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Semver |latest-version|
|build-status| |python-support| |downloads| |license|
A Python module for `semantic versioning`_. Simplifies comparing versions.
.. |latest-version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/semver.svg
:alt: Latest version on PyPI
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/semver
.. |build-status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/k-bx/python-semver.svg?branch=master
:alt: Build status
:target: https://travis-ci.org/k-bx/python-semver
.. |python-support| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/semver.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/semver
:alt: Python versions
.. |downloads| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/semver.svg
:alt: Monthly downloads from PyPI
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/semver
.. |license| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/semver.svg
:alt: Software license
:target: https://github.com/k-bx/python-semver/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
.. _semantic versioning: http://semver.org/
This module provides just couple of functions, main of which are:
.. code-block:: python
>>> import semver
>>> semver.compare("1.0.0", "2.0.0")
>>> semver.compare("2.0.0", "1.0.0")
>>> semver.compare("2.0.0", "2.0.0")
>>> semver.match("2.0.0", ">=1.0.0")
>>> semver.match("1.0.0", ">1.0.0")
>>> semver.format_version(3, 4, 5, 'pre.2', 'build.4')
>>> semver.bump_major("3.4.5")
>>> semver.bump_minor("3.4.5")
>>> semver.bump_patch("3.4.5")
>>> semver.max_ver("1.0.0", "2.0.0")
>>> semver.min_ver("1.0.0", "2.0.0")
For Python 2:
.. code-block:: bash
pip install semver
For Python 3:
.. code-block:: bash
pip3 install semver
How to Contribute
When you make changes to the code please run the tests before pushing your
code to your fork and opening a `pull request`_:
.. code-block:: bash
python setup.py test
We use `py.test`_ and `tox`_ to run tests against all supported Python
versions. All test dependencies are resolved automatically, apart from
virtualenv, which for the moment you still may have to install manually:
.. code-block:: bash
pip install "virtualenv<14.0.0" # <14.0.0 needed for Python 3.2 only
You can use the ``clean`` command to remove build and test files and folders:
.. code-block:: bash
python setup.py clean
.. _pull request: https://github.com/k-bx/python-semver/pulls
.. _py.test: http://pytest.org/
.. _tox: http://tox.testrun.org/