The `diskimage-builder` command provides a yaml file based interface to `disk-image-create` and `ramdisk-image-create`. Every argument to these scripts has a YAML equivalent. The command has the following features: - Environment values can be provided from the calling environment as well as YAML - All arguments are validated with jsonschema in the most appropriate YAML type - Schema is self-documenting and printed when running with --help - Multiple YAML files can be specified and each file can have multiple images defined - Entries with duplicate image names will be merged into a single image build, with attributes overwritten, elements appended, and environment values updated/overwritten. A missing image name implies the same image name as the previous entry. - --dry-run and --stop-on-failure flags A simple YAML defintion would resemble: - imagename: centos-minimal checksum: true install-type: package elements: [centos, vm] - imagename: ironic-python-agent elements: - ironic-python-agent-ramdisk - extra-hardware The TripleO project has managed image build options with YAML files and it has proved useful having git history and a diff friendly format, specifically for the following situations: - Managing differences between distros (centos, rhel) - Managing changes in major distro releases (centos-8, centos-9-stream) - Managing the python2 to python3 transition, within and across major distro releases Now that the TripleO toolchain is being retired this tool is being proposed to be used for the image builds of TripleO's successor, as well as the rest of the community. Subsequent commits will add documentation and switch some tests to using `diskimage-builder`. Change-Id: I95cba3530d1b1c6c52cf547338762e33738f7225
575 lines
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575 lines
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# Copyright 2023 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import argparse
import collections
import io
import jsonschema
import os
import os.path
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import yaml
import diskimage_builder.paths
class SchemaProperty(object):
"""Base class for a basic schema and a help string"""
key = None
description = None
schema_type = "string"
def __init__(self, key, description, schema_type=None):
self.key = key
self.description = description
if schema_type:
self.schema_type = schema_type
def to_schema(self):
return {self.key: {"type": self.schema_type}}
def type_help(self):
return "Value is a string"
def to_help(self):
return "%s\n%s\n%s\n(%s)" % (
"-" * len(self.key),
class Env(SchemaProperty):
"""String dict schema for environment variables"""
def __init__(self, key, description):
super(Env, self).__init__(key, description, schema_type="object")
def to_schema(self):
schema = super(Env, self).to_schema()
schema[self.key]["additionalProperties"] = {"type": "string"}
return schema
def type_help(self):
return "Value is a map of strings"
class Arg(SchemaProperty):
"""Command argument with associated value"""
arg = None
def __init__(self, key, description, schema_type=None, arg=None):
super(Arg, self).__init__(key, description, schema_type=schema_type)
self.arg = arg
def arg_name(self):
if self.arg is None:
return "--%s" % self.key
return self.arg
def to_argument(self, value=None):
arg = self.arg_name()
if value is not None and value != "":
return [arg, value]
return []
class Flag(Arg):
"""Boolean value which does not contribute to arguments"""
def __init__(self, key, description):
super(Flag, self).__init__(key, description, schema_type="boolean")
def to_argument(self, value=None):
return []
def type_help(self):
return "Value is a boolean"
class ArgFlag(Arg):
"""Boolean value for a flag argument being set or not"""
def __init__(self, key, description, arg=None):
super(ArgFlag, self).__init__(
key, description, arg=arg, schema_type="boolean"
def to_argument(self, value=None):
if value:
return [self.arg_name()]
return []
def type_help(self):
return "Value is a boolean"
class ArgEnum(Arg):
"""String argument constrained to a list of allowed values"""
enum = None
def __init__(
self, key, description, schema_type="string", arg=None, enum=None
