During Kilo cycle we design and implement the new way of creating logs in Sahara project. Now we add a document which describe our vision on it. Change-Id: I5f3c215600475a012d335d415fa826e1d4aa2cd8
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Log Guidelines
Levels Guidelines
During Kilo release cycle Sahara community defined the following log levels:
- Debug: Shows everything and is likely not suitable for normal production operation due to the sheer size of logs generated (e.g. scripts executions, process execution, etc.).
- Info: Usually indicates successful service start/stop, versions and such non-error related data. This should include largely positive units of work that are accomplished (e.g. service setup, cluster start, successful job execution).
- Warning: Indicates that there might be a systemic issue; potential predictive failure notice (e.g. job execution failed).
- Error: An error has occurred and an administrator should research the event (e.g. cluster failed to start, plugin violations of operation).
- Critical: An error has occurred and the system might be unstable, anything that eliminates part of Sahara's intended functionality; immediately get administrator assistance (e.g. failed to access keystone/database, plugin load failed).
Formatting Guidelines
Now Sahara uses string formatting defined in PEP 3101 for logs.
"Incorrect path: {path}").format(path=path)) LOG.warning(_LW(
Translation Guidelines
All log levels except Debug requires translation. None of the separate cli tools packaged with Sahara contain log translations.
- Debug: no translation
- Info: _LI
- Warning: _LW
- Error: _LE
- Critical: _LC