Vladimir Kozhukalov 2fb6856aa5 moved iso2 to iso
2012-06-26 17:55:00 +04:00

109 lines
3.9 KiB

How to run Nailgun app from fixtures
Remove old DB:
`cd nailgun`
`rm -f nailgun.sqlite`
Sync DB:
`./manage.py syncdb --noinput`
Load data from fixtures:
`./manage.py loaddata sample_environment`
Run application:
`./manage.py runserver`
Access Web UI at http://localhost:8000/
Deploying virtual environment
**Using vagrant:**
**Note:** uncomment *config.vm.forward_port 8000, 8000* in Vagrantfile for working with django webui.
For VM deployment run:
`vagrant up`
The working directory is /vagrant.
**W/O vagrant:**
**Installing chef** ([source](http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Installing+Chef+Server+on+Debian+or+Ubuntu+using+Packages "Opscode Wiki")):
``~$ echo "deb http://apt.opscode.com/ `lsb_release -cs`-0.10 main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opscode.list ``
``~$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d``
``~$ gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 83EF826A``
``~$ gpg --export packages@opscode.com | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/opscode-keyring.gpg > /dev/null ``
``~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install opscode-keyring ``
``~$ sudo apt-get install chef``
**Installing dependencies**
``~$ cd scripts/ci && chef-solo -l debug -c solo.rb -j solo.json ``
Testing script is *nailgun/run_tests.sh*
Test cases:
- nailgun/nailgun/tests/test_handlers.py
- nailgun/nailgun/tests/test_models.py
Makefile - the global product makefile
Vagrantfile - for the vagrant dev vm
create_release - upload a release json file to nailgun (see e.g. scripts/ci/sample-release.json)
deploy - invoked on a node to deploy; downloads and executes recipes
install_cookbook - uploads cookbooks to nailgun admin API
bootstrap/ - creating a bootstrap image (aka crowbar sledgehammer) for nodes (initrd, configuration files, packages etc) It needed to be refactored to use clear make without calling additional shell scripts.
cookbooks/ - chef cookbooks to be used by nodes.
agent/ - node agent. Sends ohai data to admin node.
nailgun/ - nailgun server (not slave node!)
others obvious
devops/ - Mirantis CI framework, used by integration tests (./test/integration/). Installed on the master, not slave.
iso/ - creating a main iso to install admin node (isobuild.sh is obsolete, but it is still convenient to use it from time to time to look how some things work), bootstrap images is included into main iso [TODO How does it differ from bootstrap/ and bootstrap2/ ?]
nailgun/ - server
manage.py, run_tests.sh - django standard
monitor.py - restart server when django conf files change
nailgun/ - django app
apps: nailgun.api at api/, nailgun.webui (fully static) at /
models: recipe, role, release, node, cluster
tasks.py - django-celery tasks submitted from api/handlers.py: deploy cluster [sub: deploy node]
MOST IMPORTANT TASK: deploy_cluster
Create databags for nodes
Provision node with Cobbler - currently does nothing (?)
ssh node and call /opt/nailgun/bin/deploy
api/ - nailgun.api django app; JSON API
main entities in REST API: task, recipe/release/role, node, cluster
agent/ - unfinished?
ci/ - scripts for CI [run on Jenkins? Unfinished?]; looks like scripts check that we can control which cookbooks are installed on nodes.
test/ - integration tests [TODO figure out more]
vagrant/ - cookbooks for use by the vagrant vm
requirements-deb.txt - debian packages needed on nailgun server
requirements.txt - here was the list of python eggs installed via pip, it was moved into cookbooks/nailgun/recipes/deps.rb, but we are not absolutely sure that this file will not be needed in the future
rules.mk - it is just some make macroses