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Deployment task execution history in Fuel UI


Show deployment execution graphs for all cluster deployments in Fuel UI. This would allow End User to perform maintenance of a cluster with an ability to do troubleshooting and audit of things happening to the cluster.

Problem description

Currently, it is almost impossible for Fuel UI user to see and understand details of the deployment execution processes happened to cluster. User has no information about running processes on nodes during deployment, tasks sequence and their statuses, just a final result of successful or failed environment deployment. It makes maintenance and troubleshooting of a cluster via Fuel UI difficult and time-consuming.

This change proposes to show all the information about particular deployments for each particular cluster and its nodes.

Proposed changes

Web UI

  1. Deployment progress bar on a cluster Dashboard should be clickable if 'deployment' task is running in the cluster. By clicking on it a graph with the deployment data should appear.
  2. Cluster page should be extended with the new 'History' tab that contains 'Deployment History' section with data of finished cluster deployments. User should be able to choose a particular deployment on the tab (deployments are referred to by their id and time_start attributes) and get the process details and see graphs for all the deployed nodes.

Deployment should be represented as a graph where x-axis is a timeline and y-axis indicates cluster nodes. Each node section contains a sequence of deployment tasks related to the node. An additional section shows tasks executed on the master node. Node sections are grouped by node roles.

Each bar on the graph corresponds to particular deployment task. Being hovered it pops over the following info about the task:

  • start time
  • end time
  • status (failed tasks should have a special layout)

Task bar should be clickable and display a popover with the following task data:

  • name
  • node ID
  • node name (user-assigned name during the deployment)
  • node roles
  • start time
  • end time
  • status
  • message (actual for failed tasks with 'error' status)

Timeline should support zooming for better UX.

Tasks in 'skipped' status should not be reflected on the timeline, as they do not participate in deployment. The same for tasks in 'pending' status. They are not shown on the timeline because they are not started yet.

Deployment timeline should have a control to switch to table representation. It is a table that displays a list of deployment tasks and it is divided into sections. Each section includes tasks executed on nodes of specific roles and has an appropriate role combination as a title.

Deployment table has the following columns:

  • task name
  • node ID
  • node name (user-assigned name during the deployment)
  • task status
  • start time
  • end time
  • details (link to a full list of the task properties)

The list of tasks in the table should be sorted by node ID, then by start time attribute.

Link in the 'Details' column should open a pop-up with all the task attributes listed.

All tasks, including skipped and pending, should be shown in a table view.

Deployment tasks table should support filtering by:

  • task name
  • node (the filter options are node name and ID pairs)
  • node role
  • task status

These filters should support multiple values selection (user may want to see tasks for several nodes or with a specific set of statuses). Filters panel should have 'Reset' button to reset applied filters.

When switching to deployment table view on the Dashboard, tasks in the table should be filtered by 'ready', 'running' and 'error' statuses by default.

History of a particular cluster deployment comes from GET /api/transactions/<deployment_id>/deployment_history/ response. The response is a list of deployment tasks in the following format (only attributes used in Fuel UI are described):

  "task_name": "upload_configuration",
  "node_id": "6",
  "node_roles": ["compute", "cinder"],
  "node_name": "Node X",
  "status": "running",
  "time_start": "2016-06-24T06:37:51.735185",
  "time_end": null,
  "message": "",


  • task_name - name of a deployment task
  • node_id - id of node where a task was executed OR 'master' string if a task was executed on the master node
  • node_roles - list of the deployed node roles (an empty list in case of master node)
  • node_name - name that the node had at the moment of the deployment start (should be 'Master Node' in case of the master node)
  • status - status of a task and has one of the following values: 'pending', 'ready', 'running', 'error', or 'skipped'
  • time_start - timestamp when a task was started (Null if a task is not started yet)
  • time_end - timestamp when a task was finished (Null if a task is not started or not finished yet)
  • message - text message that the finished task returns

node_id attribute can be set to 'null' or '-'. Null value means that the task represents synchronization process on nodes and refers to Virtual Sync Node. '-' value means that the task was not executed on any node. Fuel UI should not display such tasks on timeline or in deployment table, tasks related to cluster nodes or the master node should be shown only.

Ids of all cluster deployments come from the response of GET /api/transactions?cluster_id=<cluster_id>&tasks_names=deployment API call.

GET /api/transactions/?cluster_id=<cluster_id>&tasks_names=deployment& statuses=running API call should be used on the cluster Dashboard to get id of the running deployment.


Data model

  1. Model of a cluster deployment (named 'transaction') should be extended with time_start attribute, that will be used in Fuel UI to distinguish cluster deployments.
  2. Model of a deployment task from a deployment history should be extended with node_name and 'node_roles' attributes.
  3. The content of custom attribute of a deployment task should be merged with root and task should not contain the custom property.


  1. Need to add filtering of results by task names or/and statuses for GET /api/transactions/ method. The following API calls should be supported:
    • GET /api/transactions/?cluster_id=<cluster_id>&tasks_names=deployment
    • GET /api/transactions/?cluster_id=<cluster_id>&tasks_names=deployment& statuses=running


RPC Protocol

No changes required.

Fuel Client



No changes required.

Fuel Library

No changes required.



Upgrade impact

Migration should be prepared according to the changes in data models.

Security impact


Notifications impact


End user impact

Ability to easier troubleshoot and perform maintenance of a cluster.

Performance impact


Deployment impact


Developer impact


Infrastructure impact


Documentation impact

Fuel UI user guide should be updated to include information about the feature.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:

bdudko (visual design) bgaifullin, ikutukov, dguryanov (Nailgun)

Mandatory design review:

vkramskikh ashtokolov

Work Items

  • Display a deployment graph of a current deployment on the Dashboard tab.
  • Display history graphs of all finished cluster deployments in a new History tab.
  • Support both display modes for deployment information: a timeline graph and table view.
  • Add filters toolbar for table representation of deployment history.



Testing, QA

  • Manual testing.
  • UI functional tests should cover the changes.

Acceptance criteria

Fuel UI user should be able to run several deployments for a cluster and see the deployment tasks history in the cluster page, including real-time information about a current deployment.
