iponomarev a2f6232f2e Node reinstallation
implements blueprint mos-node-reinstallation

Change-Id: I0fa9c39832a0e458fbb897456370872058197763
2015-06-22 14:39:35 +03:00

4.7 KiB

MOS Node Reinstallation


Node reinstallation allows fully/partially recover failed nodes using the standard fuel processes 'provision' and 'deploy'. Full reinstallation - purge all data from reinstalled node Partial reinstallation - some data can be preserved OS will be reinstalled. In case when only system should be reinstalled from scratch (partially) Partition Preservation feature should be enabled.


Problem description

Currently fuel does not fully support functioning node reinstallation. Slave nodes can't be restored after fail. Including but not limited to MongoDB failures, Galera failures, update failures, upgrade failures, etc.

Proposed change

Reinstallation feature includes multiple changes which should be implemented.

  • Partition Preservation (will be implemented separately) (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/partition-preservation).

  • Node renaming (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/node-naming).

  • MongoDB recovery in case of failure (assumed should be fixed in 7.0).

  • Swift ring sync during redeploy (assumed should be fixed in 7.0).

    Reinstallation process:

    1. Nailgun shouldn't serialize recovering controller as primary. Nailgun should always serialize recovering controller as regular controller. Same is applied for other roles that have primary one.
    2. Partition preservation manipulation should be prepared before node will be reprovisioned.
    3. The last step is provision and deploy.



Data model impact


REST API impact

API part will not change. Reinstallation process will use standard API calls - provision and deploy

API changes will be in partition preservation (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/partition-preservation).

Node renaming (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/node-naming).

Upgrade impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact

Reinstallation process using partition preservation should improve deployment stage. Swift, Mysql, Mongodb services synchronization time should be shorter. In case compute node should be reinstalled using partition preservation method VM images migration not required.


Plugin impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary Assignee

Ivan Ponomarev


Dmitriy Kruglov

Nandatory design review

Vladimir Kuklin

Work Items

  1. Nailgun shouldn't serialize recovered controller as primary Nailgun should be able reinstall slave node and using the same name to return slave node back to the cluster.


No strict dependencies


  • Manual testing and acceptance criteria:
  • It is possible to perform a full reinstallation (all data is purged) of a failed slave node to recover to previous working state
  • It is possible to perform a partial reinstallation (some data is preserved) of a failed slave node to recover to previous working state

Scenarios to automate

Reinstall single compute:

  1. Do reinstallation of the compute
  2. Run Network check
  3. Run OSTF tests set
  4. list nova services and verify that the 'nova-compute' service is enabled and is running on the reinstalled node

Reinstall single controller:

  1. Do reinstallation of the controller
  2. Run Network check
  3. Run OSTF tests set
  4. Verify that the reinstalled controller is in pacemaker cluster and has 'online' status
  5. Verify that the reinstalled controller is in rabbitmq cluster and running
  6. Verify that the reinstalled controller is in Halera cluster

Reinstallation of full cluster:

  1. Do reinstallation of whole cluster
  2. Run Network check
  3. Run OSTF tests set
  4. Verify that the reinstalled controller is in pacemaker cluster and has 'online' status
  5. Verify that the reinstalled controller is in rabbitmq cluster and running
  6. Verify that the reinstalled controller is in Halera cluster
  7. list nova services and verify that the 'nova-compute' service is enabled

Documentation Impact

Reinstallation documentation will be added to the User Guide section
