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git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack

Copy one of the following as your local.conf to your devstack folder

Automated setup using Vagrant

This will create a 3 node devstack (controller + two computes), where Dragonflow is used as the Open vSwitch backend.

Vagrant allows to configure the provider on which the virtual machines are created. Virtualbox is the default provider used to launch the VM's on a developer computer, but other providers can be used: libvirt, VMWare, AWS, OpenStack, containers stuff, ...

Quick Start

  1. Install a Hypervisor if not already installed

    1.1. For Virtualbox - https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

    1.2. For libvirt - use you Linux distribution manuals

  2. Install Vagrant - https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html

  3. Configure

git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/dragonflow
cd dragonflow
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
  1. For full install with a controller node and 2 compute nodes follow step 4.1;
    For a minimal install with All-In-One setup, follow step 4.2
    4.1. Adjust the settings in vagrant/provisioning/dragonflow.conf.yml if

    needed (5GB RAM is the minimum to get 1 VM running on the controller node)

    • Launch the VM's: vagrant up
    • This may take a while, once it is finished:
      • You can ssh into the virtual machines: vagrant ssh devstack_controller, vagrant ssh devstack_compute1 or vagrant ssh devstack_compute2
      • You can access the horizon dashboard at http://controller.devstack.dev
      • The dragonflow folder is shared between the host and the two nodes (at /home/vagrant/dragonflow)
    • When you are done with the setup, you can remove the VMs: vagrant destroy
    4.2. Adjust the settings in vagrant/provisioning/dragonflow.conf.yml if


    • Launch the VM: vagrant up devstack_aio
    • This may take a while, once it is finished:
      • You can ssh into the virtual machine: vagrant ssh devstack_aio
      • You can access the horizon dashboard at http://allinone.devstack.dev
      • The dragonflow folder is shared between the host and the VM (at /home/vagrant/dragonflow)
    • When you are done with the setup, you can remove the VM: vagrant destroy devstack_aio