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Where can I find the Fuel Plugin Builder source code?

You can find the source code for Fuel Plugin Builder and basic plugin examples in the fuel-plugins repository.

Are there any plugin examples?

The basic plugin examples are in the fuel-plugins repository.

For the existing plugins with open source code, see the section existing-plugins.

I need to provide some external packages within my plugin, but I do not want to place them in the plugin repository. Is there any other way?

Use the pre_build_hook script to download packages in the required directories:

set -eux

ROOT="$(dirname `readlink -f $0`)"

wget -P "${RPM_REPO}" http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/fuel-plugins/\
wget -P "${DEB_REPO}" http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/fuel-plugins/\

In this example, the hook downloads two packages to the plugin's directories before Fuel Plugin Builder starts the build process.

What is the user context that the Fuel plugin hooks are invoked in: root or fuel user?

Fuel executes the plugin hooks under the root user.

Are there role-naming conventions for plugins?

There are no strict requirements for naming plugin roles. We recommend using a role name that contains the name of your product and unequivocally associates with the plugin.

The large installer file stays a deployed node in ``/etc/fuel/plugins/...`` after the deployment completes. Should we remove it after a successful deployment on a node to save space?

We recommend providing any product specific files as packages that are put in the repositories on the Fuel master nodes. The other option is to download the files from external sources at the time of the deployment.

With downloading the files from external sources, you can update the product specific packages without updating the plugin itself. The files copied to /etc/fuel/plugins are synced to the target nodes anew when the deployment starts; this includes the cases when we only start a subset of tasks by hand. This might be non-optimal to store the files in external source and delete the files in plugin code.

I don't see a way to add just my one new role for a plugin to an already-deployed BASE_OS machine.

Plugins are not expected to use the BASE-OS role.The BASE_OS role is not intended to be combined with other roles. This role should be used when you want to install just an operating system and do the rest of the work manually. The Fuel plugin should either define its own roles or add tasks to already existed roles. The operating system is installed automatically when the plugin defines its own roles.