Dao Cong Tien 401256a6e5 Adds doc8 check to pep8
This patch adds doc8 check for .rst files to pep8.
Files that fail doc8 check are also fixed.

Ignores D000, D001 of doc8 check. This requires lot of changes
and should be done in a separated patch.

Change-Id: I7d021e6fee3e12feff7c219e09c545da5274c354
2018-07-12 20:13:25 +07:00

1.3 KiB

Backup/Restore and DR service overview

The Backup/Restore and DR service provides an easy way to backup and restore

your OpenStack workloads to different storage.

The Backup and restore service consists of the following components:
  • freezer-api
  • freezer-agent
  • freezer-scheduler
The Disaster Recovery service consists of the following components:
  • freezer-dr

The service features a RESTful API, which can be used to maintain the status of your jobs, backups and metadata.

This chapter assumes a working setup of OpenStack following the base Installation Guide.

Concepts and definitions

freezer-api service

Accepts and responds to end user API calls...

freezer-scheduler service

Does API calls to freezer-api to schedule, fetch, update or Delete backup jobs.

freezer-agent service

Python application run on the same node like freezer-scheduler and it gets called by freezer-scheduler to execute backups/restore operations.

freezer-dr service

Independent service from all other freezer services. It runs on the control plane to do disaster recovery in case of any compute node failed (more to follow)

hostname is _probably going to be the host fqdn.

backup_id defined as UUID of a backup.