generate benchmark result files automatically

also move playground out of the benchmark suite
This commit is contained in:
ndparker 2014-02-21 22:41:08 +01:00
parent ec40a321e3
commit 647b024120
7 changed files with 337 additions and 132 deletions

View File

@ -13,11 +13,16 @@ for v in 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4; do
set -e
$p makefile
$p makefile || continue
CFLAGS=-O3 make clean compile
$p -OO bench/ -p >( cat - >>"$out" ) bench/*.js
python makefile
python -mbench.write -p docs/BENCHMARKS <"$out"
[ "$1" = "-w" ] && \
python -mbench.write \
-p docs/BENCHMARKS \
-t docs/_userdoc/benchmark.txt \
<"$out" \
|| true

bench/ Executable file → Normal file
View File

bench/ Executable file → Normal file
View File

View File

@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ Write benchmark results.
python -mbench.write -p plain-file <pickled
python -mbench.write [-p plain] [-t table] <pickled
-p plain-file Plain file to write to (like docs/BENCHAMRKS).
-p plain Plain file to write to (like docs/BENCHMARKS).
-t table Table file to write to (like docs/_userdoc/benchmark.txt).
if __doc__:
@ -40,20 +41,11 @@ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0"
__version__ = "1.0.0"
import os as _os
import re as _re
import sys as _sys
def write_plain(filename, results):
Output plain benchmark results
`filename` : ``str``
Filename to write to
`results` : ``list``
except NameError:
@ -67,6 +59,185 @@ def write_plain(filename, results):
return v.encode('utf-8')
return str(v)
def write_table(filename, results):
Output tabled benchmark results
`filename` : ``str``
Filename to write to
`results` : ``list``
except NameError:
next = lambda i: (getattr(i, 'next', None) or i.__next__)()
except NameError:
cmp = lambda a, b: (a > b) - (a < b)
names = [
('simple_port', 'Simple Port'),
('jsmin_2_0_9', 'jsmin 2.0.9'),
('slimit_0_8_1', 'slimit 0.8.1'),
('slimit_0_8_1_mangle', 'slimit 0.8.1 (mangle)'),
('rjsmin', '|rjsmin|'),
('_rjsmin', r'_\ |rjsmin|'),
benched_per_table = 2
results = sorted(results, reverse=True)
# First we transform our data into a table (list of lists)
pythons, widths = [], [0] * (benched_per_table + 1)
last_version = None
for version, _, result in results:
version = uni(version)
if not(last_version is None or version.startswith('2.')):
last_version = version
namesub = _re.compile(r'(?:-\d+(?:\.\d+)*)?\.js$').sub
result = iter(result)
tables = []
# given our data it's easier to create the table transposed...
for benched in result:
rows = [['Name'] + [desc for _, desc in names]]
for _ in range(benched_per_table):
if _:
benched = next(result)
except StopIteration:
rows.append([''] + ['' for _ in names])
times = dict((
uni(port), (time, benched['sizes'][idx])
) for idx, (port, time) in enumerate(benched['times']))
columns = ['%s (%.1f)' % (
namesub('', _os.path.basename(uni(benched['filename']))),
benched['size'] / 1024.0,
for idx, (port, _) in enumerate(names):
if port not in times:
time, size = times[port]
if time is None:
columns.append('%s%.2f ms (%.1f %s)' % (
idx == 0 and ' ' or '',
size / 1024.0,
idx == 0 and '\\*' or ['=', '>', '<'][
cmp(size, benched['sizes'][0])
# calculate column widths (global for all tables)
for idx, row in enumerate(rows):
