Merge "Test "NOTIFY" message is sent to Nameservers"

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@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import time
import math
from oslo_log import log as logging
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib import decorators
@ -21,6 +25,10 @@ from designate_tempest_plugin import data_utils as dns_data_utils
from designate_tempest_plugin.tests import base
from designate_tempest_plugin.common import constants as const
from designate_tempest_plugin.common import waiters
from \
import SingleQueryClient
CONF = config.CONF
CONF = config.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -34,14 +42,16 @@ class ZonesTest(base.BaseDnsV2Test):
super(ZonesTest, cls).setup_clients()
if CONF.enforce_scope.designate:
cls.admin_tld_client = cls.os_system_admin.dns_v2.TldClient()
cls.rec_client = cls.os_system_admin.dns_v2.RecordsetClient()
cls.admin_tld_client = cls.os_admin.dns_v2.TldClient()
cls.rec_client = cls.os_admin.dns_v2.RecordsetClient()
cls.client = cls.os_primary.dns_v2.ZonesClient()
cls.primary_client = cls.os_primary.dns_v2.BlacklistsClient()
def resource_setup(cls):
super(ZonesTest, cls).resource_setup()
# Make sure we have an allowed TLD available
tld_name = dns_data_utils.rand_zone_name(name="ZonesTest")
cls.tld_name = f".{tld_name}"
@ -183,3 +193,66 @@ class ZonesTest(base.BaseDnsV2Test):
waiters.wait_for_zone_404(self.client, zone['id'])
waiters.wait_for_query(self.query_client, zone['name'], const.SOA,
"Config option dns.nameservers is missing or empty")
def test_notify_msg_sent_to_nameservers(self):
# Test will only run when the SOA record Refresh is close to one hour,
# otherwise skipped.
# This implies that the only reason "A" record was propagated is as a
# result of successfully sent NOTIFY message.'Create a zone, wait until ACTIVE and get the Serial'
' and SOA Refresh values')
zone_name = dns_data_utils.rand_zone_name(
name="test_notify_msg_sent_to_nameservers", suffix=self.tld_name)
zone = self.client.create_zone(name=zone_name, wait_until='ACTIVE')[1]
org_serial = zone['serial']
self.addCleanup(self.wait_zone_delete, self.client, zone['id'])
soa = [
rec['records'] for rec in self.rec_client.list_recordset(
zone['id'], headers=self.all_projects_header)[1][
'recordsets'] if rec['type'] == 'SOA'][0]
refresh = int(soa[0].split(' ')[3])
if math.isclose(3600, refresh, rel_tol=0.1) is False:
raise self.skipException(
'Test is skipped, actual SOA REFRESH is:{} unlike test'
' prerequisites that requires a value close to 3600'
' (one hour)'.format(refresh))
except Exception as e:
raise self.skipException(
'Test is skipped, something went wrong on getting SOA REFRESH'
' value, the error was:{}'.format(e))"Update Zone's TTL, wait until ACTIVE and"
" ensure Zone's Serial has changed")
updated_zone = self.client.update_zone(
zone['id'], ttl=dns_data_utils.rand_ttl(), wait_until='ACTIVE')[1]
new_serial = updated_zone['serial']
new_serial, org_serial,
"Failed, expected behaviour is that the Designate DNS changes the"
" Serial after updating Zone's TTL value")
waiters.wait_for_query(self.query_client, zone['name'], "SOA")'Per Nameserver "dig" for a SOA record until either:'
' updated Serial is detected or build timeout has reached')
for ns in config.CONF.dns.nameservers:
start = time.time()
while True:
ns_obj = SingleQueryClient(ns, config.CONF.dns.query_timeout)
ns_soa_record = ns_obj.query(zone['name'], rdatatype='SOA')
if str(new_serial) in str(ns_soa_record):
if time.time() - start >= config.CONF.dns.build_timeout:
raise lib_exc.TimeoutException(
'Failed, expected Serial:{} for a Zone was not'
' detected on Nameserver:{} within a timeout of:{}'
' seconds.'.format(
new_serial, ns, config.CONF.dns.build_timeout))