flake8 new release 3.8.0 added new checks and gate pep8 job start failing. hacking 3.0.1 fix the pinning of flake8 to avoid bringing in a new version with new checks. Though it is fixed in latest hacking but 2.0 and 3.0 has cap for flake8 as <4.0.0 which mean flake8 new version 3.9.0 can also break the pep8 job if new check are added. To avoid similar gate break in future, we need to bump the hacking min version. - http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-May/014828.html Change-Id: I7c9c0dc296ac374881c03fcaa6c886e38f3d5d14
Devstack Helper Tools in Python
This is a set of cli tools for supporting devstack. It moves some of the complexity out of bash and into python where it's easier to have comprehensive testing of behavior.
Currently this includes the dsconf
tool, which provides
a cli for manipulating local.conf and ini files.
usage: dsconf [-h]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
sub-command help
iniset set item in ini file
inicomment comment item in ini file
iniuncomment uncomment item in ini file
inirm delete item from ini file
extract-localrc extract localrc from local.conf
extract extract and merge config from local.conf
setlc set variable in localrc of local.conf
setlc_raw set raw line at the end of localrc in local.conf
setlc_conf set variable in ini section of local.conf
merge_lc merge local.conf files
- Free software: Apache license
- Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/devstack-tools
- Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/devstack-tools
- Bugs: http://bugs.launchpad.net/replace with the name of the project on launchpad