Ryan Moe f67f91681a Blueprint: multiple-cluster-networks
Change-Id: I2a12ecb805b7dcda7070e25d81494255a44af83b
2014-10-09 11:29:57 -07:00

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Multiple L2 networks


Problem description

Currently Fuel only supports one set of networks (admin, public, management, storage) for each cluster. The consequence of this is that a cluster will be a single L2 domain. Forcing the use of a single L2 domain presents scalability problems. Any time a large number of nodes is to be deployed it is important to split the nodes into separate L2 domains to avoid broadcast storms.

Proposed change

Fuel will need to be extended in the following ways:

  1. We will introduce the concept of a node group to Nailgun. Node groups will be an arbitrary grouping of nodes in the current cluster.
    1. Networks will be associated with node groups instead of clusters.
    2. Nodes will associate automatically with Node groups if the Node's discovered address is from a Node Group's fuelweb_admin network
    3. A Node group will associate with a cluster when a node is added to it
    4. A node will serialize its network information based on its relationship to networks in its Node Group
    5. A node must be associated with a Node Group or it is de facto in an error state (as we cant serialize any network data for it)
  2. Deployed nodes will need to have routes to all other nodes and their networks.
  3. Fuel DHCP discovery networks will be managed by adding or removing fuelweb_admin NetworkGroups to NodeGroups
  4. New constraints when deploying a cluster with multiple Node Groups
    1. all controllers should be a member of the same Node Group (while controllers can technically be in separate Node Groups, this is not practical because this breaks the haproxy vip from working)
    2. can only deploy using a network manager that is configured with a tunneling protocol (like Neutron GRE)


Leave it as-is. This will limit our ability to deploy large-scale environments.

Data model impact

Networks are currently tied to a cluster. In order to support multiple networks per cluster we will add the concept of a node group. Networks will be attached to a node group, nodes will be assigned to a node group, and node groups will belong to a cluster.

The network_groups table will need to allow a display name for each network and the current name column will be changed to 'type'. The current names are used explicitly when validating and serializing the network configuration. Keeping them as a “network type” (which is what they really are) will allow validation and serialization to continue functioning while allowing the user to specify meaningful names.

Network groups will no longer be tied to a cluster, but to a node group instead.

A new table, node_groups will be created. Each node and network will reference one of these groups.

REST API impact

The network configuration handler will be modified to allow per-node group network configuration. If a node group is not specified then the cluster's default group will be used.

We will add a new API handler for creating, updating and deleting node groups. The node API handler will be updated to allow the assignment of nodes to a node group. Upon creation of a node group a set of networks will be generated the way we do for clusters currently.

Security impact


Notifications impact

Nodes can be assigned to a group automatically based on which admin network it recieves an address from. The user can be notified in the UI of this auto-association.

Other end user impact

Network verification as it stands now will not work with multiple L2 domains. More research will be needed to determine how easily it can be made to support that.

Performance Impact

Performance of nailgun should not be impacted.

Other deployer impact

A separate DHCP range will need to be configured for each admin network. The correct dnsmasq configurations can be generated automatically by nailgun.

Dnsmasq supports a config directive to include config files from a directory. Upon creation of an admin network Nailgun can create a file with the approriate DHCP configuration.

Developer impact


Upgrade impact

Schema and data migrations will be provided to support previously created environments.



Primary assignee:

Ryan Moe (rmoe@mirantis.com)

Work Items

  • Modify database models and create migrations for old environments
  • Add API handlers for configuring node groups
  • Add support to Fuel CLI for managing node groups
  • Update Puppet manifests to configure the required routes




We will need to improve devops to support emulating multiple L2 domains so that systems tests can be run using this topology.

Testing for non-multiple cluster networks will continue to function as it currently does. No modifications to the current process are necessary to test a single cluster network deployment. For multiple cluster network deployments the testing is outlined below.

Manual testing

Manual testing can be accomplished by the following steps: #. Spin up two environments with devops and fuel-main:

# All networks must be routed. Isolated networks (default for management and
storage networks) will not work.
export FORWARD_DEFAULT=route
export ADMIN_FORWARD=nat
export ENV_NAME=alpha
nosetests fuelweb_test.tests.base_test_case:SetupEnvironment.setup_master
export ENV_NAME=beta
nosetests fuelweb_test.tests.base_test_case:SetupEnvironment.setup_master
# You don't need to let beta install the fuel master node

#. Kill the default dnsmasq and the one for beta (Specifing no DHCP to the nosetests or network in devops will still not allow dhcp-helper / dhcrelay to function. A dnsmasq instance is created by libvirt for every network regardless):

ps axu | awk '/dnsmasq\/beta_admin.conf/{system("kill "$2)} \
  /dnsmasq\/default.conf/{system("kill "$2)}'

#. Start a dhcp-helper or dhcrelay (Update -S to match the IP of the alpha-admin, Update -i to include the virtual interface of the beta_admin network):

dhcp-helper -s -i virbr6
  1. Add DHCP network to cobbler as below.
  2. bootstrap nodes in alpha, and beta, both sets of nodes should discover.
  3. Add a second NetworkNodeGroup to the fuel node.


For each fuelweb_admin network you will additionally need to add DHCP networks into /etc/cobbler/dnsmasq.template (in future revisions this will be handled automatically).:


the alpha is the name of the network in dnsmasq, this must be unique in the dnsmasq config.

The second line, dhcp-option router should be the that segments network.

The third line, dhcp-boot boothost should point to the fuel server.

DHCP requests can be forwarded to the fuel server either by the network switch via dhcp-helper (bootp) or via a relay client such as dhclient or dhcp-helper

Automated Testing

Improvements will need to be made into devops so that it can run the steps for the manual process. Work will also need to be done so that the cobbler dnsmasq can be automatically updated when a new fuel-admin network is created.

Documentation Impact

The concept of node groups and how networks are assigned to nodes will need to be documented.

The planning guide will be updated with an overview of the network layout required for this feature.

