may proactively initiate these network connections (eg. call connect()), or passively listen for connection requests coming from remote systems (eg. listen()/accept()). The method used by the application to determine which systems it should connect to in order to access particular resources (eg. nodes) is left to the application designers.
The application must then create a Connection object to manage the network connection it has set up. A Connection object is allocated from the Container, and represents the data pipe between the local and remote Containers. The Connection consumes data arriving from, and produces data for, its network connection. It is the responsiblity of the application to transfer network data between the Connection object and its corresponding network connection.
To transfer messages between the connected Container's nodes, a link must be created. A link is uni-directional; from the application's perspective, it either sends messages to a remote node, or consumes messages from a remote node. The framework provides two distinct link classes - one for sending messages to a node, the other for receiving messages from a node.
To send messages to a node on the remote Container, the application allocates a SenderLink from the Connection that attaches to that remote Container. The application assigns a local name to the SenderLink which identifies the node that is the source of the messages sent byit. This is the Source node address, and is made available to the remote so it may classify the origin of the message stream. The application may also supply the address of the node to which it is sending. This is the Target node address. The Target address supplied by the application is merely a hint for the peer - the peer may override the supplied address and provide the actual Target address in use by the peer. If no Target address is given the remote may allocate one on behalf of the sending application. The SenderLink's final Target address is made available to the sending application once the link has completed setup.
When sending a message, an application can choose whether or not it needs to know about the arrival status of the message at the remote node. The application may send the message as best effort if it doesn't care about the arrival status. This send-and-forget service provides no feedback on the delivery of the message. Otherwise the application may register a callback that is invoked when the delivery status of the message is determined by the framework.
All messages are sent using at-most-once semantics: this framework does not attempt to re-send messages on behalf of the application. If reliable messaging is required the application must implement its own retry logic.
If the application needs to consume messages from a node on the remote Container, it allocates a ReceiverLink from the Connection that attaches to that remote Container. The application assigns a local name to the ReceiverLink that identifies the local node that is the consumer of all the messages that arrive on the link. This is the Target node address, and is made available to the remote so it may identify the destination of the message stream. The application may also supply the address of the remote node from which it is consuming. This is the Source node address. The Source address supplied by the receiver is merely a hint for the remote application - the remote may override this address and provide the actual Source address used by the remote. If no Source address is given the remote may allocate one on behalf of the receiving application. The ReceiverLink's final Source address is made available to the receiving application once the link has completed setup.
Callback Events
This framework uses a callback model to notify the application when messaging-related events have occurred. Each of the object types provided by the framework define a set of events that may be of interest to the application. To receive these events, the application must register callback handlers with each object that it manages. See the API section for details regarding each class's event handlers.
The Container Class
The Container class provides a named repository for nodes. It is identified by a name, which must uniquely identify the Container across all Containers in the messaging domain.
TBD: locking - allow thread-per-connection functionality, would need locking for container management of connections!!
Container Methods
Container(name, properties)
Construct a container. Parameters:
- name - string, an identifier for the new container, MUST be unique across the entire messaging domain.
- properties - map, contents TBD
Container.create_connection(name, ConnectionEventHandler, properties)
The factory for Connection objects. Use this to create a connection to a peer Container. Your application must create a unique Connection object for each network connection it makes (eg. per-socket, in the case of TCP). Parameters:
- name - string, name of this Connection. The name MUST uniquely identify this connection within the Container - no two Connections within a Container can share the same name.
- ConnectionEventHandler - object, provides callback handlers for the new Connection (see below).
- properties - map containing the following optional connection
- "hostname" - string, DNS name of remote host (ie. the host that is being connected to). This name will also be used by the SSL layer to check the CommonName/SAN contained in the certificate provided by the peer.
- "idle-time-out" - integer, time in seconds before the Connection is closed due to lack of traffic. Setting this may enable heartbeat generation by the peer, if supported.
- "x-trace-protocol" - boolean, if True, enable debug dumps of the AMQP wire traffic.
- "x-server" - boolean, set this to True to configure the connection as a server side connection. This should be set True if the connection was remotely initiated (e.g. accept on a listening socket). If the connection was locally initiated (e.g. by calling connect()), then this value should be set to False. This setting is used by authentication and encryption to configure the connection's role. The default value is False for client mode.
