We have a *ton* of stuff in devstack that is very linear, specifically the ten-ish minutes we spend loading osc to run a single API command against something. We also generate configs, sync databases, and other things that use one core of our worker and make our runtime longer than it really needs to be. The idea in this patch is to make it super simple to run some things in the background and then wait for them to finish before proceeding to something that will require them to be done. This avoids the interleaving you would expect by redirecting the async tasks to a log file, and then cat'ing that log file synchronously during the wait operation. The per-task log file remains so it's easier to examine it in isolation. Multiple people have reported between 22-30% improvement in the time it takes to stack with this. More can be done, but what is here already makes a significant difference. Change-Id: I270a910b531641b023c13f75dfedca057a1f1031
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# Symbolic asynchronous tasks for devstack
# Usage:
# async_runfunc my_shell_func foo bar baz
# ... do other stuff ...
# async_wait my_shell_func
# Keep track of how much total time was spent in background tasks
# Takes a job runtime in ms.
function _async_incr_bg_time {
local elapsed_ms="$1"
_ASYNC_BG_TIME=$(($_ASYNC_BG_TIME + $elapsed_ms))
# Get the PID of a named future to wait on
function async_pidof {
local name="$1"
local inifile="${DEST}/async/${name}.ini"
if [ -f "$inifile" ]; then
iniget $inifile job pid
echo 'UNKNOWN'
return 1
# Log a message about a job. If the message contains "%command" then the
# full command line of the job will be substituted in the output
function async_log {
local name="$1"
local message="$*"
local inifile=${DEST}/async/${name}.ini
local pid
local command
pid=$(iniget $inifile job pid)
command=$(iniget $inifile job command | tr '#' '-')
message=$(echo "$message" | sed "s#%command#$command#g")
echo "[Async ${name}:${pid}]: $message"
# Inner function that actually runs the requested task. We wrap it like this
# just so we can emit a finish message as soon as the work is done, to make
# it easier to find the tracking just before an error.
function async_inner {
local name="$1"
local rc
set -o xtrace
if $* >${DEST}/async/${name}.log 2>&1; then
set +o xtrace
async_log "$name" "finished successfully"
set +o xtrace
async_log "$name" "FAILED with rc $rc"
iniset ${DEST}/async/${name}.ini job end_time $(date "+%s%3N")
return $rc
# Run something async. Takes a symbolic name and a list of arguments of
# what to run. Ideally this would be rarely used and async_runfunc() would
# be used everywhere for readability.
# This spawns the work in a background worker, records a "future" to be
# collected by a later call to async_wait()
function async_run {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local name="$1"
local inifile=${DEST}/async/${name}.ini
touch $inifile
iniset $inifile job command "$*"
iniset $inifile job start_time $(date +%s%3N)
if [[ "$DEVSTACK_PARALLEL" = "True" ]]; then
async_inner $name $* &
iniset $inifile job pid $!
async_log "$name" "running: %command"
iniset $inifile job pid "self"
async_log "$name" "Running synchronously: %command"
return $?
# Shortcut for running a shell function async. Uses the function name as the
# async name.
function async_runfunc {
async_run $1 $*
# Wait for an async future to complete. May return immediately if already
# complete, or of the future has already been waited on (avoid this). May
# block until the future completes.
function async_wait {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local pid rc running inifile runtime
for name in $*; do
running=$(ls ${DEST}/async/*.ini 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
if pid=$(async_pidof "$name"); then
async_log "$name" "Waiting for completion of %command" \
"($running other jobs running)"
time_start async_wait
if [[ "$pid" != "self" ]]; then
# Do not actually call wait if we ran synchronously
if wait $pid; then
cat ${DEST}/async/${name}.log
time_stop async_wait
local start_time
local end_time
start_time=$(iniget $inifile job start_time)
end_time=$(iniget $inifile job end_time)
_async_incr_bg_time $(($end_time - $start_time))
runtime=$((($end_time - $start_time) / 1000))
async_log "$name" "finished %command with result" \
"$rc in $runtime seconds"
rm -f $inifile
if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
echo Stopping async wait due to error: $*
# This could probably be removed - it is really just here
# to help notice if you wait for something by the wrong
# name, but it also shows up for things we didn't start
# because they were not enabled.
echo Not waiting for async task $name that we never started or \
has already been waited for
return $rc
# Check for uncollected futures and wait on them
function async_cleanup {
local name
if [[ "$DEVSTACK_PARALLEL" != "True" ]]; then
return 0
for inifile in $(find ${DEST}/async -name '*.ini'); do
name=$(basename $pidfile .ini)
echo "WARNING: uncollected async future $name"
async_wait $name || true
# Make sure our async dir is created and clean
function async_init {
local async_dir=${DEST}/async
# Clean any residue if present from previous runs
rm -Rf $async_dir
# Make sure we have a state directory
mkdir -p $async_dir
function async_print_timing {
local bg_time_minus_wait
local elapsed_time
local serial_time
local speedup
if [[ "$DEVSTACK_PARALLEL" != "True" ]]; then
return 0
# The logic here is: All the background task time would be
# serialized if we did not do them in the background. So we can
# add that to the elapsed time for the whole run. However, time we
# spend waiting for async things to finish adds to the elapsed
# time, but is time where we're not doing anything useful. Thus,
# we substract that from the would-be-serialized time.
($_ASYNC_BG_TIME - ${_TIME_TOTAL[async_wait]}) / 1000))
elapsed_time=$(($(date "+%s") - $_TIME_BEGIN))
serial_time=$(($elapsed_time + $bg_time_minus_wait))
echo "================="
echo " Async summary"
echo "================="
echo " Time spent in the background minus waits: $bg_time_minus_wait sec"
echo " Elapsed time: $elapsed_time sec"
echo " Time if we did everything serially: $serial_time sec"
echo " Speedup: " $(echo | awk "{print $serial_time / $elapsed_time}")