- Adjusts how we remove pacakges. Gentoo maintains a list of packages that the user has requested be installed called "world". By deselecting the packages, we remove them from this list, and at the end, call depclean which will uninstall packages no longer selected or needed as dependencies. - Updates profile logic. We should theoretically be able to support any new gentoo profile, without having to maintain a static list ourself by just updating the base. - Updates CI job to use default profile as determined by the gentoo element. This basically eliminates one more place we need to update profiles on change. - Ensures we install installkernel with USE=+grub so we actually install the kernel - Do not use testing (~amd64) packages unless absolutely neccessary - Fix growroot openrc initscript to use /sbin/openrc-run instead of deprecated-and-now-removed /sbin/runscript. Change-Id: Ie9d2ab67d72114603034374854bb3a3d52de8ca4
Copy static files into the built image.
The contents of any static/
subdirs of elements will be
installed into these images at build time using rsync -lCr
So to install a file /etc/boo
, include
in your element.
Note: This installs all files with owner and group of root.