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Trainig-labs PXE server

URL of the launchpad blueprint:

Training-labs traditionally installs OpenStack on Virtual Machines on the local machine. This feature should allow training-labs to provide PXE boot functionality for installing the OpenStack cluster on bare-metal.

Training-labs at present builds the framework to install a Virtual Machine (VM). Adding Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) server as a VM in the cluster should provide the bare-metal machines (physical hardware) or optionally even Virtual Machines with the supported linux distributions for installing and running OpenStack on top of it.

Setting this VM with bridged networking would allow us to make this PXE server easily accessible from the physical machine (laptop/desktop/server/ VM/etc.) and install the OpenStack cluster using the existing deployment solution and policies of training-labs on real hardware.

Proposed change

To enable PXE boot feature the following changes would be necessary:

  • Adding PXE Server node to osbash.
  • Changing osbash CLI to add pxeserver option.
  • Installation and configuration scripts for PXE server.



Primary assignee:

  • Julen Larrucea (julenl)

Other contributors:

  • Pranav Salunke (dguitarbite)
  • Roger Luethi (rluethi)

Work Items

  • Add new scripts which would allow PXE boot scenarios in training-labs.
  • Selecting the right way for automated installation of the operating system.
  • Creating appropriate policies for identifying the given role of a server.
  • Adding bridge network to the existing cluster.


Run: ./ -b pxeserver

The machine will be accessible in subnet of the bridged interface with the last octet being 100. If we are using the default networks, this could be The login credentials are the default ones for osbash.
