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Add plugin settings to the Fuel web UI

You can add your plugin settings to the Fuel web UI.

To add plugin settings to the Fuel web UI

To place plugin specific settings to the Fuel web UI on the Settings tab, you must edit the environment_config.yaml file.

An automatically generated plugin contains only one example text field setting in the group Other:

  # Settings group can be one of "general", "security", "compute",
  # "storage", "logging", "openstack_services" and "other".
  group: 'other'
  value: 'Set default value'
  label: 'Text field'
  description: 'Description for text field'
  weight: 25
  type: "text"

Change the file to include more UI elements definitions:


# Text field
  type: "text"
  weight: 10
  value: "default value"
  label: "Text field label"
  description: "Field description"
    source: '\S'
    error: "Error field cannot be empty"

# Select
  type: "select"
  weight: 20
  value: "value2"
  label: "Select label"
  description: "Select description"
    - data: "value1"
      label: "Value 1 label"
    - data: "value2"
      label: "Value 2 label"
    - data: "value3"
      label: "Value 3 label"

# Checkbox
  type: "checkbox"
  weight: 30
  value: true
  label: "Checkbox label"
  description: "Checkbox description"

# Radio button
  type: "radio"
  weight: 40
  value: "data1"
  label: "Radio buttons label"
    - data: "data1"
      label: "Label data1"
      description: "Description data1"
    - data: "data2"
      label: "Label data2"
      description: "Description data2"
    - data: "data3"
      label: "Label data3"
      description: "Description data3"

# Multiple sigle line text inputs - since Fuel 9.0
  value: ['text1','text2']
  label: 'Multiple Text field'
  description: 'Description for text field'
  weight: 25
  type: "text_list"
  min: 1
  max: 5

# Multiple multiline text inputs - since Fuel 9.0
  value: ['textarea1']
  label: 'Multiple text area field'
  description: 'Description for textarea field'
  weight: 25
  type: "textarea_list"
  min: 1
  max: 2


There is no group for plugin settings in this example, so the settings for the plugin are under the default group Other in the Settings tab of the Fuel web UI. You can specify one of the values general, security, compute, network, storage, logging, openstack_services, other as the group to place plugin settings in. All of the groups with the exception of network will be placed in the Settings tab, settings in the network group will be put in the Networks tab. Currently it is not possible to spread the settings for one plugin between multiple groups.

Debug the Fuel web UI settings

Changes in environment_config.yaml affect only the environments which you create after the changes, even if you use fuel plugins --sync. The Nailgun database stores each piece of the environment settings at the time of the environment creation. During this time the synchronisation process does not update the settings.

To debug the Fuel web UI settings, use one of the following approaches:

  • Create a new environment after changing the settings definition. This might be tedious, but you can speed up the process by using the command like this from Fuel CLI:

    # fuel env create --name settings-test --rel 2 ; read -p 'Press \
    any key to delete test env...' key;  fuel env --delete --env \
    `fuel env | grep settings-test | cut -d\| -f1`
    Environment 'test2' with id=20 was created!
    Press any key to delete test env...
    Environment with id=20 was deleted

    This command creates an environment with the name `settings-test, waits while you press any key, then deletes it. Unfortunately, you cannot just reload the web page with the UI settings after using this command, as the URL contains the environment ID, which is new for each created environment.

  • Download the settings for the existing environment with the command fuel --env <env-id> settings --download, find your settings by searching for the substring with the name of your plugin in the downloaded file -- named settings_<env-id>.yaml -- and then upload the file back with the command fuel --env <env-id> settings --upload. The plugin must be enabled in the environment for this method to work.

Ensure that your browser does not use a stale page cache. In many browsers you can use the shortcut SHIFT-F5 (CMD-R in Mac OS) to reload the page skipping browser's cache.


This is also true for minor version updates. If the new minor version has new UI settings, they will not be present on the Settings tab for an existing environment after the update. This is crucial for hot-pluggable plugins, as they should work on the already deployed environments. To resolve this, do the following:

  1. Create a new environment with the new version of the plugin.
  2. Download the new plugin's UI settings and the settings for the environment that you update.
  3. Copy the downloaded settings of the plugin to the existing environment and upload edited settings back to the existing environment.


This is always a good idea to ensure that your browser bypasses cache before trying to debug issues with the Fuel web UI.

Before the deployment starts, Astute uploads all settings to the /etc/astute.yaml file on each of the target nodes. This file contains the section for the plugin:

 fuel_plugin_name_checkbox: true
 fuel_plugin_name_radio: data1
 fuel_plugin_name_select: value2
 fuel_plugin_name_text: default value
  always_editable: false
  class: plugin
  enabled: true
  label: Title for fuel-plugin-example plugin
  plugin_id: 1
  plugin_version: 1.0.0
  toggleable: true
  weight: 70

The metadata fields, which are not defined explicitly in environment_config.yaml, receive default values, while each of the UI elements sets a corresponding parameter in astute.yaml.

One of the core tasks named hiera configures hiera so that astute.yaml becomes one of the sources of information for it. Using hiera to get the values for the settings as opposed to manual parsing of astute.yaml is strongly recommended.

Examples of hiera lookups:


STR=$(hiera “str”)
HASH=$(hiera -h “hash_name”)
ARRAY=$(hiera -a “array_name”)


$str = hiera(str, )
$arr = hiera_array(arr_name, [])
$hash = hiera_hash(hash_name, {})


#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'hiera'
ENV['LANG'] = 'C'
hiera = Hiera.new(:config => '/etc/hiera.yaml')
glanced = hiera.lookup 'glance', {} , {}, nil, :hash
nodes_array = hiera.lookup 'nodes', [], {}, nil, :array

Use hiera <plugin name> to verify all of the plugin settings from the shell prompt on a target node:

# hiera fuel-plugin-example
 "fuel_plugin_name_text"=>"default value 1",
   "label"=>"Title for fuel-plugin-example plugin",

Use the plugin settings to generalize the iotop task, so it will install the packages from the list specified in the UI settings. Currently it is not possible to dynamically add settings to the Fuel web UI, so use the textarea field, which contains the names of the packages that you want to install on the target node, one per line.


You can dynamically add setting starting with Fuel 9.0. See the blueprint.



  description: Field description
  label: Text field label
  type: textarea
  value: default value

Update the Puppet manifest, so it will install all the packages in the variable fuel_plugin_example_packages, which it will get from hiera:


notice('MODULAR: fuel-plugin-example/iotop')

$fuel_plugin_example = hiera(fuel-plugin-example, {})
$packages = split($fuel_plugin_example['fuel_plugin_
example_packages'], '\n')

package { $packages:
  ensure => 'installed',


If you do not want to provide Fuel web UI settings for your plugin, except for the Enable plugin checkbox, you still need to fill the environment_config.yaml with metadata for that checkbox.