The freezer scheduler is to be executed as daemon process on the client machines It has the following responsibilities: * when using the api: - register -if necessary- as a client in the api - download the list of jobs from the api - schedule the jobs for execution - launch the freezer client at the scheduled time - collect metadata and exit codes and upload them to the api - periodically poll the api for new/updated jobs - if a job is part of a session (a coordinated group of jobs) it updates the session status when job starts/stops * when not using the api - load jobs configurations from files - schedule the jobs for execution - launch the freezer client at the scheduled time The freezer scheduler can also be used to manage jobs and sessions using the following positional parameters: job-list job-get job-create job-delete job-start job-stop session-list session-get session-create session-delete session-list-job session-add-job session-remove-job or to register the client in the api using the positional parameter: register Implements blueprint: freezer-scheduler-start Change-Id: I06ae202a0f464f7240c137744a5b54d1177cabd9
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# Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
import unittest
from mock import Mock, patch
from freezer.scheduler import arguments
class TestOpenstackOptions(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.args = Mock()
self.args.os_username = 'janedoe'
self.args.os_tenant_name = 'hertenant'
self.args.os_auth_url = 'herauthurl'
self.args.os_password = 'herpassword'
self.args.os_tenant_id = 'hertenantid'
self.args.os_region_name = 'herregion'
self.args.os_endpoint = 'herpublicurl'
self.empty_args = Mock()
self.empty_args.os_username = ''
self.empty_args.os_tenant_name = ''
self.empty_args.os_auth_url = ''
self.empty_args.os_password = ''
self.empty_args.os_tenant_id = ''
self.empty_args.os_region_name = ''
self.empty_args.os_endpoint = ''
self.env_dict = {
'OS_USERNAME': 'johndoe',
'OS_TENANT_NAME': 'histenant',
'OS_AUTH_URL': 'hisauthurl',
'OS_PASSWORD': 'hispassword',
'OS_TENANT_ID': 'histenantid',
'OS_REGION_NAME': 'hisregion',
'OS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT': 'hispublicurl'
def test_create_with_args_and_env(self):
os = arguments.OpenstackOptions(self.args, self.env_dict)
self.assertIsInstance(os, arguments.OpenstackOptions)
def test_create_with_empty_args_and_empty_env(self):
os = arguments.OpenstackOptions(self.empty_args, self.env_dict)
self.assertIsInstance(os, arguments.OpenstackOptions)
def test_create_with_args_and_empty_env(self):
os = arguments.OpenstackOptions(self.args, {})
self.assertIsInstance(os, arguments.OpenstackOptions)
def test_create_raises_Exception_when_missing_username(self):
self.args.os_username = ''
self.assertRaises(Exception, arguments.OpenstackOptions, self.args, {})
def test_create_raises_Exception_when_missing_p(self):
self.args.os_password = ''
self.assertRaises(Exception, arguments.OpenstackOptions, self.args, {})
def test_create_raises_Exception_when_missing_parameter(self):
self.args.os_username = ''
self.assertRaises(Exception, arguments.OpenstackOptions, self.args, {})
def test_str(self):
os = arguments.OpenstackOptions(self.args, self.env_dict)
s = str(os)
self.assertIsInstance(s, str)
class TestGetArgs(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_args_calls_add_argument(self, mock_ArgumentParser):
mock_arg_parser = Mock()
mock_ArgumentParser.return_value = mock_arg_parser
retval = arguments.get_args(['alpha', 'bravo'])
call_count = mock_arg_parser.add_argument.call_count
self.assertGreater(call_count, 15)