<p>You need to have a system with a fresh install of Linux. You can download the <ahref="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD">Minimal CD</a> for Ubuntu releases since DevStack will download & install all the additional dependencies. The netinstall ISO is available for <ahref="http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/releases/18/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-20-x86_64-netinst.iso">Fedora</a> and <ahref="http://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/6.5/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.5-x86_64-netinstall.iso">CentOS/RHEL</a>.</p>
<p>Up to this point all of the steps apply to each node in the cluster. From here on
there are some differences between the cluster controller (aka 'head node') and the
compute nodes.</p>
<h3>Configure Cluster Controller</h3>
<p>The cluster controller runs all OpenStack services. Configure the cluster controller's DevStack in <code>local.conf</code>:</p>
<!-- save for vlan
<p>In the multi-node configuration the first 10 or so IPs in the private subnet are usually reserved. Add this to <code>local.sh</code> to have it run after every <code>stack.sh</code> run:</p>
<pre>for i in `seq 2 10`; do /opt/stack/nova/bin/nova-manage fixed reserve 10.4.128.$i; done</pre>
<p>Fire up OpenStack:</p>
<p>A stream of activity ensues. When complete you will see a summary of
<code>stack.sh</code>'s work, including the relevant URLs, accounts and passwords to poke at your
shiny new OpenStack. The most recent log file is available in <code>stack.sh.log</code>.</p>
<h3>Configure Compute Nodes</h3>
<p>The compute nodes only run the OpenStack worker services. For additional machines, create a <code>local.conf</code> with:</p>
<pre>HOST_IP= # change this per compute node
<p>A stream of activity ensues. When complete you will see a summary of
<code>stack.sh</code>'s work, including the relevant URLs, accounts and passwords to poke at your
shiny new OpenStack. The most recent log file is available in <code>stack.sh.log</code>.</p>
<h3>Cleaning Up After DevStack</h3>
<p>Shutting down OpenStack is now as simple as running the included <code>unstack.sh</code> script:</p>
<p>A more aggressive cleanup can be performed using <code>clean.sh</code>. It removes certain troublesome packages and attempts to leave the system in a state where changing the database or queue manager can be reliably performed.
<p>Sometimes running instances are not cleaned up. DevStack attempts to do this when it
runs but there are times it needs to still be done by hand:</p>
<p>DevStack creates two OpenStack users (<code>admin</code> and <code>demo</code>) and two tenants (also <code>admin</code> and <code>demo</code>). <code>admin</code> is exactly what it sounds like, a priveleged administrative account that is a member of both the <code>admin</code> and <code>demo</code> tenants. <code>demo</code> is a normal user account that is only a member of the <code>demo</code> tenant. Creating additional OpenStack users can be done through the dashboard, sometimes it is easier to do them in bulk from a script, especially since they get blown away every time
<code>stack.sh</code> runs. The following steps are ripe for scripting:</p>