super(ArgEnum, self).__init__(
key, description, schema_type=schema_type, arg=arg
self.enum = enum and enum or []
def to_schema(self):
schema = super(ArgEnum, self).to_schema()
schema[self.key]["enum"] = self.enum
return schema
def type_help(self):
return "Allowed values: %s" % ", ".join(self.enum)
class ArgFlagRepeating(ArgEnum):
"""Flag argument which repeats the specified number of times"""
def __init__(self, key, description, arg=None, max_repeat=0):
enum = list(range(max_repeat + 1))
super(ArgFlagRepeating, self).__init__(
key, description, schema_type="integer", arg=arg, enum=enum
def to_argument(self, value):
return [self.arg] * value
def type_help(self):
return "Allowed values: %s" % ", ".join([str(i) for i in self.enum])
class ArgInt(Arg):
"""Integer argument which a minumum constraint"""
minimum = 1
def __init__(self, key, description, arg=None, minimum=1):
super(ArgInt, self).__init__(
key, description, arg=arg, schema_type="integer"
self.minimum = minimum
def to_schema(self):
schema = super(ArgInt, self).to_schema()
schema[self.key]["minimum"] = self.minimum
return schema
def to_argument(self, value):
return super(ArgInt, self).to_argument(str(value))
def type_help(self):
return "Value is an integer"
class ArgList(Arg):
"""List of strings converted to comma delimited argument"""
def __init__(self, key, description, arg=None):
super(ArgList, self).__init__(
key, description, arg=arg, schema_type="array"
def to_schema(self):
schema = super(ArgList, self).to_schema()
schema[self.key]["items"] = {"type": "string"}
return schema
def to_argument(self, value):
if not value:
return []
return super(ArgList, self).to_argument(",".join(value))
def type_help(self):
return "Value is a list of strings"
class ArgListPositional(ArgList):
"""List of strings converted to positional arguments"""
def __init__(self, key, description):
super(ArgListPositional, self).__init__(key, description)
def to_argument(self, value):
# it is already a list, just return it
return value
def type_help(self):
return "Value is a list of strings"
class ArgEnumList(ArgList):
"""List of strings constrained to a list of allowed values"""
enum = None
def __init__(self, key, description, arg=None, enum=None):
super(ArgEnumList, self).__init__(key, description, arg=arg)
self.enum = enum and enum or []
def to_schema(self):
schema = super(ArgEnumList, self).to_schema()
schema[self.key]["items"]["enum"] = self.enum
return schema
def type_help(self):
return (
"Value is a list of strings with allowed values: %s)"
% ", ".join(self.enum)
class ArgDictToString(Arg):
"""Dict with string values converted to key=value,key2=value2 argument"""
def __init__(self, key, description, arg=None):
super(ArgDictToString, self).__init__(
key, description, arg=arg, schema_type="object"
def to_schema(self):
schema = super(ArgDictToString, self).to_schema()
schema[self.key]["additionalProperties"] = {"type": "string"}
return schema
def to_argument(self, value):
as_list = []
for k, v in value.items():
as_list.append("%s=%s" % (k, v))
return super(ArgDictToString, self).to_argument(",".join(as_list))
def type_help(self):
return "Value is a map of strings"
Arg("imagename", "Set the imagename of the output image file.", arg="-o"),
"Set the architecture of the image.",
"Set the image types of the output image files.",
"Environment variables to set during the image build.",
"Whether to build a ramdisk image.",
"Tracing level to log, integer 0 is off.",
"Do not compress the image - larger but faster.",
ArgFlag("clear", "Clear environment before starting work.", arg="-c"),
"Save run output to given logfile.",
"Generate MD5 and SHA256 checksum files for the created image.",
"Image size in GB for the created image.",
"Extra image size in GB for the created image.",
"Location for cached images, defaults to ~/.cache/image-create.",
"Max number of filesystem blocks to support when resizing. "
"Useful if you want a really large root partition when the "
"image is deployed. Using a very large value may run into a "
"known bug in resize2fs. Setting the value to 274877906944 "
"will get you a 1PB root file system. Making this "
"value unnecessarily large will consume extra disk "
"space on the root partition with extra file system inodes.",
