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VLAN aware VMs


There are various use cases where it would be useful to allow a VM to be attached to multiple networks using VLANs as a local encapsulation method.

Problem Description

It is useful to allow a VM to attach to different networks using a single port, and have the VM dictate which traffic goes to which network. The use cases for this are:

  • Some applications have requirements to connect to many (say, hundreds) of Neutron networks. It is more practical to use a single or other small number of VIFs and use VLANs to differentiate traffic for each network than to have hundreds of VIFs per VM.
  • Cloud workloads are often very dynamic. It may be more efficient and/or less complex to add/remove VLANs than to hotplug interfaces in a VM.
  • A VM could be moved from one network to another without detaching the VIF from the VM.
  • A VM may be running many containers. Each container may have requirements to be connected to different Neutron networks. Assigning a VLAN (or other encapsulation) id for each container is more efficient and scalable than requiring a vNIC per container.
  • There are legacy applications that expect to use VLANs as a way to connect to multiple networks. Neutron provides a way to expose that model to the VM decoupled from how the network is actually implemented. Dragonflow should support this as a backend.

This information is also available on the Neutron side1.

Currently, this is not implemented in Dragonflow. A VLAN-tagged packet is treated like a regular packet, and passed as is. Tagged packets should appear as if they are untagged from the virtual port.

Proposed Change

Dragonflow will be notified by the API layer which ports are VLAN-tagged, to which port they are attached, and what is their segmentation ID. The data should be stored such that if new tagging methods (e.g. encapsulation, MPLS) need to be added, there will be no change to the model and API layer.

In Dragonflow, it is very easy to identify from which port and network a packet is received. This information is stored in OVS metadata by the classification application. The network is stored in the metadata. The destination port information is also stored in OVS metadata during packet dispatch.

Data-Model Impact

The Neutron API proposes two structures: trunks and subports.

trunks are only used to state that a port has subports, and acts as a reference between subports and ports. We propose to ignore this object in the Dragonflow database. The Neutron API is not modified, but there will be no matching Trunk object in Dragonflow.

subports link two port objects. One is the parent port, which is connected to the VM, and the second is a virtual port. There may be many subports linking to a single parent port, but at most one subport linking a virtual port.

We propose the following object: ChildPortSegmentation, with the following fields:

  • id - The ID of the ChildPortSegmentation. This value is not provided by Neutron, and will be generated by Dragonflow's Neutron driver.
  • parent - A reference to the parent port
  • port - A reference to the virtual port
  • segmentation_type - The type of tagging used. Currently, only 'vlan' is supported.
  • segmentation_id - The value of the tag used on this port.

API Impact

Dragonflow will provide a driver to Neutron's trunk service23.

Dragonflow will register to the events for adding supborts and removing subports.

The add suports handler will create a ChildPortSegmentation objects in the NB DB.

The delete subports handler will delete the ChildPortSegmentation objects from the NB DB.

An endpoint will be added to setup.cfg to allow easy loading of the DF VLAN aware VMs service plugin.

Local-Controller Impact

A VLAN-aware-VM application will be written, implementing the changes in this section.

When a ChildPortSegmentation is created, a classification flow entry will be added detecting packets tagged with the given type, and the tag value of the given ID.

The classification flow will attach the relevant reg6 and metadata values.

The classification flow will strip the VLAN tag.

The classification flow will have higher priority than the flows in the classification app. If the type or tag do not match an existing ChildPortSegmentation, it will fall back to the previous behaviour (the tag is ignored and passed as-is)

For instance, let's assume that a parent port has id 0x166, and ofport 183. It is connected to network 1. There's also a ChildPortSegmentation with segmentation type vlan and id 100. Its ID is 0x168 and it's connected to network 2.

The following flows will be created:

table=0, priority=150,in_port=183,vlan,vlan_tag=100 actions=strip_vlan,load:0x168->NXM_NX_REG6[],load:0x2->OXM_OF_METADATA[],resubmit(,5)
table=0, priority=100,in_port=183 actions=load:0x166->NXM_NX_REG6[],load:0x1->OXM_OF_METADATA[],resubmit(,5)

When a ChildPortSegmentation is created, a dispatch flow will be created to match its reg7 value.

The dispatch flow will tag the packet, and send it to the parent port.

The flow will not conflict with classification app's dispatch flow, since they match different reg7 values.

For example, the same ports above will create the following flows.

table=115, priority=100,reg7=0x168 actions=mod_vlan_vid:vlan_vid:0x10064,output:183
table=115, priority=100,reg7=0x166 actions=output:183

Other Dragonflow applications will be updated to use port's unique key (reg6/reg7) value, rather than relying on the in_port.

Devstack Impact

A devstack option will exist to enable VLAN aware VMs.

This option will add the VLAN aware VMs application to the apps list.

This option will configure Neutron's config file to use Dragonflow's VLAN aware VMs service plugin.

This option can be enabled by enabling the q-trunk service in local.conf. The Dragonflow plugin.sh will detect the service is enabled, and treat it as the option described above.

Work Items

  • Change Dragonflow apps to use unique key rather than in_port. Some apps are exempted, e.g. classification, tunneling, since these apps do need to work on the of-ports, rather than the Dragonflow logical ports.
    • port security
    • l3 (proactive and reactive)
    • dhcp
    • security groups
    • dnat
    • active_port_detection_app.py
    • metadata
  • Implement data model
  • Implement Neutron service driver
  • Implement VLAN aware VMs app
  • Implement devstack changes
  • Add fullstack tests


  1. https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-specs/specs/newton/vlan-aware-vms.html↩︎

  2. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/320092/↩︎

  3. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/341212/↩︎