- "x-username" - string, the client's username to use when authenticating with a server.
- "x-password" - string, the client's password, used for authentication.
- "x-require-auth" - boolean, reject remotely-initiated client connections that fail to provide valid credentials for authentication.
- "x-sasl-mechs" - string, a space-separated list of mechanisms that are allowed for authentication. Defaults to "ANONYMOUS"
- "x-ssl-ca-file" - string, path to a PEM file containing the certificates of the trusted Certificate Authorities that will be used to check the signature of the peer's certificate.
- "x-ssl-server" - DEPRECATED use x-server instead.
- "x-ssl-identity" - tuple, contains self-identifying certificate information which will be presented to the peer. The first item in the tuple is the path to the certificate file (PEM format). The second item is the path to a file containing the private key used to sign the certificate (PEM format, optional if private key is stored in the certificate itself). The last item is the password used to encrypt the private key (string, not required if private key is not encrypted)
- "x-ssl-verify-mode" - string, configure the level of security provided by SSL. Possible values: * "verify-peer" (default) - most secure, requires peer to supply a certificate signed by a valid CA (see x-ssl-ca-file), and checks the CN or SAN entry in the certificate against the expected peer hostname (see x-ssl-peer-name) * "verify-cert" (default if no hostname or x-ssl-peer-name given) - like verify-peer, but skips the check of the peer hostname. Vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack. * "no-verify" - do not require the peer to provide a certificate. Results in a weaker encryption stream, and other vulnerabilities.
- "x-ssl-peer-name" - string, DNS name of peer. Can be used to override the value passed in by the "hostname" option, if necessary. A DNS host name is required to authenticate peer's certificate (see x-ssl-verify-mode).
- "x-ssl-allow-cleartext" - boolean, allows clients to connect without using SSL (eg, plain TCP). Used by a server that will accept clients requesting either trusted or untrusted connections.
Returns the name of the Container.
A utility to help determine which Connections need processing. Returns a triple of lists containing those connections that:
- need to read from the network (index 0)
- need to write to the network (index 1)
- waiting for their next-tick timer to expire (see Connection.process()). (index 2)
The timer list is sorted with the Connection next expiring at index 0.
Returns the Connection instance identified by name.
The Connection Class
A Connection is created from the Container that it is going to 'connect'. See the create_connection() Container method.
Returns the name of the Connection.
Returns the name of the remote container. This name is only available once the Connection has become Active.
A opaque handle that can be set by the application for its own per-Connection data.
Initiate the connection to the remote peer. This must be called in order to transfer data over the Connection. The Connection is considered active once both peers have opened it.
Terminate the connection to the remote peer. This should be called when the application is done with the Connection and wants to perform a clean close. The Connection is considered closed when both peers have closed it.
True when both peers have completed closing the Connection.
This releases the Connection and all links that use the connection. This must be called to release the resources used by the Connection. Once called the Connection is no longer present - the application should drop all references to the destroyed Connection.
This causes the Connection to run the AMQP protocol state machine. This method must be called periodically (see Connection.next_tick) and whenever network I/O has been done on the connection (see below). Event callbacks may occur when this method is invoked. The now parameter is the current time (format determined by the platform). This method returns a timestamp which is the maximum time interval the application can wait before it must call Connection.process() again. If Connection.process() is not called at or before this deadline the Connection may fail.
Returns the deadline for the next call to Connection.process(). This is the same value that was returned by the last call to
Returns the number of bytes of inbound network data this Connection is
capable of consuming. Returns zero if no input can be processed at
this time. Returns EOS
when the input pipe has been closed.
Process data read from the network. Returns the number of bytes from
that have been processed, which will be no less than the last
value returned from Connection.need_input()
. Returns EOS if the
input pipe has been closed. The application should call
Connection.process() after calling this method.
The application must call this method when the inbound network data source has closed. This indicates that no more data arrive for this Connection. The application should call Connection.process() after calling this method.
Returns the number of bytes of output data the Connection has buffered. This data needs to be written to the network. Returns zero when no pending output is available. Returns EOS when the output pipe has been closed. The application should call Connection.process() prior to calling this method.
