Ruslan Aliev 4dc1077a6e Use UUID as backup_id parameter
Current backup_id field may contain unsupported
characters for HTTP requests. It causes problems with
/v1/backups/{backup_id} requests. Proposed solution:
use UUID as backup_id instead of
'container_hostname_backupname_timestamp_level' pattern
for define backup_id.

Change-Id: I38e2ed52ab375ea0705cdb88f82e5e66cef5cd39
Closes-Bug: #1645110
Closes-Bug: #1618030
Signed-off-by: Ruslan Aliev <>
2016-11-28 15:10:03 +03:00

22 KiB

Freezer API v1

1. API versions

Method URI Description
GET / List information about freezer API versions

1.1 Request

This operation does not accept a body

1.2 Response


  "versions": [
       "id": "1",
       "links": [
              "href": "/v1/",
              "rel": "self"
       "status": "CURRENT",
       "updated": "2015-03-23T13:45:00"

2. API doc home

Method URI Description



Provides information about how to interact with the freezer API server

2.1 Request

This operation does not accept a body

2.2 Response


    "resources": {
        "rel/backups": {
            "hints": {
               "allow": [
               "formats": {
                   "application/json": {}
            "href-template": "/v1/backups/{backup_id}",
            "href-vars": {
               "backup_id": "param/backup_id"

3. Backups

Method URI Description
POST /v1/backups creates a backup entry in the API storage
------- --------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
GET /v1/backups{?limit,offset} List backup information
------- --------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
GET /v1/backups/{backup_id} Get details for a specific backup
------- --------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
DELETE /v1/backups/{backup_id} Deletes the specific backup information

3.1 Create backup information entry

Method URI Description
POST /v1/backups creates a backup entry in the API storage

Normal response codes: 201

3.1.1 Request

Example. Uploading backup metadata

    "backup_name": "important_data_backup",
    "backup_session": 12344311,
    "backup_size_compressed": 1212,
    "backup_size_uncompressed": 1212,
    "client_os": "linux",
    "compression_alg": "None",
    "container": "freezer_container",
    "encrypted": "false",
    "fs_real_path": "/blabla",
    "host_name": "alpha",
    "level": 0,
    "max_level": 5,
    "mode": "fs",
    "timestamp": 123444311,
    "total_backup_session_size": 1212,
    "total_broken_links": 0,
    "total_directories": 2,
    "total_fs_files": 11,
"vol_snap_path": "/blablasnap"

3.1.2 Response Example

    "backup_id": "b740ed9ad2b646aba304ef54c21c6774"

3.2 List backup information

Method URI Description
GET /v1/backups{?limit,offset} List backup information

Normal response codes:200

3.2.1 Request

Parameter Name Type Default Description
limit int > 0 10 Fetch at most limit results
--------------- ------------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
offset int >= 0 0 Start fetching results from index offset

This operation does not accept a body. If no results satisfy the query, an empty list will be returned.

3.2.2 Response


  "backups": [
          "backup_metadata": {
              "backup_name": "important_data_backup",
              "backup_session": 12344321,
              "backup_size_compressed": 1212,
              "backup_size_uncompressed": 1212,
              "client_os": "linux",
              "compression_alg": "None",
              "container": "freezer_container",
              "encrypted": "false",
              "fs_real_path": "/blabla",
              "host_name": "alpha",
              "level": 1,
              "max_level": 5,
              "mode": "fs",
              "timestamp": 123444324,
              "total_backup_session_size": 1212,
              "total_broken_links": 0,
              "total_directories": 2,
              "total_fs_files": 11,
              "vol_snap_path": "/blablasnap"
          "backup_metadata": {
              "backup_name": "important_data_backup",
              "backup_session": 12344311,
              "backup_size_compressed": 1212,
              "backup_size_uncompressed": 1212,
              "client_os": "linux",
              "compression_alg": "None",
              "container": "freezer_container",
              "encrypted": "false",
              "fs_real_path": "/blabla",
              "host_name": "alpha",
              "level": 0,
              "max_level": 5,
              "mode": "fs",
              "timestamp": 123444311,
              "total_backup_session_size": 1212,
  "total_broken_links": 0,
  "total_directories": 2,
  "total_fs_files": 11,
  "vol_snap_path": "/blablasnap"

