Alexander Kislitsky 78e32a52c9 Keystone user info added to specification
Keystone user info added to specification.
CSV export urls mapping added.
Filtering CSV data by dates added.
Volume attachment schema specified.
Host removed from volume schema.

Change-Id: If02770cd64388ca163c9515e252dcd58a67291e1
2015-04-06 13:52:04 +03:00

8.5 KiB
Raw Blame History

Collecting OpenStack Workload statistics


We want to know how customers are using OpenStack, figure out behaviour templates of customers.

Problem description

We should collect OpenStack Workload (OSWL) statistics from the installed environments, gather it and analyse. We should get not only the state of the cloud/environments but also the way they change. For example we should register adding, removing, modification of Virtual Machines, Images, Volumes, etc.

We shouldnt collect any private customer info, like image names, volume names, IP addresses, user names, passwords, authentication and authorization keys.

We should be able to extract and analyse collected info.

Proposed change

OSWLs is split by the resource type:

  • Virtual Machines
  • Flavors
  • Volumes
  • Images
  • Tenants

For collecting OSWLs, we should introduce fetchers for getting statistics from the installed environment. Each fetcher gathers statistics for the specified resource type. The statistics is saved into Nailgun DB. Collected statistics is transmitted to the statistics collector only if sending of statistics is enabled. OSWLs older than 2 weeks will be removed from the Nailgun DB.

Fuel-stats servers perform receiving, saving and export to CSV of OSWLs.

Table 'oswl_stats' in the 'collector' database is used as OSWLs storage. Fields of 'oswl_stats' are:

  • id - identifier

  • cluster_id - id of cluster object in the Naligun DD

  • created_date - date of creation row in table

  • resource_type - type of resource (vm, flavor, e.t.c)

  • resource_data - JSON field for saving resource content:

    • current - list of current resources data
    • added - dict of added resources ids
    • modified - dict of modified resources ids
    • removed - dict of removed resources data
  • resource_checksum - checksum of resource_data['current']

  • is_sent - is info sent to collector or not

Strategy of saving OSWLs into Nailgun DB

  • for each environment (cluster_id) and resource type we have single row per day

  • on each fetch info from OpenStack we check if the resource is added, removed or modified:

    • in case of adding, resource details are stored into JSON field resource_data['current'] and resource uid is added to resource_data['added'] with time of adding
    • in case of deletion, resource should be moved from resource_data['current'] to resource_data['removed'] with time of removal
    • in case of modification, new resource will be saved into the resource_data['current'], only diff of modified and old data, resource uid and modification time will be added into resource_data['modified']
    • resource_checksum - checksum of the serialized resource_data['current']
    • resource_checksum is changed on resource_data['current'] modification
    • if resource_checksum for cluster_id, resource_type is not changed at the next day - new row is not added into DB table.

Set of collected data

Resource Data Sync interval
{"id": "dff5", "ram": 512, "vcpus": 1,

"swap": 128, "ephemeral": 0, "disk": 1}

15 min
Virtual Machine
{"id": '95f', "hostId": "6d5", "status": "ACT",

"flavor_id": "f4e", "image_id": "95c", "power_state": 1, "tenant_id": "ef7", "created_at": '2015-01-14T13:22:35Z'}

15 min
{"id": "2de", "minDisk": 2, "minRam": 64,

"size": 13, "created": '2015-01-14T12:53:50Z', "updated": '2015-01-14T12:53:52Z'}

15 min
{"id": "de3", "availability_zone": "nova",

"encrypted_flag": False, "bootable_flag": True, "status": "st", "volume_type": "t", "size": 1, "tenant_id": "fe63", "snapshot_id": "d3e" "attachments": [{"device": "b", "server_id": "084", "id": "95}]}

15 min
Tenant {"id": "ge3", "enabled_flag": True} 15 min
Keystone User
{"id": "kkt", "enabled_flag": True,

"tenant_id": "x1_dd"}

15 min



Data model impact

DB tables for storing OSWLs should be added into Nailgun and fuel-stats. New tables shouldn't affect already existing tables.

REST API impact

POST method for collecting OSWLs should be added into fuel-stats collector at /api/v1/oswl_stats address.

Input is validated by JSON schema. Normal http response codes: 200. Expected error http response code: 400 - on schema validation error.

CSV export urls mapping:

  • export OSWLs to CSV: /api/v1/csv/{resource_type},
  • export clusters info: /api/v1/csv/clusters,
  • export plugins info: /api/v1/csv/plugins,
  • export all CSVs as zip archive: /api/v1/csv/all

All CSV export urls handle filtering parameters from_date, to_date in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.

Upgrade impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

Performance Impact


  • Increases load on the Fuel Master node - OSWLs fetchers processes will be added
  • Increases sending statistics duration to collector.
  • Slightly increases DB size.


  • Increases load of fuel-stats collector.
  • Increases load of fuel-stats analytics.
  • Increases DB size.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Other contributors:

Work Items

  • Nailgun OSWLs fetchers. OSWLs should be split by resource types.
  • Saving OSWLs to the DB. Saving should be efficient in terms of disk space.
  • Sending OSWLs to the fuel-stats collector. Sending should send only new or modified records.
  • Saving OSWLs at fuel-stats collector side.
  • Export OSWLs to the CSV.
  • Backup of fuel-stats DB.




Check items:

  • OSWLs are stored in the Nailgun DB.
  • All required OSWLs items are stored in the Nailgun DB.
  • OSWLs sent to the fuel-stats only if sending enabled.
  • OSWLs stored in the fuel-stats DB.
  • All required OSWLs items are stored in the fuel-stats DB.
  • OSWLs is exported to CSV.
  • All required OSWLs items are exported into the CSV.
  • System test for check collecting of resources, sending and saving them into collector DB will be created.

Performance testing:

  • Check Nailgun performance shouldn't affected by OSWLs processing.
  • Measure fuel-stats collector degradation after OSWLs will be introduced.
  • Measure growth of DB.

Documentation Impact

  • Nailgun part of OSWLs collecting, storing, sending.
  • Fuel-stats part of OSWLs collecting, storing, exporting.

