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Set up a local repository

Fuel downloads the OpenStack and operating system packages from the predefined repositories on the Fuel Master node. If your Fuel Master node does not have an Internet connection, you must configure a local repository mirror with the required packages and configure Fuel to use this repository. This configuration is done using the fuel-mirror script.


The fuel-createmirror script is deprecated. Use fuel-mirror instead.

To set up a local repository using the Fuel CLI:

  1. Log in to the Fuel Master node CLI.

  2. Create a new local mirror on the Fuel Master node:

    fuel-mirror create -P PROFILE_NAME -G GROUP

    where PROFILE_NAME is the name of one of the files without the .yaml extension that are provided by the fuel-mirror package (/usr/share/fuel-mirror/*.yaml).


    fuel-mirror create -P ubuntu -G ubuntu
  3. Apply the local mirror to an environment:

    fuel-mirror apply -P PROFILE_NAME -G GROUP

    You can add the following flags to the fuel-mirror apply command:

    • --default - to use the new local repository for new environments by default.
    • --replace - to use the new local repository instead of the current ones. Otherwise, the new local repository is merged with the existing ones. And the current repositories will be overwritten if their names match the names of the new local repositories.

    For example, to use only the new local repositories by default, run:

    fuel-mirror apply -G ubuntu -I /usr/share/fuel-mirror/ubuntu.yaml --replace --default
    fuel-mirror apply -G mos -I /usr/share/fuel-mirror/ubuntu.yaml --default
  4. Verify that the repository URL is successfully changed using the fuel2 release repos list command.


If you changed the default Fuel root password, add the --fuel-password YOUR_PASSWORD flag to the script command.

About the fuel-mirror script

The fuel-mirror script provided with the fuel-mirror package enables you to modify the Fuel repository sources through the Fuel CLI.

  • To view help information, type fuel-mirror -h.

  • The script supports running behind an HTTP or HTTPS proxy. The following environment variable can be set either system-wide (through ~/.bashrc) or in the script configuration file:
