add options to support nova test matrix

This adds 2 devstack options:

NOVA_V2_LEGACY={True/False} which is whether we'd like to force the
/v2 endpoint to use the legacy v2.0 code base.

it also provides TEMPEST_COMPUTE_TYPE as an way to pass in which
service catalog entry we'd like to use for compute testing.

We also make v2.1 the default compute endpoint, as that's what we'd
like everyone to be testing and using. The other options will let us
build jobs that nova can run to ensure those APIs don't regress.

Change-Id: Ie6b7e4290d9a1d9789d04099b3b31c9a557bc22b
This commit is contained in:
Sean Dague 2015-09-01 12:45:28 -04:00
parent 9f52d648fb
commit 8349aff5ab
2 changed files with 25 additions and 4 deletions

@ -64,6 +64,11 @@ NOVA_API_PASTE_INI=${NOVA_API_PASTE_INI:-$NOVA_CONF_DIR/api-paste.ini}
# Expect to remove in L or M.
# NOVA_V2_LEGACY defines whether we force the Nova v2.0 enpoint onto
# the Nova v2.0 legacy code base. Remove this option once the Nova
# v2.0 legacy codebase is removed.
NOVA_V2_LEGACY=$(trueorfalse False NOVA_V2_LEGACY)
if is_suse; then
@ -317,6 +322,13 @@ function configure_nova {
if [[ "$NOVA_API_VERSION" == "v21default" ]]; then
sed -i s/": openstack_compute_api_v2$"/": openstack_compute_api_v21"/ "$NOVA_API_PASTE_INI"
# For setting up an environment where v2.0 is running on the
# v2.0 legacy code base.
if [[ "$NOVA_V2_LEGACY" == "True" ]]; then
sed -i s@"^/v2: openstack_compute_api_v21_legacy_v2_compatible$"@"/v2: openstack_compute_api_legacy_v2"@ \
if is_service_enabled n-cpu; then
@ -411,15 +423,16 @@ function create_nova_accounts {
get_or_create_service "nova" "compute" "Nova Compute Service"
get_or_create_endpoint "compute" \
get_or_create_service "nova_legacy" "compute_legacy" \
"Nova Compute Service (Legacy 2.0)"
get_or_create_endpoint "compute_legacy" \
"$nova_api_url/v2/\$(tenant_id)s" \
"$nova_api_url/v2/\$(tenant_id)s" \
get_or_create_service "novav21" "computev21" "Nova Compute Service V2.1"
get_or_create_endpoint "computev21" \
get_or_create_service "nova" "compute" "Nova Compute Service"
get_or_create_endpoint "compute" \
"$nova_api_url/v2.1/\$(tenant_id)s" \
"$nova_api_url/v2.1/\$(tenant_id)s" \

@ -361,6 +361,14 @@ function configure_tempest {
iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG compute fixed_network_name $PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME
# Set the service catalog entry for Tempest to run on. Typically
# used to try different compute API version targets. The tempest
# default if 'compute', which is typically valid, so only set this
# if you want to change it.
if [[ -n "$TEMPEST_COMPUTE_TYPE" ]]; then
iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG compute catalog_type $TEMPEST_COMPUTE_TYPE
# Compute Features
# Run ``verify_tempest_config -ur`` to retrieve enabled extensions on API endpoints
# NOTE(mtreinish): This must be done after auth settings are added to the tempest config