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Internal Dns As A Service


The DNS service enables users to look up their instances and external services using the Domain Name System (DNS)

Problem Description

Currently Neutron reference implementation for internal DNS resolving12 spawns a Dnsmasq server for every namespace on the compute node, per tenant per subnet, that is configured with DHCP server.

Those are the same Dnsmasq services used by the reference implementation for the DHCP server. Since Dragonflow uses its own DHCP3, currently Dnsmasq is being deployed only for internal DNS resolving.

Dragonflow can resolve DNS queries on with one service per compute node, and prevent spawning multiple Dnsmasq services per compute node.

Proposed Change

The DNS service contains two main elements:

  1. External DNS server (currently exists)
  2. Dragonflow DNS application

The DNS application will receive the DNS lookup request from the VM. If the DNS lookup address should be resolved to a local address, it will return the local address. Otherwise, it will forward the lookup to the External DNS server.

IP overlapping

Different VMs on different tenants can have identical IPs. Resolving DNS query for local address will be done only for IPs relevant to the VM's subnet and tenant.

Possible Implementations

Deploying new service

  • Currently this is the preferred option.

Dragonflow will deploy a new service (similar to the Metadata service). It will resolve DNS lookups for local address, or forward the request to an external server. The DNS service address will be added to the default DNS servers offered by the DHCP application. Currently the DNS service address will be the same as the router.

|                                   |              +-------------+
|   +-----+         +-------------+ |         +----+ External DNS|
|   |     |         |             | |         |    +   Service   |
|   | VM  |         |DF Controller| |         |    +-------------+
|   +-----+         |             | |         |
|      |            |             | |         |
|      |            +-------------+ |         |
|      |            |      DNS    | |         |
|      |            |     Service | |         |
|      |            |             | |         |
|      |            |             +-----------+
|      |VM port     +-------------+ |
|      |IP  | DNS server:
|   +---------------------------+   |
|   | OVS switch                |   |
|   +---------------------------+   |
|                                   |


  • Overload on the service wont affect the performance of the main df-controller
  • Creates separation between the "Control" (the controller), and the "Data" parts (the application) of Dragonflow. By that, it creates sort of Service-Injection on top of Dragonflow.


  • Different implementation and deployment than the other apps in Dragonflow (with the Metadata app as an exception)

Deploying a DNS application

Dragonflow will "hijack" any outgoing DNS lookups to external DNS services. If the address can be resolved locally, a response packet will be constructed and returned. Otherwise, the packet will continue to its original destination.

|                                   |              +-------------+
|   +-----+         +-------------+ |         +----+ External DNS|
|   |     |         |             | |         |    +   Service   |
|   | VM  |         |DF Controller| |         |    +-------------+
|   +-----+         |    +--------+ |         |
|      |            |    |DNS App | |         |
|      |            |    |        | |         |
|      |            |    |        | |         |
|      |            |    |        +-----------+
|      |VM port     +-------------+ |
|      |IP  | DNS server:
|   +---------------------------+   |
|   | OVS switch                |   |
|   +---------------------------+   |
|                                   |


  • Similar implementation and deployment to other apps in Dragonflow (with the Metadata app as an exception)


  • Overload on the DNS service will affect the local controller performance

Dragonflow data-model impact

Additional table will be created: DNSaaS. It will contain two lists:

  • The first list will create a mapping of domain_name and a link to the to the relevant subnet.
|              |
| subnet       |
|              |
| domain_name  |
|              |
  • The second list will create a mapping of dns_name and matching lport.
|               |
| lport         |
|               |
| dns_name      |
|               |

The missing information will be provided by Neutron.

Action items

  1. Deploy a new service from the controller, listening on a new virtual port
  2. Capture DNS lookup and process it (can be done with4. Will require adding this library to requirements)
  3. Resolve query, or send lookup to an external DNS service.
  4. Unittest, fullstack, and tempest tests (if exist)


  1. https://docs.openstack.org/neutron/pike/admin/config-dns-int.html↩︎

  2. https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-specs/specs/liberty/internal-dns-resolution.html↩︎

  3. https://github.com/openstack/dragonflow/blob/master/doc/source/distributed_dhcp.rst↩︎

  4. https://github.com/cmouse/pdns-remotebackend-python↩︎