3.3 Get backup details

Method URI Description
GET /v1/backups/{backup_id} Get details for a specific backup

Normal response codes: 200

3.3.1 Request

This operation does not accept a body

3.3.2 Response



  "backup_id": "b740ed9ad2b646aba304ef54c21c6774",
  "backup_metadata": {
      "backup_name": "important_data_backup",
      "backup_session": 12344311,
      "backup_size_compressed": 1212,
      "backup_size_uncompressed": 1212,
      "client_os": "linux",
      "compression_alg": "None",
      "container": "freezer_container",
      "encrypted": "false",
      "fs_real_path": "/blabla",
      "host_name": "alpha",
      "level": 0,
      "max_level": 5,
      "mode": "fs",
      "timestamp": 123444311,
      "total_backup_session_size": 1212,
      "total_broken_links": 0,
      "total_directories": 2,
      "total_fs_files": 11,
      "vol_snap_path": "/blablasnap"

3.4 Delete backup information

Method URI Description
DELETE /v1/backups/{backup_id} Deletes the specific backup information

Normal response codes: 204

3.4.1 Request

This operation does not accept a body

3.4.2 Response

This operation does not return a body

4 Clients

Method URI Description
GET /v1/clients(?limit,offset) Lists registered clients
------- --------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
GET /v1/clients/{client_id} Get client details
------- --------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
POST /v1/clients Creates client entry
------- --------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
DELETE /v1/clients/{freezerc_id} Deletes the specified client information

4.1 List registered clients

Method URI Description
GET /v1/clients(?limit,offset) Lists registered clients

4.1.1 Request

Parameter Name Type Default Description
limit int > 0 10 Fetch at most limit results
--------------- ------------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
offset int >= 0 0 Start fetching results from index offset

This operation does not accept a body. If no results satisfy the query, an empty list will be returned.

4.1.2 Response


                      "hostname": "my-workstation",
                      "description": "my simple freezer client description",
                      "client_id": "5c869f05e23149e4bf18639f2dd96380_vannif-HP-Z420-Workstation"
              "user_id": "fe93b43c374247c38b456c08041e6765"
                      "hostname": "another-node",
                      "description": "my second workstation",
                      "client_id": "5c869f05e23149e4bf18639f2dd96380_another-node"
              "user_id": "fe93b43c374247c38b456c08041e6765"

4.2 Get client details

Method URI Description
GET /v1/clients/{client_id} Get client details

4.2.1 Request

This operation does not accept a body

4.2.2 Response


  u'client': {
      u'client_id': u'5c869f05e23149e4bf18639f2dd96380_my-workstation',
      u'description': u'my simple freezer client description',
      u'hostname': u'my-workstation',
  u'user_id': u'fe93b43c374247c38b456c08041e6765',

4.3 Creates client entry

Method URI Description
POST /v1/clients Creates client entry

4.3.1 Request

   "hostname": "my-workstation",
   "description": "my simple freezer client description",
   "client_id": "5c869f05e23149e4bf18639f2dd96380_my-workstation"

4.3.2 Response

  "client_id": "5c869f05e23149e4bf18639f2dd96380_my-workstation"

4.4 Deletes the specified client information

Method URI Description
DELETE /v1/clients/{client_id} Deletes the specified client information

4.4.1 Request

This operation does not accept a body

4.4.2 Response

This operation does not return a body

5 Jobs

Method URI Description
GET /v1/jobs(?limit,offset) Lists registered jobs
------- -------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
GET /v1/jobs/{jobs_id} Get job details
------- -------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
POST /v1/jobs Creates job entry
------- -------------------------- -----------------------------------------------



creates or replaces a job entry using the specified job_id

------- -------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
DELETE /v1/jobs/{jobs_id} Deletes the specified job information
------- -------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
PATCH /v1/jobs/{jobs_id} Updates part of the document

5.1 Lists registered jobs

Method URI Description
GET /v1/jobs(?limit,offset) Lists registered jobs

5.1.1 Request

Parameter Name Type Default Description
limit int > 0 10 Fetch at most limit results
--------------- ------------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
offset int >= 0 0 Start fetching results from index offset

Body Example:

  "match": [
          "client_id": "5c869f05e23149e4bf18639f2dd96380_my-workstation"