widths[idx] = max(widths[idx], max(map(len, row)))
# ... and transpose it back.
pythons.append((version, tables))
if last_version.startswith('2.'):
# Second we create a rest table from it
lines = []
separator = lambda c='-': '+'.join([''] + [
c * (width + 2) for width in widths
] + [''])
for idx, (version, tables) in enumerate(pythons):
if idx:
line = 'Python %s' % (version,)
lines.append('~' * len(line))
for table in tables:
lines.append('.. rst-class:: benchmark')
for idx, row in enumerate(table):
if idx == 0:
# header
lines.append('|'.join([''] + [
' %s%*s ' % (col, len(col) - width, '')
for width, col in zip(widths, row)
] + ['']))
else: # data
lines.append('|'.join([''] + [
j == 0 and (
' %s%*s ' % (col, len(col) - widths[j], '')
) or (
['%*s ', ' %*s '][idx == 1] % (widths[j], col)
for j, col in enumerate(row)
] + ['']))
fplines = []
fp = open(filename)
fpiter = iter(fp)
for line in fpiter:
line = line.rstrip()
if line == '.. begin tables':
buf = []
for line in fpiter:
line = line.rstrip()
if line == '.. end tables':
fplines.append('.. begin tables')
fplines.append('.. end tables')
buf = []
_sys.stderr.write("Placeholder container not found!\n")
fp = open(filename, 'w')
fp.write('\n'.join(fplines) + '\n')
def write_plain(filename, results):
Output plain benchmark results
`filename` : ``str``
Filename to write to
`results` : ``list``
lines = []
results = sorted(results, reverse=True)
for idx, (version, import_notes, result) in enumerate(results):
@ -126,13 +297,12 @@ def write_plain(filename, results):
def main(argv=None):
""" Main """
import getopt as _getopt
import os as _os
import pickle as _pickle
if argv is None:
argv = _sys.argv[1:]
opts, args = _getopt.getopt(argv, "hp:", ["help"])
opts, args = _getopt.getopt(argv, "hp:t:", ["help"])
except getopt.GetoptError:
e = _sys.exc_info()[0](_sys.exc_info()[1])
print >> _sys.stderr, "%s\nTry %s -mbench.write --help" % (
@ -141,19 +311,22 @@ def main(argv=None):
plain = None
plain, table = None, None
for key, value in opts:
if key in ("-h", "--help"):
print >> _sys.stderr, (
"%s -mbench.write [-p plain-file] <pickled" % (
"%s -mbench.write [-p plain] [-t table] <pickled" % (
elif key == '-p':
plain = str(value)
elif key == '-t':
table = str(value)
struct = []
_sys.stdin = getattr(_sys.stdin, 'detach', lambda: _sys.stdin)()
while True:
version, import_notes, result = _pickle.load(_sys.stdin)
@ -166,6 +339,9 @@ def main(argv=None):
if plain:
write_plain(plain, struct)
if table:
write_table(table, struct)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
.. license:
.. copyright:
Copyright 2011 - 2014
André Malo or his licensors, as applicable
.. license:
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
@ -21,27 +22,43 @@
rJSmin - Benchmark
The following numbers have been measured with the bench package
provided in the source distribution. Since the numbers don't vary much
between python minor releases (e.g. 2.6 vs 2.7), only the benchmarks for
2.7 and 3.4 are given below. The :file:`docs/BENCHMARKS` file in the source
distribution contains a more complete list.
The following numbers have been measured with the bench package provided
in the source distribution. Since the numbers don't vary much between
