2014-11-06 09:33:02 -06:00
All-In-One Single VM
2014-10-21 11:40:08 -04:00
Use the cloud to build the cloud! Use your cloud to launch new versions
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of OpenStack in about 5 minutes. If you break it, start over! The VMs
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launched in the cloud will be slow as they are running in QEMU
(emulation), but their primary use is testing OpenStack development and
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Prerequisites Cloud & Image
2014-11-18 06:51:16 -05:00
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Virtual Machine
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DevStack should run in any virtual machine running a supported Linux
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release. It will perform best with 4GB or more of RAM.
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OpenStack Deployment & cloud-init
2014-11-18 06:51:16 -05:00
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If the cloud service has an image with ``cloud-init`` pre-installed, use
it. You can get one from `Ubuntu's Daily
Build <http://uec-images.ubuntu.com>`__ site if necessary. This will
enable you to launch VMs with userdata that installs everything at boot
time. The userdata script below will install and run DevStack with a
minimal configuration. The use of ``cloud-init`` is outside the scope of
this document, refer to the ``cloud-init`` docs for more information.
If you are directly using a hypervisor like Xen, kvm or VirtualBox you
can manually kick off the script below as a non-root user in a
bare-bones server installation.
Installation shake and bake
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Launching With Cloud-Init
2014-11-18 06:51:16 -05:00
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This cloud config grabs the latest version of DevStack via git, creates
a minimal ``local.conf`` file and kicks off ``stack.sh``. It should be
passed as the user-data file when booting the VM.
- default
- name: stack
lock_passwd: False
sudo: ["ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL\nDefaults:stack !requiretty"]
shell: /bin/bash
- content: |
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive sudo apt-get -qqy update || sudo yum update -qy
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive sudo apt-get install -qqy git || sudo yum install -qy git
sudo chown stack:stack /home/stack
cd /home/stack
git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack
cd devstack
echo '[[local|localrc]]' > local.conf
echo ADMIN_PASSWORD=password >> local.conf
echo MYSQL_PASSWORD=password >> local.conf
echo RABBIT_PASSWORD=password >> local.conf
echo SERVICE_PASSWORD=password >> local.conf
echo SERVICE_TOKEN=tokentoken >> local.conf
path: /home/stack/start.sh
permissions: 0755
- su -l stack ./start.sh
As DevStack will refuse to run as root, this configures ``cloud-init``
to create a non-root user and run the ``start.sh`` script as that user.
Launching By Hand
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Using a hypervisor directly, launch the VM and either manually perform
the steps in the embedded shell script above or copy it into the VM.
Using OpenStack
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At this point you should be able to access the dashboard. Launch VMs and
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if you give them floating IPs, access those VMs from other machines on
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your network.
One interesting use case is for developers working on a VM on their
laptop. Once ``stack.sh`` has completed once, all of the pre-requisite
packages are installed in the VM and the source trees checked out.
Setting ``OFFLINE=True`` in ``local.conf`` enables ``stack.sh`` to run
multiple times without an Internet connection. DevStack, making hacking
at the lake possible since 2012!