This patch adds the team's and repository's badges to the README file. The motivation behind this is to communicate the project status and features at first glance. For more information about this effort, please read this email thread: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-October/105562.html To see an example of how this would look like check: b'https://gist.github.com/4a8ad15ddfaa5b69340b71dd93cd1762\n' Change-Id: Ib44369443cc7a887c359a69bea0a4971a9ef4abf
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Team and repository tags
Freezer - Horizon Dashboard
freezer-web-ui is a horizon plugin based in django aimed at providing an interaction with freezer
- Release management: https://launchpad.net/freezer
- Blueprints and feature specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/freezer
- Issue tracking: https://bugs.launchpad.net/freezer
Freezer Freezer Dashboard requires a freezer API client to be installed in the same environment as horizon:
git clone https://github.com/openstack/freezer
cd freezer
python setup.py install (is important that freezer is installed from source and not with pip and
is installed on horizon virtual environment)
Freezer Dashboard requires a freezer API endpoint which you can install following this steps:
API registration
Register freezer api endpoint:
If keystone service-create and endpoint-create are not available you can set as a fallback the following on:
# vim /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py
# add FREEZER_API_URL = http://<api_url>:<port>
Dev Installation
In the installation procedure we'll assume your main Horizon dashboard directory is /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/dashboards/.
To install freezer dashboard for development you need to do the following:
# git clone https://github.com/openstack/freezer-web-ui
# cd freezer-web-ui
# cp freezer-web-ui/disaster_recovery/enabled/_5050_freezer.py /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/enabled/_5050_freezer.py
# to disable the panel just copy the following file
# cp freezer-web-ui/disaster_recovery/enabled/_7050_freezer.py /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/enabled/_7050_freezer.py
# cd /opt/stack/horizon/
# pip install -r requirements.txt
# make sure freezer is installed from source as detailed in the first step
# ./run_tests.sh --runserver
Production Installation
To deploy freezer dashboard in production you need to do the following:
# git clone https://github.com/openstack/freezer-web-ui
# cd freezer-web-ui
# cp freezer-web-ui/disaster_recovery/enabled/_5050_freezer.py /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/enabled/_5050_freezer.py
# to disable the panel just copy the following file
# cp freezer-web-ui/disaster_recovery/enabled/_7050_freezer.py /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/enabled/_7050_freezer.py
# make sure freezer is installed from source as detailed in the first step
# restart apache2 service
A new tab called "Disaster Recovery" will appear on your panels.
Run tox:
tox -v
Development under proxy
If you are developing or deploying under proxies remember to set no_proxies for:
freezer-api endpoint
keystone endpoint