python minor releases (e.g. 2.6 vs 2.7), only one benchmark per major
version is given below. The :file:`docs/BENCHMARKS` file in the source
distribution contains a more comprehensive list.
Here's the list of benchmarked implementations:
- Simple port is the original port by Baruch Even
- jsmin 2.0.9 is a speed-refactored python port by Dave St.Germain
(it got slower since version 2.0.2 and spikes with Python 3.2 for some
- slimit 0.8.1 is a minifier based on a parse/generate-iteration. Its
Python3 support seems to be incomplete. It fails with several inputs.
- slimit 0.8.1 (mangle) is slimit 0.8.1 with name mangeling enabled
- |rjsmin| is this very project
- _\ |rjsmin| is the C reimplementation of |rjsmin|
**Simple port**
The original port by Baruch Even
Note that jsmin 2.0.9 and slimit produce output different from
the original jsmin.c. Also the simple port was modified to use cStringIO
if available (it's faster then) or io (for python 3).
**jsmin 2.0.9**
A speed-refactored python port by Dave St.Germain. There are some
spikes in lower Python 3 versions (especially for the big file
**slimit 0.8.1**
A minifier based on a parse/generate-iteration. Its Python3 support
seems to be incomplete as it fails with several inputs. Python2
support actually starts with Python 2.6 (name mangeling uses Python
2.6 features)
It could not be installed with Python 3.0 and Python 2.4.
**slimit 0.8.1 (mangle)**
Same as slimit 0.8.1, but with name mangeling enabled.
this very project
**_**\ |**rjsmin**|
The C reimplementation of |rjsmin|
Note that the various implementations produce output different from the
original jsmin.c for one reason or another. Also the simple port was
modified to use ``cStringIO`` if available (it's faster then) or io (for
python 3).
And here's a list of the benchmarked javascript files:
@ -52,67 +69,71 @@ And here's a list of the benchmarked javascript files:
- knockout is knockout-2.0.0.js, the compressed download.
- markermanager is the V3 port of the google maps markermanager.
Inside the parentheses are size information in KiB (actually: number of
characters/1024). The sign behind the size value denotes the size difference
in relation to the simple port (i.e. jsmin itself).
Inside the parentheses are size information in KiB [#]_\. The sign
behind the size value denotes the size difference in relation to the
simple port (i.e. jsmin itself).
.. [#] Bytes / 1024 for Python 2 and Code Points / 1024 for Python 3
.. begin tables
Python 3.4.0
.. rst-class:: benchmark
| Name | apiviewer (953.2) | bootstrap (49.0) |
| Simple Port | 2162.57 ms (951.5 \*)| 90.56 ms (26.4 \*) |
| jsmin 2.0.9 | 2526.19 ms (951.5 >) | 39.41 ms (26.4 >) |
| slimit 0.8.1 | n/a | n/a |
| slimit 0.8.1 (mangle) | n/a | n/a |
| |rjsmin| | 57.31 ms (951.5 =) | 14.05 ms (26.4 >) |
| _\ |rjsmin| | 2.20 ms (951.5 =) | 0.17 ms (26.4 >) |
| Simple Port | 2083.14 ms (951.5 \*) | 90.13 ms (26.4 \*) |
| jsmin 2.0.9 | 2439.38 ms (951.5 >) | 38.70 ms (26.4 >) |
| slimit 0.8.1 | (failed) | (failed) |
| slimit 0.8.1 (mangle) | (failed) | (failed) |
| |rjsmin| | 56.03 ms (951.5 =) | 13.78 ms (26.4 >) |
| _\ |rjsmin| | 2.11 ms (951.5 =) | 0.17 ms (26.4 >) |
.. rst-class:: benchmark
| Name | jquery (242.4) | knockout (38.9) |
| Simple Port | 474.08 ms (135.9 \*)| 84.49 ms (38.6 \*) |