5.1.2 Response


  "jobs": [
          u'client_id': u'5c869f05e23149e4bf18639f2dd96380_my-workstation',
          u'job_action': {
              u'action': u'backup',
              u'backup_name': u'workday_backup_of_my_work_stuff',
              u'container': u'my_backups',
              u'max_level': u'4',
              u'path_to_backup': u'/home/me/work_stuff',
          u'job_id': u'685eab6e3a2744b6bce789fe7e71d6e7',
          u'job_schedule': {
              u'schedule_day_of_week': u'tue,wed,thu,fri,sat',
              u'schedule_hour': u'03',
              u'schedule_minute': u'20',
              u'time_created': 1435064743,
              u'time_ended': -1,
              u'time_started': -1,
          u'user_id': u'fe93b43c374247c38b456c08041e6765',
          u'client_id': u'5c869f05e23149e4bf18639f2dd96380_my-workstation',
          u'job_action': {
              u'action': u'backup',
              u'backup_name': u'daily_backup_my_documents',
              u'container': u'my_backups',
              u'max_level': u'7',
              u'path_to_backup': u'/home/me/my_documents',
          u'job_id': u'a4ff2f1937864470b8f35e69c59454fa',
          u'job_schedule': {
              u'schedule_interval': u'1 days',
              u'schedule_start_date': u'2015-06-02T03:20:00',
              u'time_created': 1435064743,
              u'time_ended': -1,
              u'time_started': -1,
          u'user_id': u'fe93b43c374247c38b456c08041e6765',

5.2 Get job details

Method URI Description
GET /v1/jobs/{jobs_id} Get job details

5.2.1 Request

This operation does not accept a body

5.2.2 Response


    u'client_id': u'5c869f05e23149e4bf18639f2dd96380_my-workstation',
    u'job_id': u'685eab6e3a2744b6bce789fe7e71d6e7',
    u'user_id': u'fe93b43c374247c38b456c08041e6765',
    u'job_action': {
        u'action': u'backup',
        u'backup_name': u'workday_backup_of_my_work_stuff',
        u'container': u'my_backups',
        u'max_level': u'4',
        u'path_to_backup': u'/home/me/work_stuff',
    u'job_schedule': {
        u'schedule_day_of_week': u'tue,wed,thu,fri,sat',
        u'schedule_hour': u'03',
        u'schedule_minute': u'20',
        u'time_created': 1435064743,
        u'time_ended': -1,
        u'time_started': -1,

5.3 Creates job entry

Method URI Description
POST /v1/jobs Creates job entry

5.3.1 Request

    u'client_id': u'5c869f05e23149e4bf18639f2dd96380_my-workstation',
    u'job_action': {
        u'action': u'backup',
        u'backup_name': u'workday_backup_of_my_work_stuff',
        u'container': u'my_backups',
        u'max_level': u'4',
        u'path_to_backup': u'/home/me/work_stuff',
    u'job_schedule': {
        u'schedule_day_of_week': u'tue,wed,thu,fri,sat',
        u'schedule_hour': u'03',
        u'schedule_minute': u'20',

5.3.2 Response


    "job_id": "685eab6e3a2744b6bce789fe7e71d6e7"

5.4 Creates or replaces a job entry

Method URI Description



creates or replaces a job entry using the specified job_id

5.4.1 Request

    u'client_id': u'5c869f05e23149e4bf18639f2dd96380_my-workstation',
    u'job_action': {
        u'action': u'backup',
        u'backup_name': u'workday_backup_of_my_work_stuff',
        u'container': u'my_backups',
        u'max_level': u'4',
        u'path_to_backup': u'/home/me/work_stuff',
    u'job_schedule': {
        u'schedule_day_of_week': u'tue,wed,thu,fri,sat',
        u'schedule_hour': u'03',
        u'schedule_minute': u'20',

5.4.2 Response

    "job_id": "685eab6e3a2744b6bce789fe7e71d6e7",
    "version": "3"

5.5 Deletes the specified job information

Method URI Description
DELETE /v1/jobs/{jobs_id} Deletes the specified job information

5.5.1 Request

This operation does not accept a body

5.5.2 Response

This operation does not return a body

5.6 Updates part of the document

Method URI Description
PATCH /v1/jobs/{jobs_id} Updates part of the document

5.6.1 Request

            "event": "start"

5.6.2 Response

    "job_id": "923b9d436bca41d79007fe14bd103ed1",
    "version": 3