Add some debug to async_wait failures

This dumps some data in the case where we fail to wait for a child
pid to help debug what is going on. This also cleans up a few review
comments from the actual fix.

Change-Id: I7b58ce0cf2b41bdffa448973edb4c992fe5f730c
Related-Bug: #1923728
This commit is contained in:
Dan Smith 2021-04-14 07:23:10 -07:00
parent aa5c38727b
commit 51e384554b

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function async_log {
command=$(iniget $inifile job command | tr '#' '-')
message=$(echo "$message" | sed "s#%command#$command#g")
echo "[Async ${name}:${pid}]: $message"
echo "[$BASHPID Async ${name}:${pid}]: $message"
# Inner function that actually runs the requested task. We wrap it like this
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function async_log {
function async_inner {
local name="$1"
local rc
local fifo=${DEST}/async/${name}.fifo
local fifo="${DEST}/async/${name}.fifo"
set -o xtrace
if $* >${DEST}/async/${name}.log 2>&1; then
@ -116,6 +116,24 @@ function async_runfunc {
async_run $1 $*
# Dump some information to help debug a failed wait
function async_wait_dump {
local failpid=$1
echo "=== Wait failure dump from $BASHPID ==="
echo "Processes:"
ps -f
echo "Waiting jobs:"
for name in $(ls ${DEST}/async/*.ini); do
echo "Job $name :"
cat "$name"
echo "Failed PID status:"
sudo cat /proc/$failpid/status
sudo cat /proc/$failpid/cmdline
echo "=== End wait failure dump ==="
# Wait for an async future to complete. May return immediately if already
# complete, or of the future has already been waited on (avoid this). May
# block until the future completes.
@ -129,18 +147,18 @@ function async_wait {
for name in $*; do
running=$(ls ${DEST}/async/*.ini 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
if pid=$(async_pidof "$name"); then
async_log "$name" "Waiting for completion of %command" \
"($running other jobs running)"
"running on PID $pid ($running other jobs running)"
time_start async_wait
if [[ "$pid" != "self" ]]; then
# Signal the child to go ahead and exit since we are about to
# wait for it to collect its status.
echo "Signaling exit"
async_log "$name" "Signaling child to exit"
echo WAKEUP > $fifo
echo "Signaled"
async_log "$name" "Signaled"
# Do not actually call wait if we ran synchronously
if wait $pid; then
@ -161,6 +179,7 @@ function async_wait {
"$rc in $runtime seconds"
rm -f $inifile
if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
async_wait_dump $pid
echo Stopping async wait due to error: $*