| jsmin 2.0.9 | 253.22 ms (136.8 >) | 43.57 ms (38.6 >) |
| slimit 0.8.1 | n/a | n/a |
| slimit 0.8.1 (mangle) | n/a | n/a |
| |rjsmin| | 96.61 ms (135.9 =) | 2.92 ms (38.6 >) |
| _\ |rjsmin| | 1.13 ms (135.9 =) | 0.09 ms (38.6 >) |
| Simple Port | 468.94 ms (135.9 \*) | 83.92 ms (38.6 \*) |
| jsmin 2.0.9 | 251.12 ms (136.8 >) | 42.35 ms (38.6 >) |
| slimit 0.8.1 | (failed) | (failed) |
| slimit 0.8.1 (mangle) | (failed) | (failed) |
| |rjsmin| | 95.54 ms (135.9 =) | 2.87 ms (38.6 >) |
| _\ |rjsmin| | 1.12 ms (135.9 =) | 0.09 ms (38.6 >) |
.. rst-class:: benchmark
| Name | markermanager (28.6) | |
| Simple Port | 45.54 ms (11.6 \*) | |
| jsmin 2.0.9 | 19.94 ms (11.6 >) | |
| slimit 0.8.1 | n/a | |
| slimit 0.8.1 (mangle) | n/a | |
| |rjsmin| | 5.97 ms (11.6 =) | |
| Simple Port | 44.58 ms (11.6 \*) | |
| jsmin 2.0.9 | 19.18 ms (11.6 >) | |
| slimit 0.8.1 | 149.82 ms (11.5 <) | |
| slimit 0.8.1 (mangle) | 174.04 ms (9.3 <) | |
| |rjsmin| | 5.88 ms (11.6 =) | |
| _\ |rjsmin| | 0.08 ms (11.6 =) | |
Python 2.7.5
@ -120,57 +141,59 @@ Python 2.7.5
.. rst-class:: benchmark
| Name | apiviewer (953.2) | bootstrap (49.0) |
| Simple Port | 2905.73 ms (951.5 \*)| 117.53 ms (26.4 \*) |
| jsmin 2.0.9 | 2996.74 ms (951.5 >) | 59.87 ms (26.4 >) |
| slimit 0.8.1 | 13816.28 ms (944.3 <) | 390.69 ms (26.5 >) |
| slimit 0.8.1 (mangle) | 16937.11 ms (922.9 <) | 415.09 ms (22.2 <) |
| |rjsmin| | 60.79 ms (951.5 =) | 16.10 ms (26.4 >) |
| _\ |rjsmin| | 2.01 ms (951.5 =) | 0.18 ms (26.4 >) |
| Simple Port | 2960.91 ms (951.5 \*) | 118.82 ms (26.4 \*) |
| jsmin 2.0.9 | 3087.26 ms (951.5 >) | 60.82 ms (26.4 >) |
| slimit 0.8.1 | 13520.48 ms (944.3 <) | 379.62 ms (26.5 >) |
| slimit 0.8.1 (mangle) | 16463.29 ms (922.9 <) | 404.06 ms (22.2 <) |
| |rjsmin| | 60.45 ms (951.5 =) | 15.94 ms (26.4 >) |
| _\ |rjsmin| | 1.92 ms (951.5 =) | 0.18 ms (26.4 >) |
.. rst-class:: benchmark
| Name | jquery (242.4) | knockout (38.9) |
| Simple Port | 616.05 ms (135.9 \*)| 117.73 ms (38.6 \*) |
| jsmin 2.0.9 | 371.60 ms (136.8 >) | 67.54 ms (38.6 >) |
| slimit 0.8.1 | 1849.66 ms (134.0 <) | 730.03 ms (39.0 >) |
| slimit 0.8.1 (mangle) | 2191.50 ms ( 95.0 <) | 866.40 ms (38.9 >) |
| |rjsmin| | 113.46 ms (135.9 =) | 3.44 ms (38.6 >) |
| Simple Port | 624.62 ms (135.9 \*) | 118.56 ms (38.6 \*) |
| jsmin 2.0.9 | 370.86 ms (136.8 >) | 67.29 ms (38.6 >) |
| slimit 0.8.1 | 1800.29 ms (134.0 <) | 703.96 ms (39.0 >) |
| slimit 0.8.1 (mangle) | 2129.26 ms (95.0 <) | 844.49 ms (38.9 >) |
| |rjsmin| | 113.71 ms (135.9 =) | 3.38 ms (38.6 >) |
| _\ |rjsmin| | 1.12 ms (135.9 =) | 0.09 ms (38.6 >) |
.. rst-class:: benchmark
| Name | markermanager (28.6) | |
| Simple Port | 58.19 ms (11.6 \*) | |
| jsmin 2.0.9 | 30.59 ms (11.6 >) | |
| slimit 0.8.1 | 147.98 ms (11.5 <) | |
| slimit 0.8.1 (mangle) | 175.33 ms ( 9.3 <) | |
| |rjsmin| | 6.99 ms (11.6 =) | |
| Simple Port | 59.09 ms (11.6 \*) | |
| jsmin 2.0.9 | 30.78 ms (11.6 >) | |
| slimit 0.8.1 | 145.18 ms (11.5 <) | |
| slimit 0.8.1 (mangle) | 164.81 ms (9.3 <) | |
| |rjsmin| | 6.94 ms (11.6 =) | |
| _\ |rjsmin| | 0.08 ms (11.6 =) | |
.. end tables
.. vim: ft=rest tw=72

View File

@ -75,3 +75,4 @@ modules = rjsmin
dist =

bench/ → Executable file → Normal file
View File