Returns a buffer containing data that needs to be written to the network. Returns None if no data or the output pipe has been closed.
The application must call this to notify the framework that N bytes of
output data (as given by Connection.output_data()
) has been written
to the network. This will cause the framework to release the first N
bytes from the buffer output data.
The application must call this method when the outbound network data pipe has closed. This indicates that no more data can be written to the network.
Connection.create_sender(source_address, target_address, SenderEventHandler, name, properties)
Construct a SenderLink over this Connection which will send messages to the node identified by target_address on the remote. If target_address is None the remote may create a node for this link. The target address of a dynamically-created node will be made available via the SenderLink once the link is active. Parameters:
- source_address - string, address of the local node that is generating the messages sent on this link.
- target_address - string or None, address of the destination node that is to consume the sent messages. May be None if the remote can dynamically allocate a node for consuming the messages.
- SenderEventHandler - a set of callbacks for monitoring the state of the link. See below.
- name - string, optional name for the created link, MUST be unique across all SenderLinks on this Connection.
- properties - map of optional properties to apply to the link:
- "distribution-mode" - informs the receiver of the distribution mode of messages supplied by this link (see the AMQP 1.0 specification for details). Values:
- "move" - the message will not be available for other consumers once it has been accepted by the remote. This implies that a message will be consumed by only one consumer.
- "copy" - the message will continue to be available for other consumers after it has been accepted by the peer. This implies that multiple consumers may get a copy of the same message.
Connection.accept_sender(handle, source_override, SenderEventHandler, properties)
This constructs a SenderLink in response to a request from the peer to consume from a node. When a peer wants to consume messages from a local node it will request that the application create a SenderLink on its behalf. This SenderLink will be used to transfer the messages to the peer. The application is notified of such a request via the sender_requested Connection callback (see below). After receiving this notification the application may grant the request by calling this method. Parameters:
- handle - opaque handle provided by the Connection.sender_requested() callback. This handle is used by the framework to correlate the created SenderLink with the request from the peer.
- source_override - string, the address of the source node. This allows the application to supply (or override) the source address requested by the peer.
- SenderEventHandler - object containing callbacks for events generated by this SenderLink (see below).
- properties - map of properties used by the SenderLink. Same values as supplied to the create_sender method. Values in this map will override any properties requested by the peer.
Connection.reject_sender(handle, reason)
Called by the application to reject a request from the peer to create a SenderLink. This should be called instead of accept_sender() if the application wants to deny the peer's request. The application is notified of such a request via the sender_requested Connection callback (see below). Parameters:
- handle - the opaque handle provided by the Connection.sender_requested() callback.
- reason - TBD
Connection.create_receiver( target_address, source_address, ReceiverEventHandler, name, properties)
Construct a ReceiverLink over this Connection which will consume messages from the node identified by source_address on the remote. If source_address is None the remote may create a node for this link. The source address of the dynamically-created node will be made available via the ReceiverLink once the link is active. Parameters:
- target_address - string address of the local node that is consuming the messages arriving on the link.
- source_address - string or None, address of the remote node that is to supply the messages arriving on the link. May be None if the remote can dynamically allocate a node for the source.
- receiverEventHandler - object containing a set of callbacks for receiving messages and monitoring the state of the link. See below.
- properties - map of optional properties to apply to the link:
- "distribution-mode" - Requests the distribution mode that the peer's SenderLink should use when supplying messages. This is merely a request and can be overridden by the peer. Values are the same as given for Connection.create_sender()
Connection.accept_receiver(handle, target_override, ReceiverEventHandler, properties)
This constructs a ReceiverLink in response to a request from the peer to send messages to a node. When a peer wants to send messages to a local node it will request that the application create a ReceiverLink on its behalf. This ReceiverLink will be used to consume the messages sent by the peer. The application is notified of such a request via the receiver_requested Connection callback (see below). After receiving this notification the application may grant the request by calling this method. Parameters:
- handle - opaque handle provided by the Connection.receiver_requested() callback. This handle is used by the framework to correlate the created ReceiverLink with the request from the peer.
- target_override - string, the address of the target node. This allows the application to supply (or override) the target address requested by the peer.
- ReceiverEventHandler - object containing callbacks for events generated by this ReceiverLink (see below).
- properties - map of properties used by the ReceiverLink. TBD
Connection.reject_receiver(handle, reason)
Called by the application to reject a request from the peer to create a ReceiverLink. This should be called instead of accept_receiver() if the application wants to deny the peer's request. The application is notified of such a request via the receiver_requested Connection callback (see below). Parameters:
- handle - the opaque handle provided by the Connection.receiver_requested() callback.
- reason - TBD
Connection Events
Callbacks can be registered with an instance of a Connection object. These callbacks are invoked on the following events:
- The Connection becomes active.
- The peer has requested that the Connection be closed.
- The Connection has closed.
- The Connection has experienced a failure.
- The peer wants to consume from a local node.
- The peer wants to send messages to a local node.
- SASL authentication
Callbacks for these events are provided by the application via the ConnectionEventHandler object. The following callbacks are defined for a Connection:
The Connection has transitioned to the Active state. This means that both ends of the Connection can send and receive data.
The Connection has closed cleanly. This event is generated as a result of both ends of the Connection being closed via the close() method.
connection_remote_closed(Connection, error)
Indicates that the peer has issued a close() on the connection. TBD error
connection_failed(Connection, error)
Indicates that the connection has failed. No further message passing is possible and all contained links are dead. At this point the application has no choice but to destroy the Connection. TBD error
sender_requested(Connection, handle, name, requested_source, properties)
The peer has requested that a SenderLink be created so it can consume messages from a node in the local Container. The requested_source is the address of the (source) node that the peer wishes to consume messages from. The application may accept the request by calling Connection.accept_sender() or deny the request by calling Connection.reject_sender()
receiver_requested(Connection, handle, name, requested_target, properties)
The peer needs to send messages to a node in the local container and is asking your application to create a ReceiverLink on its behalf. The intent of this ReceiverLink is to consume the incoming messages from the peer. The requested_target is the address of the (target) node that the peer wishes to send messages to. The application may accept the request by calling Connection.accept_receiver() or deny the request by calling Connection.reject_receiver()
sasl_step(Connection, pn_sasl)
Invoked each time the SASL negotiation transfers information. See the Proton API for more detail.
sasl_done(Connection, result)
Invoked on completion of the SASL handshake. See the Proton API for more detail.
The SenderLink Class
A SenderLink is created from the Connection that connects to remote Container that holdes the target node. See the Connection.create_sender() and Connection.accept_sender() methods.
Returns the name of the SenderLink.
A opaque handle that can be set by the application for its own per-SenderLink data.
A SenderLink must be opened before it will entry the Active state and messages can be sent.
Returns the address of the local node that is the source of the sent messages.
Returns the address of the node in the peer's Container that will accept the sent messages. Note that this address is not final until the SenderLink has reached the Active state.
Initiate a close of the SenderLink.
Returns True when the SenderLink has closed.
This releases the SenderLink. This must be called to release the resources used by the SenderLink. Once called the SenderLink is no longer present - the application should drop all references to the destroyed SenderLink.
SenderLink.send(message, delivery_callback, handle, deadline)
Queue a message for sending over the link. Message is a Proton Message object. If there is no need to know the delivery status of the message at the peer then delivery_callback, handle, and deadline should not be provided. In this case, the message will be sent pre-settled. To get notification on the delivery status of the message a delivery_callback and handle must be supplied. The deadline is optional in this case. This method returns 0 if the message was queued successfully (and the delivery_callback, if supplied, is guaranteed to be invoked). Otherwise an error occurred and the message was not queued and no callback will be made. Parameters:
- message - a complete Proton Message object
- handle - opaque object supplied by application. Passed to the delivery_callback method.
- deadline - future timestamp when the send should be aborted if it has not completed. In seconds since Epoch.
- an optional method that will be invoked when the delivery status of the message has reached a terminal state. The callback accepts the following parameters:- SenderLink - the link over which the message was sent.
- handle - the handle provided in the send() call.
