ZhongShengping 5d0408c719 Replace git.openstack.org URLs with opendev.org URLs
Thorough replacement of git.openstack.org URLs with their opendev.org

Change-Id: I5cfdd0c3e813f1cb6f72087fdb3ee3957b6e9ea7
2019-04-24 08:47:23 +08:00

7.1 KiB

How to install DNS with DevStack

The Designate team maintains a fork of devstack with Designate integration.



If you want to use local sources for development then you should consider using the contrib/vagrant folder in the repository.

  1. Get a clean Ubuntu 16.04 VM or newer. DevStack "takes over". Don't use your desktop!

  2. Clone DevStack inside the VM:

    $ git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/devstack.git
  3. Move to devstack directory:

    $ cd devstack
  4. Create a local.conf config file:


  5. Run DevStack:

    $ ./stack.sh
  6. See the status of all Designate processes :

    $ sudo systemctl status devstack@designate-*.service

    See the Using Systemd in DevStack home page for more options.

  7. Querying Logs :

    $ sudo journalctl -f --unit devstack@designate-*.service

    See the Querying Logs home page for more options.

  8. Load credentials into the shell:

    $ source openrc admin admin # For the admin user, admin tenant
    $ source openrc admin demo  # For the admin user, demo tenant
    $ source openrc demo demo   # For the demo user, demo tenant
  9. Try out the openstack client:

    $ openstack zone create --email admin@example.net example.net.
    | Field          | Value                                |
    | action         | CREATE                               |
    | attributes     |                                      |
    | created_at     | 2017-11-15T04:48:40.000000           |
    | description    | None                                 |
    | email          | admin@example.net                    |
    | id             | f34f835b-9acc-4930-b6dd-d045c15da78a |
    | masters        |                                      |
    | name           | example.net.                         |
    | pool_id        | 794ccc2c-d751-44fe-b57f-8894c9f5c842 |
    | project_id     | 9d0beaef253a4e14bd7025dc30c24f98     |
    | serial         | 1510721320                           |
    | status         | PENDING                              |
    | transferred_at | None                                 |
    | ttl            | 3600                                 |
    | type           | PRIMARY                              |
    | updated_at     | None                                 |
    | version        | 1                                    |
    $ openstack recordset create --records ''  --type A example.net. www
    | Field       | Value                                |
    | action      | CREATE                               |
    | created_at  | 2017-11-15T04:51:27.000000           |
    | description | None                                 |
    | id          | 7861e600-8d9e-4e13-9ea2-9038a2719b41 |
    | name        | www.example.net.                     |
    | project_id  | 9d0beaef253a4e14bd7025dc30c24f98     |
    | records     |                            |
    | status      | PENDING                              |
    | ttl         | None                                 |
    | type        | A                                    |
    | updated_at  | None                                 |
    | version     | 1                                    |
    | zone_id     | f34f835b-9acc-4930-b6dd-d045c15da78a |
    | zone_name   | example.net.                         |
    $ openstack recordset list f34f835b-9acc-4930-b6dd-d045c15da78a
    | id                                   | name             | type | records                                                             | status | action |
    | d0630d94-94d8-43fc-93e8-973fbec7531e | example.net.     | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. admin.example.net. 1510721487 3510 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |
    | 31a313dc-c322-4dc0-ba53-79c039d7f09f | example.net.     | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                   | ACTIVE | NONE   |
    | 7861e600-8d9e-4e13-9ea2-9038a2719b41 | www.example.net. | A    |                                                           | ACTIVE | NONE   |
    $ openstack recordset show f34f835b-9acc-4930-b6dd-d045c15da78a 7861e600-8d9e-4e13-9ea2-9038a2719b41
    | Field       | Value                                |
    | action      | NONE                                 |
    | created_at  | 2017-11-15T04:51:27.000000           |
    | description | None                                 |
    | id          | 7861e600-8d9e-4e13-9ea2-9038a2719b41 |
    | name        | www.example.net.                     |
    | project_id  | 9d0beaef253a4e14bd7025dc30c24f98     |
    | records     |                            |
    | status      | ACTIVE                               |
    | ttl         | None                                 |
    | type        | A                                    |
    | updated_at  | None                                 |
    | version     | 1                                    |
    | zone_id     | f34f835b-9acc-4930-b6dd-d045c15da78a |
    | zone_name   | example.net.                         |