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Brief History

This library has been factored out of the Autobahn|Python WAMP client library. The ApplicationSession object from that project therefore serves as a good example of how to use this library in a complex use-case.

We are releasing it in the hopes these utilities are useful on their own to other projects using event-based Python. Only authors of "library style" code are likely to be interested in this -- new application code should use your favourite Python asynchronous I/O platform.

Overview by Example

The simplest way to use txaio is to import txaio and use the helper functions directly. You must select the framework you wish to use by calling txaio.use_twisted() or txaio.use_asyncio() (which means asyncio, or trollius/tuplip if asyncio import fails).

Note that to use this library successfully you shouldn't call methods on futures -- use only txaio methods to operate on them.

import txaio
txaio.use_twisted()  # or .use_asyncio()

def cb(value):
    print("Callback:", value)

def eb(fail):
    # fail will implement txaio.IFailedFuture
    print("Errback:", txaio.failure_message(fail))

f = txaio.create_future()
txaio.add_callbacks(f, cb, eb)

# ...other things happen...

    answer = do_something()
    fail = None
except Exception:
    fail = txaio.create_failure()

# the point here is that you "somehow" arrange to call either
# reject() or resolve() on every future you've created.

if fail:
    txaio.reject(f, fail)
    txaio.resolve(f, answer)

Restrictions and Caveats

txaio is not a new event-based programming solution. It is not a complete box-set of asynchronous programming tools.

It is one piece that can help library authors to write cross-event-loop asynchronous code. For example, you'll note that there's no way to run "the event loop" -- that's up to you.

There is no support for @coroutine or @inlineCallbacks decorators. This is not possible, as asyncio under Python3 introduced a new syntax (yield from) to call into other co-routines. So, you are stuck with "callback style" code for your cross-platform library. (Note that users of your library can of course use new Python3 features like yield from, async and await in their own code -- but they do so by explicitly choosing "Python3 and asyncio" as their platform).

txaio is basically a "lowest common denominator" tool. There is a minimum of wrapping, etcetera but the library author doesn't get to use fancy features (e.g. @inlineCallbacks, mutation of returns, @coroutine) of the underlying async platforms.

Futures and Deferreds

In most cases asyncio is trying to be "as thin as possible" wrapper around the different APIs. So, there's nothing wrapping Future or Deferred -- you get the bare objects. This means that txaio.create_future returns you the native object, which you then pass to txaio.add_callbacks

Similarly, txaio.call_later returns the underlying object (IDelayedCall in Twisted or a Handle in asyncio). These both have a cancel() method, but little else in common.

Callbacks and Errbacks

Twisted and asyncio have made different design-decisions. One that stands out is callbacks, and callback chaining. In Twisted, the return value from an earlier callback is what gets passed to the next callback. Similarly, errbacks in Twisted can cancel the error. There are not equivalent facilities in asyncio: if you add multiple callbacks, they all get the same value (or exception).

When using txaio, don't depend on chaining. This means that your callback and errback methods must always return their input argument so that Twisted works if you add multiple callbacks or errbacks (and doesn't unexpectedly cancel errors).

txaio does add the concept of an errback for handling errors (a concept asyncio does not have) and therefore adds one helper to encapsulate exceptions (similar to Twisted's Failure object) which only exists in the asyncio implementation.

There is no inlineCallbacks or coroutine decorator support. Don't use these.

Error Handling

In your errback, you will receive a single arg which is an instance conforming to IFailedFuture. This interface has only a single attribute: .value, which is the Exception instance which caused the error. You can also use txaio.failure_* methods to operate on an IFailedFuture:

  • txaio.failure_message: returns a unicode error-message
  • txaio.failure_traceback: returns a traceback object
  • txaio.failure_formatted_traceback: returns a unicode formatted stack-trace

You should not depend on any other attributes or methods of the instance you're given.

Real Examples

You are encouraged to look at Autobahn|Python for an example of a system that can run on both Twisted and asyncio. In particular, look at the difference between autobahn/twisted/ and autobahn/asyncio/ and the compatibility super-class in autobahn/wamp/ which is the piece that uses txaio to provide an event-loop agnostic implementation that both the Twisted and asyncio concrete ApplicationSession objects inherit from.

autobahn.wamp.protocol.ApplicationSession is glued to a particular event-loop via autobahn.twisted.wamp.ApplicationSession which takes advantage of txaio.tx.LoopMixin to provide the helpers-methods attached to self.

In this manner, code in the generic implementation simply always calls txaio methods via self.create_future() or similar and users of Autobahn|Python can choose between asyncio and Twisted as they prefer by either from autobahn.twisted.wamp import ApplicationSession or from autobahn.asyncio.wamp import ApplicationSession

Cross-API Magic

If you wish to write Twisted-like code that uses asyncio as its event-loop, you should look at txtulip. I do not know of a project that lets you write asyncio-like code that runs on Twisted's event-loop.