"Minimum size in GB needed in tmpfs to build the image.",
"Filesystem journal size in MB to pass to mkfs.",
"Option flags to be passed directly to mkfs.",
ArgFlag("no-tmpfs", "Do not use tmpfs to speed image build."),
ArgFlag("offline", "Do not update cached resources."),
"Option flags to be passed directly to qemu-img.",
'Label for the root filesystem, defaults to "cloudimg-rootfs".',
"Specify the main element to be used for building ramdisks. "
'Defaults to "ramdisk". Should be set to "dracut-ramdisk" '
"for platforms such as RHEL and CentOS that do not package busybox.",
"Specify the default installation type.",
enum=["source", "package"],
"Specify the repo and tag to use if the output type is docker, "
"defaults to the value of output imagename.",
"Extra packages to install in the image. Runs once, after "
'"install.d" phase. Does not apply when ramdisk is true.',
'Skip the default inclusion of the "base" element. '
"Does not apply when ramdisk is true.",
"list of elements to build the image with",
for arg in PROPERTIES:
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": SCHEMA_PROPERTIES,
"additionalProperties": False,
"additionalProperties": False,
class Command(object):
script = None
args = None
environ = None
def __init__(self, script, properties, entry):
self.script = script
self.args = []
self.environ = {}
for prop in properties:
if prop.key in entry:
value = entry[prop.key]
if isinstance(prop, Env):
elif isinstance(prop, Arg):
def merged_env(self):
environ = os.environ.copy()
# pre-seed some paths for the shell script
environ["_LIB"] = diskimage_builder.paths.get_path("lib")
return environ
def command(self):
return ["bash", self.script] + self.args
def __repr__(self):
elements = []
for k, v in self.environ.items():
elements.append("%s=%s" % (k, shlex.quote(v)))
elements.extend([shlex.quote(a) for a in self.command()])
return " ".join(elements) + "\n"
def help_properties():
str = io.StringIO()
for prop in PROPERTIES:
return str.getvalue()
def get_args():
description = (
The file format is YAML which expects a list of image definition maps.
Supported entries for an image definition are:
% help_properties()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
help="Paths to image build definition YAML files",
help="Show the disk-image-create, ramdisk-image-create commands and "
help="Stop building images when an image build fails",
args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
return args
def merge_entry(merged_entry, entry):
for k, v in entry.items():
if isinstance(v, list):
# append to existing list
list_value = merged_entry.setdefault(k, [])
elif isinstance(v, dict):
# update environment dict
dict_value = merged_entry.setdefault(k, {})
# update value
merged_entry[k] = v
def build_commands(definition):
jsonschema.validate(definition, schema=DIB_SCHEMA)
dib_script = "%s/disk-image-create" % diskimage_builder.paths.get_path(
rib_script = "%s/ramdisk-image-create" % diskimage_builder.paths.get_path(
# Start with the default image name, 'image'
previous_imagename = "image"
merged_entries = collections.OrderedDict()
for entry in definition:
imagename = entry.get("imagename", previous_imagename)
previous_imagename = imagename
if imagename not in merged_entries:
merged_entries[imagename] = entry
merge_entry(merged_entries[imagename], entry)
commands = []
for entry in merged_entries.values():
if entry.get("ramdisk", False):
commands.append(Command(rib_script, PROPERTIES, entry))
commands.append(Command(dib_script, PROPERTIES, entry))
return commands
def main():
args = get_args()
# export the path to the current python
if not os.environ.get("DIB_PYTHON_EXEC"):
os.environ["DIB_PYTHON_EXEC"] = sys.executable
definitions = []
for file in args.files:
with open(file) as f:
commands = build_commands(definitions)
final_returncode = 0
failed_command = None
for command in commands:
if not args.dry_run:
p = subprocess.Popen(command.command(), env=command.merged_env())
if p.returncode != 0:
final_returncode = p.returncode
failed_command = command
if args.stop_on_failure:
if final_returncode != 0:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(
final_returncode, failed_command.command()