2014-10-29 22:08:13 -05:00
stackrc - DevStack Settings
2014-10-21 11:40:08 -04:00
``stackrc`` is the primary configuration file for DevStack. It contains
all of the settings that control the services started and the
repositories used to download the source for those services. ``stackrc``
sources the ``localrc`` section of ``local.conf`` to perform the default
Select the database backend to use. The default is ``mysql``,
``postgresql`` is also available.
Specify which services to launch. These generally correspond to
screen tabs. The default includes: Glance (API and Registry),
Keystone, Nova (API, Certificate, Object Store, Compute, Network,
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Scheduler, Certificate Authentication), Cinder
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(Scheduler, API, Volume), Horizon, MySQL, RabbitMQ, Tempest.
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2014-10-21 11:40:08 -04:00
Other services that are not enabled by default can be enabled in
``localrc``. For example, to add Swift, use the following service
enable_service s-proxy s-object s-container s-account
A service can similarly be disabled:
disable_service horizon
Service Repos
The Git repositories used to check out the source for each service
are controlled by a pair of variables set for each service.
``*_REPO`` points to the repository and ``*_BRANCH`` selects which
branch to check out. These may be overridden in ``local.conf`` to
pull source from a different repo for testing, such as a Gerrit
branch proposal. ``GIT_BASE`` points to the primary repository
To pull a branch directly from Gerrit, get the repo and branch from
the Gerrit review page:
git fetch https://review.openstack.org/p/openstack/nova refs/changes/50/5050/1 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
The repo is the stanza following ``fetch`` and the branch is the
stanza following that: