Configure nova's use of placement more correctly

This change addresses a few inconsistencies in how nova processes
are configured to speak to the placement service.

The initial inspiration was that region_name was not being set in the
[placement] section, despite $REGION_NAME being used when setting
the endpoint in the catalog. That's fixed.

While fixing that two other issues became clear:

* Configuring nova process to use placement should happen in lib/nova
  not lib/placement so the function has been moved.
* auth_strategy is not relevant in the [placement] section of a
  nova process

The name of the function is maintained, in case there are plugins which
call it, but a comment is added to indicate that other services besides
nova compute (such as the cell conductor) may use the function.

Change-Id: I4a46b6460596e9a445bd90de2d52dbb71fb963df
This commit is contained in:
Chris Dent 2019-01-14 17:16:01 +00:00
parent 772ade5368
commit 16a10d7435
2 changed files with 15 additions and 13 deletions

@ -597,6 +597,21 @@ function create_nova_conf {
# Configure access to placement from a nova service, usually
# compute, but sometimes conductor.
function configure_placement_nova_compute {
# Use the provided config file path or default to $NOVA_CONF.
local conf=${1:-$NOVA_CONF}
iniset $conf placement auth_type "password"
iniset $conf placement auth_url "$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_URI"
iniset $conf placement username placement
iniset $conf placement password "$SERVICE_PASSWORD"
iniset $conf placement user_domain_name "$SERVICE_DOMAIN_NAME"
iniset $conf placement project_name "$SERVICE_TENANT_NAME"
iniset $conf placement project_domain_name "$SERVICE_DOMAIN_NAME"
iniset $conf placement region_name "$REGION_NAME"
function configure_console_compute {
# All nova-compute workers need to know the vnc configuration options
# These settings don't hurt anything if n-xvnc and n-novnc are disabled

@ -93,19 +93,6 @@ function _config_placement_apache_wsgi {
" -i $placement_api_apache_conf
function configure_placement_nova_compute {
# Use the provided config file path or default to $NOVA_CONF.
local conf=${1:-$NOVA_CONF}
iniset $conf placement auth_type "password"
iniset $conf placement auth_url "$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_URI"
iniset $conf placement username placement
iniset $conf placement password "$SERVICE_PASSWORD"
iniset $conf placement user_domain_name "$SERVICE_DOMAIN_NAME"
iniset $conf placement project_name "$SERVICE_TENANT_NAME"
iniset $conf placement project_domain_name "$SERVICE_DOMAIN_NAME"
iniset $conf placement auth_strategy $PLACEMENT_AUTH_STRATEGY
# create_placement_conf() - Write config
function create_placement_conf {