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Contributors & Reviewers Guide

In this document, we try to guide contributors to know what should be included in the patch. This guide is also helpful for reviewers covering what to look for when accepting a patch for Dragonflow.


The following items are expected for every patch:

# Commit message:

A title explaining what is done. The body of the commit message should concisely explain what this change does (if not trivial and covered by the title) and why this change is done (if not obvious). Triviality and obviousness are left to the reviewer's discretion.

# Tests:

Every change must be covered by tests. Unit tests are often the bare minimum and good enough, but a fullstack or tempest test will also do in a pinch.

# Documentation:

Every non-trivial function (say, longer than 10 lines, but left to the reviewer's discretion) must contain a pydoc. If a feature's design is changed (e.g. flow structure), then the relevant spec or dev-ref must be added or updated.

# Referenced Bug:

All but the most trivial changes should be linked with a Related-Bug, Partial-Bug, or Closes-Bug declaration. In case of extremely trivial fixes, TrivialFix may be stated instead, but it is at the reviewer's discretion whether the change is truly a Trivial Fix.

# Release Notes:

For NB API changes, configuration changes, new drivers and new application relevant release note should be added. It is recommended to use reno, see TBD.

Spec & DevRef

Spec should cover what the proposed feature is about, the impact it has on the user, etc. It is the high-level design document. In essence, it should show the spirit of the implementation. It should convey the general idea of what the feature does, how packets are handled, and where the information comes from. The spec should also include data-model changes, since this is the basis for the Dragonflow API.

DevRef should cover how the proposed feature is supported. It is a low-level design document explaining how the feature is implemented. It should cover design decisions too low level to be included in the spec. It should also cover the southbound implementation, including the rationale. The general guideline should be - if a new contributer reads this document, they should be able to understand the code of the application.

The difference between a spec and a devref is difficult to formalize. In essence, the spec should give a high-level design, while the dev-ref should give a low-level design of the feature. The guiding thought is that the spec should remain unchange unless there is a massive feature overhaul, but the dev-ref may change due to bug fixes, since it covers the low-level specifics.

Note that when writing the dev-ref, that the code is also available. Rather than explain the code, try to explain what the code is supposed to do, what is the end result supposed to look like, and most importantly, why the code looks that way.

Specs are usually reviewed and accepted before the implementation begins. Dev-refs are usually reviewed and accepted as part of the implementation or implementation change.

Bugs & Blueprints

For any issue with existing implementation, a bug report is expected.

For any new feature request or existing feature enhancement bug report with [RFE] tag is expected. Blueprint creation is not required.

Bug report should have descriptive title and detailed description. It is not a trivial task to submit a good bug-report, so we try to outline some guidelines that may help:

  • First explain the functionality issue We have seen many bug reports which were just a stack-trace dump, with no explanation of the effect it has on the user. It is difficult to understand if the e.g. exception is benign, or there's a real issue behind it. It is also helpful to explain what's the expected behaviour. It's possible we just mis-understood the feature.
  • Explain how to reproduce It is very difficult to mark a bug as solved, if we don't know how you reached it. Reproduction steps go a long way to make a bug clear and easy to tackle. It is also very helpful to have a copy of the deployment configurations, e.g. a config file or (in the case of devstack) a local.conf file.
  • One issue per bug We are not affraid of bug reports. And they are easier to manage if each bug is a single atomic issue we need to fix (There are some exceptions to this guideline, but they are usually very rare).