Make screen sleep time configurable

the sleep 3 in screen_it was added to make devstack pass in the gate
with exceptionally slow test cloud nodes. In the gate we now bypass
the screen path entirely. However the sleep 3 remains and can add a
couple minutes delay into local development runs.

We're not sure yet how low this can safely be tuned, so step 1 is to
make it configurable, then get devstack team members to try various
options to see what works.

Change-Id: I0e6476176fc8589efc4e40e78c2231f704d14e45
This commit is contained in:
Sean Dague 2015-04-07 10:40:49 -04:00
parent d1549d624d
commit 4d7ee095a1

@ -1256,8 +1256,13 @@ function screen_process {
# sleep to allow bash to be ready to be send the command - we are
# creating a new window in screen and then sends characters, so if
# bash isn't running by the time we send the command, nothing happens
sleep 3
# bash isn't running by the time we send the command, nothing
# happens. This sleep was added originally to handle gate runs
# where we needed this to be at least 3 seconds to pass
# consistently on slow clouds. Now this is configurable so that we
# can determine a reasonable value for the local case which should
# be much smaller.
sleep ${SCREEN_SLEEP:-3}
NL=`echo -ne '\015'`
# This fun command does the following: