Julia Aranovich 9f94b695b2 Spec for node list sorters and filters
Blueprint node-list-sorters-and-filters

Change-Id: Ibd78db91186515ddf1f2a2883dd9e7b8c8032323
2015-06-26 16:26:04 +03:00

13 KiB

Node list sorters and filters in Fuel Web UI


Implement possibility to sort and filter nodes based on its properties (e.g. name, status, etc) so that user can work efficiently with large number of nodes in Fuel UI

Problem description

Now user can filter nodes just by their name or MAC address using simple text field only and no special sorters are available for node list. Nodes are automatically sorted by their id attribute that is useless for the end user.

It is rather poor UI for managing large environments. There are many use cases that are desirable to maintain in the Fuel UI. For example, an ability to filter/sort nodes by their deployment status or online state would save some time finding faulty/offline nodes in the list and performing bulk actions (like Delete) on them.

Proposed change

We should introduce a form-based panels on node list screens in UI with filtering and sorting controls based on node attributes.

If there is a predefined list of node attribute values then the filter control should be a dropdown with list of checkboxes, representing these values, with multiple choice support. If node attribute is a number, the dropdown should contain two text fields to set minimum and maximum values for the attribute. In other cases filtering is performed by a single text search field.

Filter bar has some default filters (will be described below) and new ones can be added from the list of all possible filters. Non-default filters can be deleted from the bar.

Applying the filters should be performed by click on Apply button in the filter bar.

User should also have an ability to sort node list by multiple node attributes both in forward (ascending) and reverse (descending) order. The order can be set separately for each sorter (ascending is default).

Sorting bar has default sorter (will be described below) and new ones can be added from the list of all possible sorters. Non-default sorters can be deleted from the bar.

Applying the sorting is performed immediately by adding new sorter or changing an order of the existing one.

Both sorting and filter bars should be extendable for adding custom user filters or sorters and should have Clear All button in order to help user immediately reset the selection to default and not to change each control.

Node list should include info about filtering results: amount of filtered nodes and names of applied filters with its selected values. Node list should also include info about applied sorters.

Existing grouping control in node management panel will be totally replaced by sorting functionality. Sorted node list should be grouped by the sorting parameters to provide the user a UI for effective node group selection. For example, if a node list is sorted by roles and deployment status, then there will be groups by combination of roles and status in the list.

Sorting by node name, IP or MAC address does not involve grouping because these attributes are unique for each node.

Below describes all possible filters for each of node list screens.

  • screen of environment nodes
    • ROLE filter is default filter and its values are the list of environment release roles (release model roles attribute).
    • STATUS filter is default filter and should have the following values:
      • ready - checks node status attribute
      • pending addition - checks node pending_addition attribute
      • pending deletion - checks node pending_deletion attribute
      • provisioned - checks node status attribute
      • provisioning - checks node status attribute
      • deploying - checks node status attribute
      • removing - checks node status attribute
      • error - checks node status attribute
      • offline - checks node offline attribute
    • MANUFACTURER filter values are the list of manufacturer attribute value from all nodes on the screen.
    • CPU (real) filter with ability to set number range of the real CPU amount.
    • CPU (total) filter with ability to set number range of the total CPU amount.
    • HDD total size filter with ability to set number range of node total HDD size.
    • DISKS filter with ability to set number range of node disks amount (this filter is directly used to apply batch disks configuration).
    • RAM total size filter with ability to set number range of node total memory size.
    • INTERFACES filter with ability to set number range of node interfaces amount (this filter is directly used to apply batch interfaces configuration).
  • screen of unallocated nodes
    • STATUS filter is default filter and should have the following values:
      • error - checks node status attribute
      • offline - checks node offline attribute
    • MANUFACTURER filter values are the list of manufacturer attribute value from all nodes on the screen.
    • CPU (real) filter with ability to set number range of the real CPU amount.
    • CPU (total) filter with ability to set number range of the total CPU amount.
    • HDD total size filter with ability to set number range of node total HDD size.
    • DISKS filter with ability to set number range of node disks amount (this filter is directly used to apply batch disks configuration).
    • RAM total size filter with ability to set number range of node total memory size.
    • INTERFACES filter with ability to set number range of node interfaces amount (this filter is directly used to apply batch interfaces configuration).

Both environment nodes and unallocated nodes screens also should have a simple Search nodes text field for case insensitive filtering nodes by the following attributes:

  • name - checks node name attribute
  • MAC address - checks node mac attribute
  • IP address - checks node ip attribute

Below describes all the possible sorters for each of node list screens.

  • screen of environment nodes
    • roles - default sorting. Nodes should have the same order as in environment release role list.
    • name - natural sorting by node name attribute ('123asd', '19asd', '12345asd', 'asd123', 'asd12' should turn into '19asd', '123asd', '12345asd', 'asd12', 'asd123').
    • status - preffered order for sorting of nodes is 'ready', 'pending addition', 'pending deletion', 'provisioned', 'provisioning', 'deploying', 'removing', 'error' (node 'status', 'pending_addition', 'pending_deletion' attributes are checked).
    • offline - nodes with falsy online attribute go first.
    • manufacturer - natural sorting by node manufacturer attribute.
    • IP address - natural sorting by node ip attribute.
    • MAC address - natural sorting by node mac attribute.
    • CPU (real) - numeric sorting by node real CPU amount.
    • CPU (total) - numeric sorting by node total CPU amount.
    • HDD total size - numeric sorting by node HDD total size (a sum of node disk sizes).
    • disks amount and sizes - multiple numeric sorting by amount of node disks and its sizes (this sorting is directly used to apply batch disks configuration).
    • RAM total size - numeric sorting by node total memory size.
    • interfaces - numeric sorting by amount of node interfaces (this sorting is directly used to apply batch interfaces configuration).
  • screen of unallocated nodes
    • status - default sorting. Nodes with 'error' or 'offline' status attribute go last.
    • name - natural sorting by node name attribute.
    • offline - nodes with falsy online attribute go first.
    • manufacturer - natural sorting by node manufacturer attribute.
    • IP address - natural sorting by node ip attribute.
    • MAC address - natural sorting by node mac attribute.
    • CPU (real) - numeric sorting by node real CPU amount.
    • CPU (total) - numeric sorting by node total CPU amount.
    • HDD total size - numeric sorting by node HDD total size (a sum of node disk sizes).
    • disks amount and sizes - multiple numeric sorting by amount of node disks and its sizes (this sorting is directly used to apply batch disks configuration).
    • RAM total size - numeric sorting by node total memory size.
    • interfaces - numeric sorting by amount of node interfaces (this sorting is directly used to apply batch interfaces configuration).

All the sorters above are described with the assumption of direct sorting order (ascending).

SCREEN OF ROLE MANAGEMENT should not have neither filter nor sorting bar because all nodes are always chosen on this screen and sorting by roles only does make sense on the screen.

User selection for filters and sorters is not stored neither on the backend nor in browser cookies for now. This task should be considered after UI settings can be coupled with a particular user. In this case the user will be able to keep his own UI state for every client (browser).

At the same time the selection (except the data from Search field) is automatically translated to page location string now as a simple urlencoded javascript object:


User is able to use such url for keeping some filtering and sorting state.

There are mockups for the feature:








The alternative here can be query-based language for filtering and sorting nodes, that looks like:

status = error AND role in (controller, compute) and online = true
ORDER BY name ASC, role DESC

This method is rather flexible and requires no support when adding new node properties. This feature is planned as the next iteration within node management optimization task.

Node list sorting anf filtering can also be done on server side. This way will allow not to transfer all nodes with their data each time through REST API and will increase speed and velocity of server-client interactions. This alternative is out of scope of this task because of the lack of resources and the need of preliminary refactoring of Nailgun API.

Data model impact

Existing grouping attribute of Cluster model is no longer needed.

REST API impact

Filtering and sorting support in Nailgun API is highly desirable but should be considered as a separate task. This specification is about UI changes only.

Upgrade impact

Since we have a "Data model impact" we have to prepare an Alembic migration that should update clusters to fit the new format.

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Plugin impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact


Infrastructure impact




Primary assignee:


Mandatory Design Reviewer:


Work Items

  • Fix the list of node attributes to filter with all possible values.
  • Fix the list of node attributes to sort with all possible values.
  • Implement the new filter bar for node management.
  • Implement the new sorting bar for node management.
  • Automatically update page location string with user sorting and filtering selection.




  • Filtering and sorting node list features should be covered by UI functional tests.
  • Python unit tests should be revisited because of removal of Cluster model grouping attribute.

Acceptance criteria

  • User can filter lists of nodes to show only nodes that are characterized by specified parameters.
  • User can sort nodes based on a parameter type (ascending, descending) or on multiple parameters.
  • Sorted node list is grouped by sorting parameters.
  • Filtering and sorting selections are transformed to url location string.

Documentation Impact

The documentation should cover how the end user experience has been changed.


#fuel-ui on freenode