- status - the status of the delivery. It will be one of the
following values:
- the delivery did not reach a terminal state before the deadline expired. Whether or not the message was actually received is unknown.ACCEPTED
- the remote has received and accepted the message. SeeReceiverLink.message_accepted()
- the remote has received but has rejected the message. SeeReceiverLink.message_rejected()
- the remote has received but will not accept the message. SeeReceiverLink.message_released()
- Connection or SenderLink has been closed/destroyed/failed, etc.UNKNOWN
- the remote did not provide a delivery status.MODIFIED
- error - if status is ABORTED, an error code is provided TBD
- outcome - RESERVED TBD
Returns the number of outging messages in the process of being sent.
Returns the number of messages the remote ReceiverLink has permitted the SenderLink to send.
SenderLink Events
Callbacks can be registered with an instance of a SenderLink object. These callbacks are invoked on the following events:
- The link becomes active.
- The peer has initiated the close of the link.
- The link has closed.
- The peer has made credit available to the sender.
Callbacks for these events are provided by the application via the SenderEventHandler objects. The following callback methods are defined for a SenderLink:
Called when the link open has completed and the SenderLink is active.
Called when SenderLink has closed.
sender_remote_closed(SenderLink, error)
Indicates that the peer has issued a close() on the link. TBD error
Indicates that the peer has made credit available. The current credit value can be determined via the SenderLink.credit() method. TBD
- invoked only when credit transitions from <= 0 to > 0???
The ReceiverLink Class
A ReceiverLink is created from the Connection that connects to the remote Container which holds the source node. See the Connection.create_receiver() and Connection.accept_receiver() methods.
Returns the name of the ReceiverLink.
A opaque handle that can be set by the application for its own per-ReceiverLink data.
A ReceiverLink must be opened before it will entry the Active state and messages can be sent.
Returns the address of the node in the peer's Container that is the source of received messages. Note that this address is not final until the ReceiverLink has reached the Active state.
Returns the address of the local node that will accept the received messages.
Initiate a close of the ReceiverLink.
Returns True when the ReceiverLink has closed.
This releases the ReceiverLink. This must be called to release the resources used by the ReceiverLink. Once called the ReceiverLink is no longer present - the application should drop all references to the destroyed ReceiverLink.
Returns the number of messages the ReceiverLink is able to queue locally before back-pressuring the sender. Capacity decreases by one each time a message arrives. Capacity is initialized to zero when the ReceiverLink is first created - the application must call add_capacity() in order to allow the peer to send messages.
Increases the credit made available to the peer by N messages. Must be called by application to replenish the sender's credit as messages arrive.
ReceiverLink.message_accepted( handle )
Indicate to the remote that the message identified by handle has been successfully processed by the application. See the message_received callback below, as well as the SenderLink.send() method.
ReceiverLink.message_rejected( handle, outcome )
Indicate to the remote that the message identified by handle is considered invalid and cannot be processed by the application. See the message_received callback below, as well as the SenderLink.send() method. Outcome TBD
ReceiverLink.message_released( handle )
Indicate to the remote that the message identified by handle will not be processed by the application and should be made available for other consumers. See the message_received callback below, as well as the SenderLink.send() method.
ReceiverLink.message_modified( handle, outcome )
Indicate to the remote that the message identified by handle was modified by the application but not processed. See the message_received callback below, as well as the SenderLink.send() method. Outcome TBD
ReceiverLink Events
Callbacks can be registered with an instance of a ReceiverLink object. These callbacks are invoked on the following events:
- The link has become active.
- The peer has initiated the close of the link.
- The link has closed.
- A message has arrived from the sender.
Callbacks for these events are provided by the application via the ReceiverEventHandler objects. The following callback methods are defined for a ReceiverLink:
Called when the link open has completed and the ReceiverLink is active.
Called when ReceiverLink has closed.
receiver_remote_closed(ReceiverLink, error)
Indicates that the peer has issued a close() on the link. TBD error
message_received(ReceiverLink, Message, handle)
Called when a Proton Message has arrived on the link. Use handle to indicate whether the message has been accepted or not by calling the appropriate method (message_accepted, message_rejected, etc) The capacity of the link will be decremented by one on return from this callback. Parameters:
- ReceiverLink - link which received the Message
- Message - a complete Proton Message
- handle - opaque handle used by framework to coordinate the message's receive status.