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2015-06-04 14:59:34 +02:00

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.. _api_v1:
watcherclient Python API
The watcherclient python API lets you access watcher, the OpenStack
For example, to manipulate audits, you interact with an `watcherclient.v1.audit`_ object.
You obtain access to audits via attributes of the `watcherclient.v1.client.Client`_ object.
Get a Client object
First, create an `watcherclient.v1.client.Client`_ instance by passing your
credentials to `watcherclient.client.get_client()`_. By default, the
Watcher system is configured so that only administrators (users with
'admin' role) have access.
There are two different sets of credentials that can be used::
* watcher endpoint and auth token
* Identity Service (keystone) credentials
Using watcher endpoint and auth token
An auth token and the watcher endpoint can be used to authenticate::
* os_auth_token: authentication token (from Identity Service)
* watcher_url: watcher API endpoint, eg
To create the client, you can use the API like so::
>>> from watcherclient import client
>>> kwargs = {'os_auth_token': '3bcc3d3a03f44e3d8377f9247b0ad155'
>>> 'watcher_url': ''}
>>> watcher = client.get_client(1, **kwargs)
Using Identity Service (keystone) credentials
These Identity Service credentials can be used to authenticate::
* os_username: name of user
* os_password: user's password
* os_auth_url: Identity Service endpoint for authorization
* os_tenant_{name|id}: name or ID of tenant
To create a client, you can use the API like so::
>>> from watcherclient import client
>>> kwargs = {'os_username': 'name',
>>> 'os_password': 'password',
>>> 'os_auth_url': '',
>>> 'os_tenant_name': 'tenant'}
>>> watcher = client.get_client(1, **kwargs)
Perform watcher operations
Once you have an watcher `Client`_, you can perform various tasks::
>>> watcher.action.list() # list of actions
>>> watcher.action_plan.list() # list of action_plan
>>> watcher.audit.get(audit_uuid) # information about a particular audit
When the `Client`_ needs to propagate an exception, it will usually
raise an instance subclassed from
`watcherclient.exc.BaseException`_ or `watcherclient.exc.ClientException`_.
Refer to the modules themselves, for more details.
watcherclient Modules
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
modules <api/autoindex>
.. _watcherclient.v1.audit: api/watcherclient.v1.audit.html#watcherclient.v1.audit.Audit
.. _watcherclient.v1.client.Client: api/watcherclient.v1.client.html#watcherclient.v1.client.Client
.. _Client: api/watcherclient.v1.client.html#watcherclient.v1.client.Client
.. _watcherclient.client.get_client(): api/watcherclient.client.html#watcherclient.client.get_client
.. _watcherclient.exc.BaseException: api/watcherclient.exc.html#watcherclient.exc.BaseException
.. _watcherclient.exc.ClientException: api/watcherclient.exc.html#watcherclient.exc.ClientException