xenapi: Enhance devstack progress monitoring

Fixes bug 1091299

XenServer - devstack install monitors a log file by tailing it, to see,
if the devstack installation is finished. In some cases this script does
not detect, that the startup script is finished, and just waiting,
causing build failures with timeouts. With this change, the
install_os_domU script monitors, if the run.sh script is still running,
thus guaranteed to exit as soon as run.sh is done.

Change-Id: I24a7a46e93ce26be024096828c7954bc694af2b2
This commit is contained in:
Mate Lakat 2012-12-19 10:23:06 +00:00
parent d6decab220
commit 9efcf6042c

@ -376,35 +376,22 @@ if [ "$WAIT_TILL_LAUNCH" = "1" ] && [ -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ] && [ "$COPYENV" =
sleep 10 sleep 10
done done
# output the run.sh.log set +x
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no stack@$DOMU_IP 'tail -f run.sh.log' & echo -n "Waiting for startup script to finish"
TAIL_PID=$! while [ `ssh_no_check -q stack@$DOMU_IP pgrep -c run.sh` -ge 1 ]
function kill_tail() {
kill -9 $TAIL_PID
exit 1
# Let Ctrl-c kill tail and exit
trap kill_tail SIGINT
# ensure we kill off the tail if we exit the script early
# for other reasons
add_on_exit "kill -9 $TAIL_PID || true"
# wait silently until stack.sh has finished
set +o xtrace
while ! ssh_no_check -q stack@$DOMU_IP "tail run.sh.log | grep -q 'stack.sh completed in'"; do
sleep 10 sleep 10
echo -n "."
done done
set -o xtrace echo "done!"
set -x
# kill the tail process now stack.sh has finished # output the run.sh.log
kill -9 $TAIL_PID ssh_no_check -q stack@$DOMU_IP 'cat run.sh.log'
# Fail if the expected text is not found
ssh_no_check -q stack@$DOMU_IP 'cat run.sh.log' | grep -q 'stack.sh completed in'
# check for a failure
if ssh_no_check -q stack@$DOMU_IP "grep -q 'stack.sh failed' run.sh.log"; then
exit 1
echo "################################################################################" echo "################################################################################"
echo "" echo ""
echo "All Finished!" echo "All Finished!"