The step to create quantum db was missing. Signed-off-by: Isaku Yamahata <> Signed-off-by: FUJITA Tomonori <>
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Step-by-step example for testing ryu with OpenStack
Here is the step-by-step to test if ryu plugin/segregation works with openstack. In this example,
- create one user account as an admin and an user
- create two projects and create a network tenant for each project
- run VM instances for each projects
- open vga console via virt-manager
- try to ping to each VMs
Note: in this section, nova/quantum/ryu installation isn't explained. If you don't have any experience with openstack nova, it is strongly recommended to try plain nova and quantum with ovs plugin.
The following variable is used to show values which depends on the configuration.
- $username: nova user account name which is used as admin and user
Probably you man want to create two account to separate admin and user. In this example, only single account is used for simplicity.
e.g. yamahata
- $tenant0: nova project name and tenant name.
This name is used as both nova project name and nova network tenant name. Here we abuse nova project name as network tenant name for simplicity. If you'd like to more complex setting, please refer to nova documentation.
e.g. yamahata-project-0
- $iprange0: IP ranges which is used for $tenant0
- $tenant1: another project name
e.g. yamahata-project-1
- $iprange1: another IP ranges for $tenant1
step-by-step testing
In this example, euca2ools is used because it's handy. The more openstack way is possible, though.
setup nova data base
Run the following on a nova node:
$ sudo nova-manage db sync
setup quantum data base
Use mysql command to connect mysql server:
$ mysql -u <admin user name> -p
Then create the quantum db and allow the agents to access it:
mysql> CREATE DATABASE ovs_quantum; mysql> GRANT USAGE ON *.* to <user name>@'yourremotehost' IDENTIFIED BY 'newpassword'; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
Where the database name, ovs_quantum, the user name, <user name>, and its password, newpassword, are the one defined in the ryu plugin configuration file, ryu.ini.
If you are using multiple compute nodes, the GRANT sentence needs to be repeated. Or wildcard, %, can be used like:
mysql> GRANT USAGE ON *.* to <user name>@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'newpassword';
Make sure all nova, quantum, ryu and other openstack components are installed and running
- On nova compute/network node
- Ryu must be installed
- ryu quantum agent( is put somewhere and it must be running
- ovs bridge is configured
- on machine quantum-server is running
- Ryu must be installed
- the db server is accessible from all related servers
- On nova compute/network node
create a user on a nova node
Run the following on a nova node:
$ sudo nova-manage --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf user admin $username
Create project, get the zipfile for the project, unextract it and create
ssh key for $tenant0 Run the following:
$ sudo nova-manage --flagfile /etc/nova/nova.conf project create $tenant0 --user=$username $ sudo nova-manage --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf project create $tenant0 $username ./$ $ sudo unzip ./$ -d $tenant0 $ source ./$tenant0/novarc $ euca-add-keypair mykey-$tenant0 > mykey-$tenant0.priv
do the same of the above step for $tenant1
create networks for each projects
Run the followings:
$ sudo nova-manage --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf network create --label=$tenant0 --fixed_range_v4=$iprange0 --project_id=$tenant0 $ sudo nova-manage --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf network create --label=$tenant1 --fixed_range_v4=$iprange1 --project_id=$tenant1
register image file
Get the vm image from somewhere (or create it by yourself) and register it. The easiest way is to get the image someone has already created. You can find links from the below.
In this example we use the ttylinux image just because its size is small:
$ wget $ cloud-publish-tarball ttylinux-uec-i686-12.1_2.6.35-22_1.tar.gz <bucket-name> $ euca-register <bucket-name>/ttylinux-uec-amd64-12.1_2.6.35-22_1.img.manifest.xml
Now you get the image id, ari-xxx, aki-xxx and ami-xxx, where xxx is replaced with some id number. Depending on which distribution you use, you need to use other command like uec-publish-tarball. If you customize images, you may have to use commands like euca-bundle-image, euca-upload-image, euca-register.
Or you want to go for more openstack way, glance command is your friend to create/register image.
run instances
boot instances for each projects. In order to test network segregation, 2 or more VM instances need to be created:
$ source ./$tenant0/novarc $ euca-run-instances ami-<id which you get above> -k mykey-$tenant0 -t m1.tiny
# repeat euca-run-instances for some times. $ source ./$tenant1/novarc $ euca-run-instances ami-<id which you get above> -k mykey-$tenant1 -t m1.tiny
check if VM instances are created
Get the list of VM instances you've created and their assigned IP address:
$ euca-describe-instances
login VM instances and try ping/traceroute
In plain nova case, you can login the VM instances by ssh like "ssh -i mykey-$tenant0.priv root@$ipaddress" However, the VM instances are segregated from the management network. So the story differs. the easiest way to login the VM is to use virt-manager (or virsh) on each compute nodes. Identify on which compute node the VM is running by euca-describe-instances, and run virt-manager on the compute node. Show the vga console by virt-manager GUI, then you can login the VM instances.
Then try "ping <other VM IP or gateway>" or "traceroute <ip address>" on each consoles.
packet capture (optional)
You can run wireshark or similar tools in order to observe what packets are sent.
When something goes wrong
Something can go wrong sometimes unfortunately. Database tables used by openstack nova/quantum seems very fragile. Db can result in broken state easily. If you hit it, the easiest way is
stop all the related daemons
drop related DB and re-create them.
clean up OVS related stuff
OVS uses its own data base which is persistent. So reboot doesn't fix it. The leaked resources must be released explicitly by hand. The following command would help.:
# ip link delete <tapxxx> # tunctl -d <tapxxx> # ovs-vsctl del-port <br-int> <gw-xxx> # ovs-vsctl del-port <br-int> <tapxxx>
restart the daemons
set up from the scratch.
Although you can fix it by issuing SQL manually, you have to know what you're doing with db tables.
configuration file examples
This section includes sample configuration files I use for convenience. Some values need to be changed depending on your setup. For example IP addresses/port numbers.
* /etc/nova/nova.conf for api, compute, network, volume, object-store and scheduler node Here is the nova.conf on which all nova servers are running:
# For debugging
# I set those three above for my preference.
# You don't have to set them if the default works for you
# This depends on which authentication method you use.
# Change this depending on how MySQL(or other db?) is setup
# This path depends on where you install nova.
# You have to change this parameter depending on which IPs you uses
# This depends on which IPs you uses for one tenant
--quantum_connection_host= # <IP on which quantume server runs>
# Change this according to your set up
--libvirt_ovs_ryu_api_host=<ip address on which ryu is running>:<port>
# default
--linuxnet_ovs_ryu_api_host=<ip address on which ryu is running>:<port>
# default
# usually same to libvirt_ovs_ryu_api_host
* /etc/nova/nova.conf on compute nodes I copied the above to compute node and modified it. So it includes unnecessary values for network node. Since they don't harm, I didn't scrub them.:
--sql_connection=mysql://nova:nova@<IP address>/nova
--quantum_connection_host=<IP address on which quantum server is runniung>
--libvirt_ovs_ryu_api_host=<ip address on which ryu is running>:<port>
--linuxnet_ovs_ryu_api_host=<ip address on which ryu is running>:<port>
--rabbit_host=<IP address on which rabbit mq is running>
--glance_api_servers=<IP address on which glance api server is running>:<port>
--ec2_host=<IP address on which ec2 api server is running>
--osapi_host=<IP address on which OpenStack api server is running>
--s3_host=<IP address on which S3 host is running>
--metadata_host=<IP address on which ec2 meta data sever is running>
* /etc/quantum/plugins.ini This file needs to be installed on which quantum-server is running. This file defines which quantum plugin is used:
# Quantum plugin provider module
provider = quantum.plugins.ryu.ryu_quantum_plugin.RyuQuantumPlugin
* /etc/quantum/quantum.conf This file needs to be installed on which quantum-server is running. A configuration file for quantum server. I use this file as is.
* /etc/quantum/plugins/ryu/ryu.ini This files needs to be installed on nova-compute node, nova-network node and quantum-server node. This file defines several setting ryu quantum plugin/agent uses:
# This line MUST be changed to actually run the plugin.
# Example: sql_connection = mysql://root:nova@
#sql_connection = mysql://<user>:<pass>@<IP>:<port>/<dbname>
sql_connection = mysql://quantum:quantum@
integration-bridge = br-int
# openflow-controller = <host IP address of ofp controller>:<port: 6633>
# openflow-rest-api = <host IP address of ofp rest api service>:<port: 8080>
openflow-controller = <IP address on which ryu-manager is running>:<port>
# default
# This corresponds to <ofp_listen_host>:<ofp_listen_port> in ryu.conf
openflow-rest-api = <IP address on which ryu-manager is running>:<port>
# default
# This corresponds to <wsapi_host>:<wsapi_port> in ryu.conf
* /etc/ryu/ryu.conf This file needs to be installed on which ryu-manager is running. If you use default configurations, you don't have to modify it. Just leave it blank:
# Sample configuration file